HIRING, ASSIGNMENTS, TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS. The District and the Association agree that the hiring, assignment, transfer and promotion of employees must be fair, must enable the selection of the person(s) the Dis- trict determines best suited to help meet District goals, and will be compatible with the District’s affirmative employment needs. The District shall determine groups and/or indi- viduals to be involved in the screening and interviewing process. Such groups may in- clude site management committees. All actions and/or recommendations of such groups are subject to the final approval of the District. The process for hiring, transfer and assignment of employees will entail provisions wherein employees are afforded an opportunity to make their views and desires regarding such matters known to the District, the District takes into consideration such employees’ views and desires along with the educational process and District’s operational needs, and where employees meet the educational purpose and requirements, selection will be made from the best qualified employee applicant or volunteer or external applicant pool who best meets the District’s educational or operational needs. Such selections will be made based on knowledge, skills, abilities, demonstrated work performance, attendance on the job, and other relevant factors, and where such factors are equal, preference will be given to current employee applicants or volunteers on the basis of employees’ senior- ity.