INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT. The Subrecipient has provided, or will provide, the County with information about the Subrecipient’s experience, processes, policies, and procedures related to the management of Federal funding by the Subrecipient. These submissions, in addition to discussions with the Subrecipient, have been used by the county to assess the risk of noncompliance and capacity to compliantly execute the required activities for which the Agreement is made. Should there be substantive changes to the organization, key personnel, methods, capacity, policies, or processes of the Subrecipient that impact the implementation of this Agreement, the Subrecipient shall notify the County of said changes within 30 days of those changes. The Subrecipient agrees to provide documents and information to the County, within 30 days of such a request made by the County, to facilitate its due diligence review as required by Federal Register Notice 88 FR 32046. Subrecipient further agrees to comply with the requirements, requests, and results of the County’s due diligence and maintain the capacity to carry out disaster recovery activities in a timely and compliant manner at all times during the term hereof.
INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT. Authorized User and Supplier shall each provide an initial assessment from their point of view.
INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT. Prior to the finalization of any written agreement with a subrecipient, County staff will conduct a risk assessment to evaluate the capacity of potential subrecipients. Subrecipient capacity will be assessed during the application process (typically a Notice of Funding Availability). Each subrecipient applicant will be required to submit information to demonstrate adequate capacity to administer CDBG-DR funds. Specifics on the areas that are assessed will be included in the NOFA or a similar procurement document.
INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT. Risk management/mitigation plan, including determination of roles and responsibilities of the Authorized User and Supplier.


  • Risk Assessment An assessment of any risks inherent in the work requirements and actions to mitigate these risks.

  • Periodic Risk Assessment Provider further acknowledges and agrees to conduct periodic risk assessments and remediate any identified security and privacy vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

  • Risk Assessments a. Risk Assessment - DST shall, at least annually, perform risk assessments that are designed to identify material threats (both internal and external) against Fund Data, the likelihood of those threats Schedule 10.2 p.2 occurring and the impact of those threats upon DST organization to evaluate and analyze the appropriate level of information security safeguards (“Risk Assessments”). b. Risk Mitigation - DST shall use commercially reasonable efforts to manage, control and remediate threats identified in the Risk Assessments that it believes are likely to result in material unauthorized access, copying, use, processing, disclosure, alteration, transfer, loss or destruction of Fund Data, consistent with the Objective, and commensurate with the sensitivity of the Fund Data and the complexity and scope of the activities of DST pursuant to the Agreement. c. Security Controls Testing - DST shall, on approximately an annual basis, engage an independent external party to conduct a review (including information security) of DST’s systems that are related to the provision of services. DST shall have a process to review and evaluate high risk findings resulting from this testing.

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment If, pursuant to Data Protection Law, Customer (or its Controllers) are required to perform a data protection impact assessment or prior consultation with a regulator, at Customer’s request, SAP will provide such documents as are generally available for the Cloud Service (for example, this DPA, the Agreement, audit reports or certifications). Any additional assistance shall be mutually agreed between the Parties.

  • Ergonomic Assessments ‌ At the request of the employee, the Employer will ensure that an ergonomic assessment of the employee’s workstation is completed. Solutions to identified issues will be implemented within available resources.