GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. The City is subject to the requirements of the Government Records Access and Management Act, Chapter 2, Title 63G, Utah Code or its successor (“GRAMA”). All materials submitted by the Artist pursuant to this Agreement are subject to disclosure unless such materials are exempt from disclosure pursuant to GRAMA. The burden of claiming an exemption from disclosure shall rest solely with the Artist. Any materials for which the Artist claims a privilege from disclosure shall be submitted marked as “Confidential” and accompanied by a statement from the Artist explaining the Artist’s claim of exemption from disclosure. City will promptly notify the Artist of any requests made for disclosure of documents submitted under a claim of confidentiality. The Artist may, at the Artist’s sole expense, take any appropriate actions to prevent disclosure of such material. The Artist specifically waives any claims against City related to disclosure of any materials required by XXXXX.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Pursuant to the Government Records Access and Management Act, Utah Code §§ 63G-2-101 through 63G-2-901, the CONSULTANT understands that if it believes that any records it submits to the DEPARTMENT or the LOCAL AUTHORITY should be considered confidential for business purposes under Utah Code § 63G-2-309, it must attach written notice of that opinion that satisfies the requirements of §§ 63G-2-305 and 309 to the record when it first submits it. The CONSULTANT understands that the DEPARTMENT and the LOCAL AUTHORITY will not treat any such record as confidential absent such written notification. Additionally, the CONSULTANT agrees that neither the State of Utah, the DEPARTMENT, LOCAL AUTHORITY, nor any of their agents or employees are responsible for disclosure of any record that the CONSULTANT considers confidential if either the State Records Committee or a court orders it released.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Pursuant to the Government Records Access and Management Act, Utah Code §§ 63G-2-101 through 63G-2-901, the CONSULTANT understands that if it believes that any records it submits to the DEPARTMENT or the LOCAL AUTHORITY should be considered confidential for business purposes under Utah Code § 63G-2-309, it must provide with the record(s) a written claim of business confidentiality, and a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim of business confidentiality that satisfy the requirements of §§ 63G-2-305(1) and (2), and 309 to the DEPARTMENT. The CONSULTANT understands that the DEPARTMENT and the LOCAL AUTHORITY will not treat any such record as confidential absent such written notification. Additionally, pursuant and subject to Utah Code §§ 63G-2-101 through 901 the CONSULTANT will take no action, legal or otherwise against the State of Utah, the DEPARTMENT, LOCAL AUTHORITY, or any employee, agent or representative of the State of Utah, DEPARTMENT, or the DEPARTMENT if the State Records Committee or a court orders the DEPARTMENT or LOCAL AUTHORITY to publicly disclose any record the CONSULTANT considers confidential, or believes should be considered protected, private, or controlled.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Consultant recognizes that, as a governmental entity, District (or Jurisdiction) is subject to the Government Records Access and Management Act, Title 63G, Chapter 2 of the Utah Code (“GRAMA”), and cannot guarantee that information or any document or record provided to the District will not be subject to disclosure unless it is properly classified as a “protected record” under GRAMA based upon a written claim of business confidentiality under Utah Code Xxx §§ 63G-2-305 and -309 and other provisions of GRAMA. For any record to be classified as a “protected record”, Consultant must provide a written claim of business confidentiality and a concise statement of reasons and justifications supporting the claim of business confidentiality with the record when it is first submitted by Consultant to District (or Jurisdiction) and, if not so provided, any claim to protected record status may be deemed to have been waived and relinquished by Consultant.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. City is subject to the requirements of the Government Records Access and Management Act, Chapter 2, Title 63G, Utah Code Annotated or its successor ("GRAMA"). All materials submitted by Volunteer pursuant to this MOA are subject to disclosure unless such materials are exempt from disclosure pursuant to GRAMA. The burden of claiming an exemption from disclosure shall rest solely with Volunteer. Any materials for which Volunteer claims a privilege from disclosure shall be submitted marked as "Confidential" and accompanied by a statement from Volunteer explaining Volunteer's claim of exemption from disclosure. City shall make reasonable efforts to notify Volunteer of any requests made for disclosure of documents submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Volunteer may, at Volunteer's sole expense take any appropriate actions to prevent disclosure of such material. Volunteer specifically waives any claims against City related to disclosure of any materials required by GRAMA.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Midvale is a governmental entity that is subject to Utah’s Government and Records Access and Management Act, Utah Code Xxx. §§ 63G-2-101 to 901. Any documents produced or collected under this Agreement may be subject to public access. If [Entity Name] believes that a document should be protected under Utah Code Xxx. §§ 63G-2- 305(1) or (2), [Entity Name] must provide a written claim of business confidentiality to Midvale that complies with Utah Code Xxx. § 63G-2-309(1). [Entity Name] agrees to cooperate with and to supply any requested records to Midvale with any public records request. This obligation will survive any suspension or termination this Agreement.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Pursuant to the Government Records Access and Management Act, Title 63, Chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated, the CONSULTANT understands that if it believes that any records it submits to MAG should be considered confidential for business purposes under Utah Code Xxx. § 63-2-308, it must attach written notice of that opinion to the record when it first submits it. The CONSULTANT understands that MAG will not treat any such record as confidential under Section 63-2-308 absent such written notification. Additionally, the CONSULTANT agrees that neither MAG nor any of their agents or employees are responsible for disclosure of any record that the CONSULTANT considers confidential if either the State Records Committee or a court orders it released.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. City is subject to the requirements of the Government Records Access and Management Act, Chapter 2, Title 63G, Utah Code Annotated or its successor (“GRAMA”). All materials submitted by Company to City pursuant to this Agreement are subject to disclosure unless such materials are exempt from disclosure pursuant to GRAMA. The burden of claiming an exemption from disclosure shall rest solely with Company. Any materials for which Company claims a privilege from disclosure shall be submitted marked as Confidential and accompanied by a statement from Company explaining Company claim of exemption from disclosure in accordance with GRAMA requirements. City will promptly notify Company of any requests made for disclosure of documents submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Company may, at Company sole expense, take any appropriate actions to prevent disclosure of such material. Company specifically waives any claims against City related to disclosure of any materials required by GRAMA.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. Each Party shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of the Governmental Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), as set forth in Utah Code Xxx. § 63G-2-101, et. Seq. or its successor, relating to its records.
GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. City is subject to the requirements of the Government Records Access and Management Act, Chapter 2, Title 63G, Utah Code Annotated or its successor (“GRAMA”). All materials submitted by Permittee to City pursuant to this Agreement are subject to disclosure unless such materials are exempt from disclosure pursuant to GRAMA. The burden of claiming an exemption from disclosure shall rest solely with Permittee. Any materials for which Permittee claims a privilege from disclosure shall be submitted marked as Confidential and accompanied by a statement from Permittee explaining Permittee claim of exemption from disclosure in accordance with GRAMA requirements. City will promptly notify Permittee of any requests made for disclosure of documents submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Permittee may, at Permittee sole expense, take any appropriate actions to prevent disclosure of such material. Permittee specifically waives any claims against City related to disclosure of any materials required by GRAMA.