Anti-dumping. 1. A Party shall not apply anti-dumping measures as provided for under Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 in relation to products originating in another Party.
2. The Parties recognise that the effective implementation of competition rules may address economic causes leading to dumping.
Anti-dumping. 1. The EFTA States and GCC shall endeavour to refrain from initiating anti- dumping procedures and measures against each other.
2. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of the application of anti- dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 except as provided for in this Article.
3. Before an EFTA State or GCC initiates an investigation to determine the existence, degree and effect of any alleged action in an EFTA State or GCC, as provided for in Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994, the Party considering initiating an investigation shall notify in writing the EFTA State or GCC whose goods are subject to investigation and allow for a 30 days period with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution. The consultations shall take place in the Joint Committee if an EFTA State or GCC so requests within ten days from the receipt of the notification.
4. If any anti-dumping measure were to be applied by an EFTA State or GCC, the measure shall without exception be terminated on a date not later than three years from its imposition. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent an EFTA State or the GCC from introducing new anti-dumping measures in accordance with paragraph 2 and 3 of this Article on products subject to measures that have been terminated.
5. Five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall in the Joint Committee review whether there is need to maintain the possibility to take anti-dumping measures between them. If the Parties decide, after the first review, that there is a need to maintain the possibility, they shall thereafter conduct biennial reviews of this matter in the Joint Committee.
Anti-dumping. 1. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of the application of anti- dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994.
2. If a Party finds that dumping is taking place in trade with another Party, the Party concerned may take appropriate measures in accordance with the above mentioned Agreements and relevant internal implementation legislation.
Anti-dumping. 1. The rights and obligations relating to anti-dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 (hereinafter referred to as “the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement”), subject to the provisions below.
2. When a Party receives a properly documented application and before initiating an investigation under the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement, the Party shall notify in writing to the other Party whose goods are allegedly being dumped and allow a 20-day period for consultation with a view of trying to find a mutually acceptable solution. If a solution cannot be reached, each Party retains its rights and obligations under Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement.
3. Should a Party decide to impose an anti-dumping duty, the amount of such duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping, but it shall be less than the margin of dumping if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry.
4. Anti-dumping measures may not be applied by a Party where, on the basis of the information made available during the investigation, it is concluded that it would not be in the public interest to apply such measures.
5. Any anti-dumping measure applied against imports of a Party, shall be terminated without exception on a date not later than five years from its imposition. After the termination, a new investigation procedure can be started against the imports of a Party.
6. Five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Joint Committee shall review this Article in order to determine whether its content is necessary considering the policy objectives of the Parties.
7. Chapter 12 shall only apply to paragraphs 2 to 5.
Anti-dumping. 1. The Parties reaffirm their rights and obligations under Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994, in particular Article 15 thereof.
2. The Parties accord a high level of importance to cooperation in the field of anti-dumping.
Anti-dumping. 1. The Parties agree not to take any action pursuant to the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 in an arbitrary or protectionist manner.
2. Notwithstanding Article 61.1, as soon as possible following the acceptance of a properly documented application from an industry in one Party for the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation in respect of goods from the other Party, the Party that has accepted the properly documented application shall notify the relevant contact point in the other Party.
Anti-dumping. 1. The rights and obligations relating to anti-dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement"), subject to paragraph 2.
2. When a Party receives a properly documented application and before initiating an investigation under the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement, the Party shall notify in writing the other Party whose goods are allegedly being dumped and allow a 20 day period for consultations with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution. If such a solution cannot be reached, each Party retains its rights and obligations under Article VI of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT and the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement.
3. The Joint Committee shall review the present Article in order to determine whether its content is still necessary to achieve the policy objectives of the Parties.
4. The Chapter 12 (Dispute Settlement) shall not apply to the present article, except to its paragraph 2.
Anti-dumping. 1. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of the application of anti-dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994.
2. After an EFTA State or Tunisia, as the case may be, receives a properly documented application and before initiation of an investigation under the provisions of the Agreement referred to in paragraph 1, that Party shall notify in writing the Party whose goods are allegedly being dumped and allow for consultations with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution. The outcome of the consultations shall be communicated to the other Parties.
3. The Parties shall, upon request of any Party, meet in the Joint Committee to review the contents of this Article.
Anti-dumping. Seller represents, warrants, certifies and covenants that all sales made hereunder are made in circumstances that will not give rise to the imposition of new anti-dumping or countervailing duties under United States law (19 U.S.C. Sec. 1671 et seq.), European Union (Council Regulation (EC) No. 384/96 of December 22, 1995, Commission Decision No. 2277/96/ECSC of November 28, 1996), similar laws in such jurisdictions or the law of any other country to which the goods may be exported. To the full extent permitted by law, Seller will indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any costs or expenses (including any countervailing duties which may be imposed and, to the extent permitted by law, any preliminary dumping duties that may be imposed) arising out of or in connection with any breach of this warranty. In the event that countervailing or anti-dumping duties are imposed that cannot be readily recovered from Seller, Buyer may terminate this Order with no further liability of any nature whatsoever to Seller hereunder. In the event that any jurisdiction imposes punitive or other additional tariffs on goods subject to this agreement in connection with a trade dispute or as a remedy in an “escape clause” action or for any other reason, Buyer may, at its option, treat such increase in duties as a condition of Force Majeure.
Anti-dumping. 1. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of the application of anti- dumping measures shall be governed by Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994.
2. After an EFTA State or SACU receives a properly documented application and before initiation of an investigation under the provisions of the Agreement referred to in paragraph 1, that Party shall notify in writing the Party whose goods are allegedly being dumped and invite such Party to consultations with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution within 30 days. The outcome of the consultations shall be communicated to the other Parties. Consultations shall take place in the Joint Committee if a Party so requests within ten days from the date of receipt of the notification.