Habitat Inventories. 3.1.1 Parties, in liaison where appropriate with competent international organizations, shall undertake and publish national inventories of the habitats within their territory which are important to the populations listed in Table 1.
3.1.2 Parties shall endeavour, as a matter of priority, to identify all sites of international or national importance for populations listed in Table 1.
Habitat Inventories. Has your country developed and published inventories of important habitats for species covered by the Agreement? If yes, please provide details, including any provisions to maintain or update these inventories.
Habitat Inventories. 3.1 Has your country developed and published inventories of important habitats for species covered by the Agreement? If yes, please provide details, including any provisions to maintain or update these inventories.
3.2 Has your country undertaken a strategic review of sites to develop a national network of important sites or areas for species covered by the Agreement? Please append a list of identified sites of international importance:-
3.3 Describe the legal frameworks and other measures through which sites (including transfrontier sites) including of international importance gain practical protection. (Please append a list of internationally important protected sites.)
3.4 Has your country developed a management planning process for protected sites? If yes, please outline the types of management plans and organisations responsible for development and implementation
3.5 How many protected sites have formal management plans (please append a list of sites and their management planning status):
a. Proposed?
b. In preparation?
c. Being implemented?
3.6 What measures does your country have in place to ensure the wise use of waterbird habits and to prevent habitat degradation e.g. pollution control and managing water resources? Please provide examples of best practice initiatives particularly involving cross-sectoral co-operation or public participation.
3.7 Does your country have a policy for the identification, rehabilitation and restoration of wetlands important for species covered by the Agreement? Please provide examples of rehabilitation and restoration projects and initiatives undertaken.
Habitat Inventories. Has your country developed and published inventories of important habitats for species covered by the Agreement? If yes, please provide details, including any provisions to maintain or update these inventories. There aren't any published inventories of important habitats in Croatia until now. We are just at the beginning of preparing Emerald and European Ecological Network in our country.
Habitat Inventories. Has your country developed and published inventories of important habitats for species covered by the Agreement? If yes, please provide details, including any provisions to maintain or update these inventories. To date, no German federal state has developed and published an inventory of important habi- tats for species listed in Table 1 of the AEWA Action Plan (according to 3.1.1 of the AEWA Action Plan). Subject to further studies, it is assumed that the existing Special Protection Ar- eas under the Birds Directive cover the set of sites relevant under the AEWA. A list of Special Protection Areas as notified in the 1st and 2nd tranche was published in the Bundesanzeiger in June 2003 (BUNDESANZEIGER 2003). On June 11, 2004 the Bundesrat agreed to the European Commission list of Sites of Commu- nity Interest according to the Habitats Directive for the continental and atlantic regions. This list contains a large number of wetland areas which are important for waterbirds.
Habitat Inventories