Institution Responsibility. Institution shall ensure the due performance by Principal Investigator and all other Institution Personnel regarding each of the duties to be performed by them, as contemplated hereunder. 1.4
Institution Responsibility. The INSTITUTION shall be primarily responsible for the administration and monitoring of the performance of the Work by the COMPANY. The INSTITUTION personnel designated in paragraph 10.9 shall be the principal point of contact between the INSTITUTION and the COMPANY relative to the performance required under this Agreement.
Institution Responsibility. To the extent authorized under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, Institution shall hold harmless AstraZeneca from any and all Losses caused by:
Institution Responsibility. The Institution is and shall remain responsible for any harm, claims actions or expense (including legal expense) resulting from or connected with the negligence, omission or fault on the part of the Institution, Investigator or any Sub- investigators and research staff. 18.
Institution Responsibility. The Institution is and shall remain responsible for any harm, claims actions or expense (including legal expense) resulting from or connected with the negligence, omission or fault on the part of the Institution, Investigator or any Sub- investigators and research staff. 18.5. Odpovědnost Zdravotnického zařízení. Zdravotnické zařízení je a zůstane odpovědno za jakoukoli škodu, žaloby nebo výdaje (včetně právních nákladů), které vzniknou nebo jsou spojeny s nedbalostí, opomenutím nebo zaviněním ze strany Zdravotnického zařízení, Hlavního zkoušejícího nebo 19.