Good Laboratory Practice or GLP shall mean any and all laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and generally accepted standards and requirements regarding quality control for laboratories to ensure the consistency and reliability of results, including without limitation the CFR Title 21, national legislation implementing European Community Directive 2004/9/EC of 11 February 2004 on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practice (GLP) as amended and European Community Directive 2004/10/EC of 11 February 2004 on the harmonization of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of their applications for tests on chemical substances as amended, OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring.
Good Laboratory Practice. This study will be conducted under the guidelines of Good Laboratory Practice as promulgated by the Food and Drug Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00 XXX 00.
Good Laboratory Practice or GLP means a set of principles intended to assure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory safety studies required by the Applicable Law in the relevant jurisdiction for the purpose of registering or licensing pharmaceuticals.
Good Laboratory Practice. 5.1 Supplier shall: (a) perform the Services with the highest professional standards, in a good scientific manner, in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and all Applicable Laws, including as applicable, GLP, and (b) ensure that it has all licenses and consents required to provide the Services and otherwise conduct its business, and shall maintain and comply with all such licenses and consents.
Good Laboratory Practice. The term “Good Laboratory Practices” shall mean the then-current standards for good laboratory practices for pharmaceuticals, as set forth in the FD&C Act and applicable regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder, including the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time, or under any other Applicable Law.
Good Laboratory Practice. (GLP) The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the testing of chemicals according to GLP, being either substances or preparations, covered by the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions listed in Section I. For the purposes of this Chapter the provisions of Article 4 of this Agreement concerning origin do not apply. Unless specific definitions are given, the definition of terms in the "OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice" as revised in 1997 [ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17] based on OECD Council Decision of 12 May 1981 C(81)30(Final)] amended on 26. November 1997 [C(97) 186 FINAL], as well as Council Decision- Recommendation of 2 October 1989 [C(89)87(Final)] amended on 9 March 1995 [C(95)8(Final)] and GLP Consensus documents, OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring, and all amendments made thereto, shall apply. The Parties recognise the equivalence of each other's compliance monitoring programmes on Good Laboratory Practice that are in accordance with the OECD decisions and recommendations mentioned above and the legislative, regulatory and administrative procedures and principles listed in section IV. The Parties mutually accept studies and data generated therefrom, produced by the test facilities of the other Party provided they participate in the Good Laboratory Practice compliance monitoring programme of that Party in accordance with the principles and provisions stated above. The Parties mutually accept the conclusions of study audits and test facility inspections performed by the GLP monitoring authorities
Good Laboratory Practice. (GLP) The generation of test data related to the safety of industrial chemical and biological substances must be performed in compliance with GLP to ensure quality and reliability.
Good Laboratory Practice. 5 Section 1.28. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE..................................................5 Section 1.29. INDEMNIFIED PARTY(IES).....
Good Laboratory Practice. Good Laboratory Practice shall mean the current good laboratory practice applicable to the Development of the Product under applicable Law, to the extent such standards are not less stringent than the U.S. current good laboratory practice, including without limitation 21 C.F.R. Part 58.
Good Laboratory Practice. Section 1.28. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE ...