Information Sharing Protocol. The Parties shall share information about Service customers to improve quality of service and to enable integrated working. Such information sharing shall be conducted in accordance with this Protocol ("ISP").
Information Sharing Protocol. The purpose of sharing information is to enable NHDC and NHH to have as full a picture as possible of the performance of the obligations contained in this development agreement, while avoiding duplicate information requests. This protocol sits in the context of relevant law, duties and codes of practice. Nothing in it can override each organisation's obligations to respect where information is confidential, or where it has been provided on the understanding that it will not be shared further; similarly, nothing in this protocol should prevent either body from providing information to other parties (such as professional regulators) where appropriate.
Information Sharing Protocol the protocol describing how the Partners will share Information contained in Schedule 10. Initial Term: the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending on 31 March 2015. Law: any applicable law, statute, bye-law, regulation, order, regulatory policy, guidance or industry code, rule of court, directives or requirements of any Regulatory Body, delegated or subordinate legislation, or notice of any Regulatory Body. XXX Xxx 0000: National Health Service Xxx 0000.
Information Sharing Protocol. Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the Standard Operating Procedure is an example rather than a prescriptive document and the Partners shall have flexibility with regard to its contents generally.
Information Sharing Protocol. B1 This Information Sharing Protocol applies to CILEx and CILEx Regulation’s operations and functions and, in particular, sets out how CILEx and CILEx Regulation will comply with the following Internal Governance Rules: IGR 2 – Duty to Delegate IGR 3 – Provision of assurance to approved regulator IGR 9 – Regulatory Resources IGR 10 – Regulatory Body Budget IGR 11 – Shared Services IGR 12 – Communication by persons involved in legal regulation IGR 13 – Candour About Compliance
Information Sharing Protocol. The overarching information sharing protocol for the Authority and the two CCG’s is attached.
Information Sharing Protocol. The Partners will agree an Information Sharing Protocol within 3 months of signing the MoU. Governance for the Project fits within the overarching governance for Brent’s One Public Estate as follows:
Information Sharing Protocol. INTRODUCTION This document is a binding agreement for data sharing between the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) and NHS Scotland, hereafter referred to as ‘partners’. Effective data sharing is the key to multi-agency working in any sphere. The partners are committed to the partnership approach and recognise the invaluable contribution of collaborative working. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions agreed between the partners under which identifiable information needs to be shared and the safeguards that must be implemented. The agreement exists to ensure that data can be shared in a way which satisfies both the legal and professional obligations of the partners, their respective staff and the legitimate expectations of the data subjects. This document adheres to the Data Sharing Code of Practice issued by the Information Commissioner (Regulator for the Data Protection Act 1998) in May 2011. On behalf of our respective organisations, we accept and endorse this agreement. …………….………...…………………………..… DATE (Xxxx Xxxxx, Chief Executive) BASIS OF THE AGREEMENT This agreement has been prepared to support the regular sharing of personal information to enable services to be delivered and to give clear guidance to staff on their responsibility to share information. This agreement will focus on prisoner-patients including those in courts, with a view to supporting their care and case management in prisons and their transition in and out of prison, including in police custody. This agreement supports the partner organisations involved and the groups of prisoners it impacts upon. It details the specific purposes for sharing; the personal information being shared; and the required operational procedures, consent processes, and legal justification. The aims of the agreement are as follows: To support healthcare for prisoner patients. To support integrated care and case management. To support community reintegration. To support transition from the community, through police and courts, into prison and their release back out into the community. Continuous improvement of services. To protect confidentiality. To comply with the law and good practice on information sharing Information may also be shared to support the effective administration, audit, monitoring, inspection of services and reporting requirements. This information will be anonymised wherever possible. Partners agree only to use the information disclosed to them under this agreement and will not further use...
Information Sharing Protocol. The Partners will follow the Information Sharing Protocol set out in Schedule 8, and in so doing will ensure that the operation this Agreement complies comply with Law.
Information Sharing Protocol. The purpose of sharing information is to enable the Parties to handle information effectively, to have adequate information to be fully informed, to prevent duplication and to reduce the burden on regulated bodies and places of inspection. The actions set out in this protocol will be met in accordance with law, duties and codes of practice. Nothing in this agreement overrides individual organisational obligations to respect confidential information; similarly, nothing in this protocol should prevent either body from providing information to other parties where appropriate to safeguard detainees, visitors, staff or the public or for other lawful and legitimate reasons.