Laboratory Safety Sample Clauses
Laboratory Safety i. User warrants that it shall provide all necessary and appropriate safety instruction to all employees, representatives, agents and invitees entering or using the Laboratory pursuant to this Agreement. User further warrants that it shall abide by all applicable Laboratory policies. Within ten (10) days of request by NC State, User shall provide written certification of its compliance with these requirements.
ii. Processes with the potential to affect the safety of others in the vicinity of the Laboratory or adversely affect Laboratory equipment are not permitted without the express prior approval of the Laboratory manager.
iii. If User brings its own chemicals into the Laboratory, User shall provide a complete list of the chemicals to NC State no later than one (1) week prior to the first date of use. All materials provided by User shall be accompanied by the appropriate environmental and safety information for those materials as required by law. User agrees to provide to the Laboratory Manager and the NC State Department of Environmental Health and Public Safety MSDS sheets and process information for the materials and processes that User proposes for the Laboratory.
iv. User understands that use of the Laboratory may involve exposure to potentially hazardous conditions, including, but not limited to chemical, mechanical, electrical, thermal and radiation hazards. User shall plan and perform work in the Laboratory in such a way so as to ensure User’s personal safety as well as the safety of others in the Laboratory community. User shall at all times be responsible for User’s personal safety. User shall operate all instruments and equipment in a safe and professional manner, consistent with the equipment operating instructions and the Laboratory policies. User represents that User’s knowledge of general laboratory practice is advanced enough to permit its safe use of the Laboratory. NC State may decline to allow particular representatives of User to use the Laboratory for any reason.
Laboratory Safety. Hazardous Waste and other training identified by my supervisor if working in a laboratory.
4. I will obtain and provide proof of completed training to my supervisor. For more information on Required Training: xxxx:// International students: If you do not have a Canadian Social Insurance Number, please check box ❑ and obtain a Register New Associated Persons form from the dept.Administrative Officer instead of registering online. VOLUNTEER POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ❑ Check box if first time volunteer in this dept. DURATION: Maximum one year Start Date (year/month/day) End Date (year/month/day) NAME OF STUDENT (Print) NAME OF SUPERVISOR (Print) WESTERN STUDENT NUMBER STUDENT WESTERN EMAIL ADDRESS (Print) Signature of Student Signature of Supervisor Date Date
1. While participating in the program, I will: • respect and follow the authority of my supervisor, • competently and efficiently carry out the duties and expectations assigned, and bring any problems or questions to my supervisor. • represent Western’s Volunteer Program and Western through conduct in accordance with professional standards • participate in further position-related training that my supervisor requests, within the time commitment of the position • observe workplace specific and procedural safety standards as outlined by my supervisor (if applicable) • respect differences of gender, ethnic origin, race, religious affiliations, sexual orientation, and those with disabilities
2. I will arrive on time and fulfill the weekly time commitment agreed upon with my supervisor. If I must cancel a shift, I will notify my supervisor as soon as I become aware of the conflict and make arrangements to re-schedule missed time.
3. I will not arrive for a shift under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug or substance.
4. I will not physically intervene in the event of a dangerous incident, but will remove myself safely from the situation and notify my supervisor and/or the campus police immediately (call 911).
5. If the volunteer position is in a hospital, I will be documented through the Volunteer Services offices of the host hospital.
6. While on duty, I will not violate any federal or provincial laws, municipal by-laws, or university policies governing conduct.
7. I understand that failure to comply with the terms of this contract may result in the termination of my position as a volunteer. I also understand that my supervisor reserves the right to reliev...
Laboratory Safety. A. Emergency phone numbers shall be displayed prominently by all laboratory phones. University-chosen hospital addresses shall also be prominently displayed.
B. The University shall provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) deemed necessary by OSHA or any state or federal regulations for safely carrying out work at no additional cost to the Graduate Assistant.
C. Each department which employs Graduate Assistants in laboratory positions, whether as teaching or research assistants, shall meet with Graduate Assistants in the department to discuss matters relating to health and safety, at minimum, once per semester. The department may send personnel of its own choosing to such meetings, but at least one (1) attendee must be from EHS. Topics for these meetings may include:
(1) Personal health or safety concern;
(2) Department and/or lab-specific protocols regarding the posting of relevant health and safety related policies, including but not limited to policies and/or procedures relating to solvent handling, gas handling, biological and chemical waste handling and disposal, chemical storage;
(3) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) necessary for safely carrying out work;
(4) Any facilities repair;
(5) Training needs and plans, and
(6) Any necessary meetings with EHS or other University-wide departments which may be required to address health and/or safety concerns or questions.
