Grounds for Layoff. Any employee(s) having permanent status in position(s) in the merit service may be laid off when the position is no longer necessary, or for reasons of economy, lack of work, lack of funds or for such other reason(s) as the Board of Supervisors deems sufficient for abolishing the position(s).
Grounds for Layoff. Employee(s) may be laid off when the position is no longer necessary, for reasons of economy, lack of work, lack of funds, if the position can be consolidated with another position, or for such reason(s) that the County deems sufficient for abolishing the position(s).
Grounds for Layoff. The grounds for layoff shall comply with those stipulated at points 1 – 3 of section 2 of chapter 5 of the Employment Contracts Act.
Grounds for Layoff. Unit members are subject to layoff for lack of work or lack of funds as determined by the Board of Trustees in its sole discretion.
Grounds for Layoff. Any employee(s) having post-probationary status in position(s) in the City may be laid off when the position is no longer necessary, or for reasons of economy, lack of work or lack of funds.
Grounds for Layoff. 3.1 The following are grounds for layoff:
1. Lack of work.
2. Lack of funds.
Grounds for Layoff. Employees may be laid off due to lack of funds, lack of work, or job abolishment.
Grounds for Layoff. The grounds for laying off an employee are specified in Chapter 5, Section 2, subsections 1–3 of the Employment Contracts Act