INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. [The Protocol at Schedule 8] of this Agreement will apply to the XXXX Services. The Parties will comply with the requirements of the Information Sharing Agreement (and the requirement to have an Information Sharing Agreement in place), in respect of the XXXX Services.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. In addition to the general Better Care Fund consultation and engagement process, the Partners will engage with stakeholders as part of each scheme. The purpose of this work is to promote integrated services and therefore communication and engagement is at the heart of the redesign work. Both the Partners will be involved in contract negotiations for these services and will therefore develop the required activity and performance schedules. These will be shared via the Partners’ contract management teams. Further details are contained in page 58 of the Better Care Fund Plan (Schedule 6 of this agreement).
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. What are the information/data sharing arrangements? How will charges be managed (which should be referred to in Part 2 above) What data systems will be used? Consultation - staff, people supported by the Partners, unions, providers, public, other agency. Printed stationary.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. A four week stakeholder consultation (including CCGs, integrated sexual health provider, GPs, XXX gynaecology etc.) was completed from 13th February to the 13th March 2017, this suggested overall support for the schedule development. A summary of the consultation responses is available on request. Data reports will be developed using the existing provider structures (Pathway analytics for the integrated sexual health service and the community based service portal for primary care.)
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. The Partner responsible for each commissioned scheme and core funding allocation will be responsible for ensuring that data systems and information sharing comply with current legislation. However, the JSCG will provide the overarching information governance arrangements to comply with statutory duties. Any breaches will be reported to and shared between the Partners.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. Data reports will be developed using the existing provider structures (Pathway analytics for the integrated sexual health service and the community-based service portal for primary care.)
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. The information sharing protocol is documented under Schedule 8.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. 15.1. The Information Governance arrangements set out in Schedule 8 will operate.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. 8.1. The Integrated Community Learning Disability team will record service user information on the Council’s database complying with UK General Data Protection Regulations (UKGDPR). The team will share relevant information with other health and care providers and health and social care commissioners in accordance with the information sharing agreements. Any breeches of Data Protection will be reported to the ICB and LBC leads as appropriate.
INFORMATION SHARING AND COMMUNICATION. The Partners will comply with the terms of the Information Sharing Protocol in Schedule 8 and will enter into information sharing agreements in respect of each Individual Scheme as appropriate.