Laboratory Safety. The User agrees to abide by all laboratory policies, as stated in the "General EGRC Cleanroom Safety and Procedures Manual". The User assumes responsibility to plan and perform work in such a way as to ensure his/her own personal safety as well as the safety of others in the laboratory community. While the User will be trained in general chemical safety before being allowed to use chemicals, and in the operation of the particular processing instruments required by his/her work, the User assumes primary responsibility for his/her personal safety. It is expected that the User will operate all instruments and equipment in a safe and professional manner, consistent with the operating instructions and the Laboratory rules. The User represents that his/her knowledge of chemistry and general laboratory practice is advanced enough to permit the safe pursuit of the project in question.
Laboratory Safety. (A) Emergency phone numbers will be displayed prominently by all laboratory phones (if present) and doors.
(B) The University will provide and maintain:
(1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other equipment, tools, materials, and facilities/infrastructure deemed necessary by HSE or applicable OSHA or state or other federal regulations, for safely carrying out work at no additional cost to the employee.
(2) Adequate first aid equipment and optional first aid training commensurate with the hazards of the workplace for employees whose jobs regularly involve exposure to hazardous materials or who work in a hazardous environment.
(3) Emergency facilities, including but not limited to, eyewash stations and showers.
(4) Training and information on safe handling of hazardous materials and environments, including off-site fieldwork where appropriate.
(C) The University will make occupational and environmental health and safety professionals available through HSE to employees who have laboratory safety concerns.
(D) Employees working with known health hazards may request and receive, when required by applicable OSHA or other regulatory standards, appropriate medical evaluations. The employee will not be responsible for the cost of evaluations, which may be provided through the University medical insurance benefits at the University's option.
Laboratory Safety. All researchers working in a laboratory setting should be aware of the guidelines and resources available on the Safety Committee website, under Laboratory Safety: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/internal/safety.html.
Laboratory Safety. (A) Both the University and the Union recognize that laboratory safety is the responsibility of everyone in the lab.
(B) The University shall make all reasonable effort to minimize the workload placed on GSEs for the administration of laboratory safety. No GSE shall be required by the University to assume managerial responsibilities related to laboratory safety.
(C) Regarding high risk tasks or exposures, the University will follow regulatory standards, which would include conducting exposure assessments as required and placing GSEs in medical surveillance programs when indicated. GSEs working with lasers or materials with known toxicity may request appropriate medical evaluations. The University will consider each request in good faith, taking into account the facts and circumstances associated with the request, and the applicable legal standards (including OSHA and ANSI), and in consultation with the GSE, the supervisor, Office of Research Safety and Occupational Medicine, as appropriate. Such requests for medical evaluations may not be unreasonably denied and if granted medical evaluations will be at no cost to the GSE.
Laboratory Safety. The Finer Points by DuPont
Laboratory Safety a. Students shall not gain access to teaching labs without the presence or permission of their instructor. If a teaching laboratory contains students, lab instructors shall not be absent from said teaching laboratory for longer than five minutes at a time. If only one student is present / remains, the student shall physically leave the lab whenever the instructor leaves the lab. Said student shall not re-enter the lab without the presence of the instructor.
b. The number of students permitted to each lab shall not exceed the number of stations available in the laboratory.
c. Visitors are not permitted in laboratories without the expressed written permission of the laboratory coordinator, safety training as outlined in section 3.7 of the CHP, and notification of the lab manager and Department Chair. Request for entry is evaluated on a per case basis. Lab instructors should contact the lab coordinator directly regarding this matter.
d. Horseplay and unauthorized experiments are strictly forbidden.
e. Laboratories shall be kept clean and orderly. Chemicals and equipment stored in laboratories should be organized and not pose any hazards or be in violation of fire codes.
f. Spills involving innocuous solutions should be wiped up immediately. If the spill involves hazardous compounds, or if it is uncertain whether the solution is hazardous, the instructor should be notified immediately to ensure cleanup using the appropriate materials. Classmates should be informed of the spill so they can avoid the area.
g. If an experiment has special safety considerations not covered in these SAPs, the lab instructor and the lab manual shall instruct students explicitly on how to safely perform the experiment and appropriately discard waste.
h. Waste should be deposited in the appropriate receptacle.
i. If glassware is broken, notify the instructor immediately and prevent students from accessing the area containing the broken glass. The instructor will clean up the broken glass using a brush and dustpan and discard the materials in a broken glass disposal box.
ii. Hazardous chemicals should be disposed in labeled waste containers in the fume hood(s).
iii. Non-toxic, non-hazardous aqueous solutions with a pH between 6 and 8 should be disposed down the drain only if permitted under all current applicable EPA, CDC, NIH, DEC, and MOA regulations and policies. Non-toxic, non-hazardous aqueous solutions with a pH below 6 should be disposed in an acid waste container. Non-toxic...
Laboratory Safety. An Employee at LT Level 1 must be qualified in: • Relevant training and/or experience in food analysis and food safety. Relevant food safety, food analysis, dangerous goods, and environmental units of competency from the Food Processing Training Package. Criteria: competency achieved in all of Laboratory Technician Level 1.