Hiring Practices Sample Clauses
Hiring Practices. The Board shall, in all instances, employ teachers who are properly credentialed in accordance with applicable state laws, Washington Administrative Code, and by such other requirements as specified by the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Education. Classified personnel shall not be assigned to perform work in the instructional setting which will replace a currently employed certificated employee in his assignment or employment.
Hiring Practices. OCSTA and OECTA agree that the hiring practices outlined below support school boards’ efforts to promote diversity in hiring practices and provide opportunities for mobility for Catholic teachers. All vacant Long-Term Occasional Teaching Assignments and Permanent Teaching Positions shall be filled in accordance with the following:
Hiring Practices. The Parties to this Charter agree that the School shall select its own employees. The School agrees to implement the practices and procedures for hiring and dismissal, policies governing salaries, contracts, and benefit packages, and targeted staff size, staffing plan, and projected student-teacher ratio as described in the School’s Application (Appendix 1). The School must use thorough, consistent, and even-handed termination procedures. The School’s governing board will determine salaries, benefits, and Position/Title classification, provided that the School’s governing board may establish any additional positions it deems necessary.
Hiring Practices. The Parties acknowledge that successful teaching experience within the school board, including daily and long-term occasional experience, is valuable in the hiring process. Teaching experience within the school board will be a factor considered in accordance with Ministry and school board policies in the selection of a successful candidate for a position as a long-term occasional teacher. Where a candidate is unsuccessful in the hiring process, and requests feedback, it will be provided within 30 days of the interview. Related provisions in Part B of the collective agreement shall remain in effect.
Hiring Practices a. Teacher-Teaching-On-Call List The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a list of teachers-teaching-on-call. The Board shall forward a copy of such a list to the Association in the month of September, and throughout the year as amendments are made. Any teacher- teaching-on-call removed from the on call list shall be given the reasons for removal in writing.
b. Teacher-Teaching-On-Call Hiring
i. In appointing teachers-teaching-on-call, the Board shall select a person on the list qualified for the assignment who possesses a valid B.C. teaching certificate, in preference to a person not possessing such a certificate.
ii. The Board may appoint persons not on the list to a teacher-teaching-on- call teaching assignment only in the event that no qualified person on the list is available.
c. Appointment to Temporary Position When the Board expects a teacher to be absent for more than twenty (20) consecutive teaching days, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment to a temporary contract. In other circumstances when a teacher-teaching-on-call completes twenty (20) days continuous teaching in the same assignment, a temporary contract shall be granted retroactively (for the purposes of salary and experience only).
Hiring Practices. A. Employer shall not employ any Background Actor on account of personal favoritism.
B. Rotation of work shall be established to such reasonable degree as may be possible and practicable.
C. No person having authority from the Employer to hire, employ or direct the services of Background Actors shall demand or accept any fee, gift, or other remuneration in consideration of hiring or employing any person to perform work or services as a Background Actor, or permitting such person to continue in said employment.
Hiring Practices. To be considered for employment, all youth workers must have enrolled in one of Employ Milwaukee’s youth serving programs. NO worksite may employ any participant using our funding without prior authorization from Employ Milwaukee and their contracted sub recipient agency staff. Participants cannot be placed at a worksite if a member of the participants’ immediate family is a staff or board member of the Worksite Agency that hires, promotes, establishes salary, or directly supervises the participant. For this Worksite Agreement, the term “immediate family” is defined as: wife, husband, son, daughter, and mother, father, brother, sister, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother- in-law, father-in-law, aunt, uncle, xxxxx, nephew, step-parent or xxxxxx child.
Hiring Practices. The Board shall in all circumstances employ employees who are properly credentialed in accordance with applicable state laws, Washington Administrative Code and by such other requirements as specified by the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Non-certificated personnel shall not be assigned to perform work in the instructional setting (classroom) which will substitute or replace an employee in his/her assignment or employment. All certificated personnel within the bargaining unit shall be placed on the annual salary schedule in accordance with the criteria for salary schedule placement as contained in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Hiring Practices i. The Sponsor and the School agree that the School shall select its own employees. The School shall be responsible for promoting diversity in its staff.
ii. The School agrees to provide the equivalent of a full-time administrator and sufficient instructional and support staff to meet the pupil-teacher ratios and services as described in the approved charter application and according to any statutory guidelines, including Class Size Amendment.
iii. The School agrees that its employment practices shall be nonsectarian.
iv. The School shall establish practices and procedures for recruitment, hiring, training, retaining, dismissing, setting and changing salaries, contracts, benefit packages, projecting targeted staff size, staffing plan and projected student-teacher ratio.
v. All teachers employed by or under contract to the School shall be certified as required by Chapter 1012, Florida Statutes and any other applicable state or federal law. The School may employ or contract with skilled selected non-certified personnel to assist instructional staff members as education paraprofessionals in the same manner as
vi. The School agrees to disclose to the Sponsor and to the parents the qualifications of its teachers, including in-field and out-of-field information.
vii. The School shall not knowingly employ an individual for instructional services if the individual’s certification or licensure as an educator is suspended or revoked by this or any other state.
viii. The School shall not to knowingly employ an individual who has resigned in lieu of disciplinary action with respect to child welfare or safety or who has been dismissed for just cause by any school district with respect to child welfare or safety.
Hiring Practices. The District shall employ only teachers who are certificated and credentialed as required by applicable state laws, the Washington Administrative Code, and the other requirements as specified by the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. All teachers shall be placed on the annual salary schedule. The District shall maintain an affirmative action program pursuant to guidelines established by the Washington State Human Rights Commission. A copy of this affirmative action program shall be available for inspection to any teacher upon request to the Office of the Superintendent.