Injections Sample Clauses
Injections. Other than immunizations, an infusion method of putting fluid into the body, usually with a hollow needle and a syringe which is pierced through the skin to a sufficient depth for the material to be forced into the body. There are several methods of injection or infusion, including intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraosseous, and intraperitoneal.
Injections. Feeding requiring nursing skills.
Injections. A list of injections performed by Practice (subject to change) will be posted on Practice’s website. Patient acknowledges and agrees that while there is no cost for the injection procedure itself, injectable medications may incur an additional charge. A full list of injectable medications and any additional cost that may be associated with them (subject to change) will be posted on Practice’s website.
Injections. Injections will be administered by a licensed practitioner and in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Where regular injections are required for diabetes management a client will be supported by staff to effectively self administer the treatment. Where New Leaf staff are required to administer insulin injections, they may do so only after receiving training from a qualified registered nurse.
Injections. The numbers of pupae used for the hormone injection experiment are given in table 3.4. Pupal survival was significantly lower for 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone from here onwards) injected animals compared to untreated pupae at both extreme temperatures, whilst at 22.5ºC, no difference in pupal survival was observed (table 3.4). Probability of survival increased with increasing pupal weight, which was a highly significant covariate (p < 0.001) in the logistic regression at all temperatures. With an increase in pupal weight of 10 mg, survival probability increased by 1.13 at 27ºC, 1.20 at 22.5ºC and 1.26 at 18ºC. There were no interactions between pupal weight and treatment. Pupal survival probability did not differ between the sexes, but the significance levels of the covariate pupal weight were reduced to p < 0.05 (females are larger than males). The effects of treatment remained unchanged. Because we did not know the sex of all unhatched pupa, incorporating this factor decreased the power of the test. Survival of untreated control pupae differs across temperatures (χ2 = 15.3, df = 2, p < 0.001), and is lowest at 18ºC (table 3.4). The other two temperatures do not differ in survival (χ2 = 0.4, df = 1, p = 0.53). We could not incorporate pupal weight, because it differed between temperatures (F2,2540 = 478.1, p < 0.0001; pattern: 22.5ºC > 18ºC > 27ºC). temp. injection N emerged N dead % emerged odds ratio [95% C.I.] 18ºC ecdysone 10 36 22 *** 0.03 [0.01-0.10] injected controls 6 5 55 ns 1.55 [0.27-9.52] untreated controls 599 91 87 22.5ºC ecdysone 172 16 91 ns 0.54 [0.14-1.63] injected controls 62 2 97 ns 3.15 [0.63-36.1] untreated controls 1041 88 92 27ºC ecdysone 125 55 69 *** 0.13 [0.06-0.27] injected controls 50 5 91 ns 2.41 [0.77-10.1] untreated controls 901 87 91 ecdysone injection saline injection ecdysone effect A 18ºC 22.5ºC 27ºC eyespot size relative to not injected 0.02 -0.02 -0.04 ecdysone injection saline injection ecdysone effect B pupal time relative to not injected (days) 0.8 -1.6 Figure 3.4 Effects of injection of physiological salt or ecdysone on pupal time and eyespot size at different temperatures. Effects of ecdysone are derived by subtracting effects of physiological salt injection from ecdysone injection. At 27ºC, selection lines reacted differently to injection per se, hence the two bars (lighter bar for SLOW, see text for more information). At all temperatures, pupae injected with physiological salt had significantly smaller eyespots...
Injections. Customer hereby reserves and Owner hereby agrees to provide facilities and capacity to support the injection of Gas owned by Customer into the Facility on each Day in an amount up to the Maximum Daily Injection Quantity.
Injections. Other than where a student self-administers insulin (or adrenalin) only a Registered Nurse or medical practitioner is to administer injections.
Injections. If D1 injects a commit c = (cr, π) and both the NIZK and the signature verify, 1 does:
(a) If cr contains a ciphertext ctxt = ctxt∗ for mpk∗, 1 calls the decrypt oracle to process cr.
(b) If cr contains ctxt∗, 1 uses the trapdoor to extract from π the state γ and randomness r s.t. cr = commitr(γ, p˙; r). This, in particular, allows to compute the randomness s used to encrypt ctxt∗. 0 checks if ctxt∗ is the encryption of 0 with randomness s, guesses the IND-CCA bit accordingly, and halts. cgka Observe first that since ci is simulatable, we have safe(ci) = true and secure = true. This also means staticr immediately sampled a random group key for Node[c∗] and set Node[c∗].chall to true. This means that safe(c∗) will never switch to false due to the restriction on D1 (flag restrict-corruptions). Assume 1 correctly guesses the index q of the setup query used to generate the j-th ciphertext in ci. We first show that embedding the instance in Step 1 (a) does not change the execution of neither hybrid. First, observe that all keys in cri with ir < i (as well as in add and update messages) are generated using fresh randomness. Second, 1 does not abort in this step — otherwise, the group state in ci’s parent contains a HIBE key generated by some id using bad randomness. This means that id was exposed in a parent of ci and since any healing action (update or commit) by id would replace this key, we have safe(ci) = false, a contradiction.
Injections. (a) The "Daily Maximum Injection Demand" shall be [quantity] GJ/Day.
(b) CUSTOMER may nominate Gas for delivery to COMPANY, subject to this Article 4, as follows:
(i) from May 1 to August 15, inclusive, in a calendar year, CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas up to the Daily Maximum Injection Demand on a Firm Storage Service basis provided that CUSTOMER’s Storage Account is less than or equal to [quantity] GJ;
(ii) from August 16 to October 31, inclusive, in a calendar year, CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas up to the Daily Maximum Injection Demand on an Interruptible Storage Service basis;
(iii) from May 1 to the October 31, inclusive, in a calendar year, CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas in excess of the Daily Maximum Injection Demand on an Authorized Overrun basis; and
(iv) CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas between November 1 and April 30 of the following calendar year, inclusive, on an Authorized Overrun basis, provided that at no time shall CUSTOMER nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas greater than the difference between the Maximum Storage Balance and CUSTOMER's Storage Account at such time.
Injections. (a) The "Daily Maximum Injection Demand" shall be [quantity] GJ/Day.
(b) CUSTOMER may nominate Gas for delivery to COMPANY, subject to this Article 4, as follows:
(i) CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas up to and including the Daily Maximum Injection Demand on an Interruptible Storage Service basis; and
(ii) CUSTOMER may nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas in excess of the Daily Maximum Injection Demand on an Authorized Overrun basis; provided that at no time shall CUSTOMER nominate for delivery to COMPANY quantities of Gas greater than the difference between the Maximum Storage Balance and CUSTOMER's Storage Account at such time.