High Risk Activity. The ServiceNow Products are not designed for any purpose requiring fail-safe performance, including stock trading, financial transaction processing, operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, weapons systems, or other management or operation of hazardous facilities or applications for which failure could result in death, personal injury, or severe physical, property, or environmental damage (each, a “High Risk Activity”). ServiceNow, its licensors, and suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties of fitness for any such use.
High Risk Activity. End User acknowledges that the Service is not intended for use with any high risk or strict liability activity, including, without limitation, air or space travel, technical building or structural design, power plant design or operation, or life support or emergency medical operations or uses, and Webroot makes no warranty regarding, and will have no liability arising from, any use of the Service in connection with any high risk or strict liability activity.
High Risk Activity. THE SOFTWARE MUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY HIGH RISK OR STRICT LIABILITY ACTIVITY. REAL TIME LOCATION DATA ACCESSED VIA THE SOFTWARE MAY BE INACCURATE OR INCOMPLETE. LICENSEE’S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS AT ITS SOLE RISK. Licensee shall not use the software for, including, without limitation, nuclear energy equipment, air or space traffic control, the operation of critical communication system, public transportation control, life support devices, weapon systems or other ultra-hazardous uses where failure of the Software to perform would be reasonably expected to cause deaths, injuries or severe physical property or environmental losses. Should the Licensee engage or attempt to engage in high risk activity, Licensee shall (i) assume and accept sole responsibility for all risks arising out of, associated with or related to engaging in high risk activity; (ii) be solely responsible for any injury, loss or damage that Licensee sustains while engaged in high risk activity; (iii) hold harmless and indemnify SOTI from any and all liability for any damage to property of, or personal injury to, any third party resulting from Licensee’s engagement in high risk activity; and (iv) hold harmless, indemnify and release SOTI, its Affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, employees and representatives from liability for any and all claims, demands, actions and costs which may arise as a result of Licensee’s engagement in high risk activity. For added clarity, where the Licensee utilizes the Software in the performance of high risk activity, the abovementioned shall also apply in the event of a failure or deficiency in the functionality or operation of the Software.
High Risk Activity. You acknowledge and agree that the SecureAnywhere Business Solution is not intended for use with any high-risk or strict-liability activity, including, without limitation, air or space travel, technical building or structural design, power plant design or operation, or life support or emergency medical operations or uses, and Webroot makes no warranty regarding, and will have no liability arising from, any use of the Software in connection with any high-risk or strict-liability activity.
High Risk Activity. Partner acknowledges and agrees that the BrightCloud Service is not intended for use with any high risk or strict liability activity, including, without limitation, air or space travel, technical building or structural design, power plant design or operation, or life support or emergency medical operations or uses, and Webroot makesno warranty regarding, and will have no liability arising from, any use of the BrightCloud Service in connection withany high risk or strict liability activity.
High Risk Activity. Buyer may choose to use the Equipment while performing chiropractic adjustments. Participation in this activity is associated with a level of risk. Risks include, but are not limited to, serious physical injury, disability and/or death. By buying, using, or allowing the use of Equipment, you understand and agree that chiropractic adjustment contains risk and, to the extent permitted by law, YOU EXPRESSLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME THE RISK OF DEATH OR OTHER PERSONAL INJURY SUSTAINED WHILE PARTICIPATING IN SUCH ACTIVITIES. ADDITIONALLY, YOU AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SELLER FROM ANY THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS ARISING FROM SUCH ACTIVITY OR OTHER USE OF THE EQUIPMENT.
High Risk Activity. The Continuity Products are not designed for any purpose requiring fail-safe performance, including stock trading, financial transaction processing, operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, weapons systems, or other management or operation of hazardous facilities or applications for which failure could result in death, personal injury, or severe physical, property, or environmental damage (each, a “High Risk Activity”). Continuity, its licensors, and suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties of fitness for any such use.
High Risk Activity. You acknowledge and agree that the DNS Services are not intended for use with any high-risk or strict-liability activity, including, without limitation, air or space travel, technical building or structural design, power plant design or operation, or life support or emergency medical operations or uses, and Webroot makes no warranty regarding, and will have no liability arising from, any use of the DNS Services in connection with any high-risk or strict-liability activity.
High Risk Activity. The Kensu Products are not designed for any purpose requiring fail-safe performance, including stock trading, financial transaction processing, operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, weapons systems, or other management or operation of hazardous facilities or applications for which failure could result in death, personal injury, or severe physical, property, or environmental damage (each, a “High Risk Activity”). Kensu, its licensors, and suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties of fitness for any such use.
High Risk Activity. Samsung acknowledges that the Products are not ------------------ intended for use in connection with any high risk or strict liability activity (including, without limitation, air or space travel power plant operation, life support or emergency medical operations) and that Xxxxxxx.xxx makes no warranty and shall have no liability in connection with any use of the Products in such situations.