Institutional Arrangement Sample Clauses

Institutional Arrangement. 1. The Ministers responsible for ASEAN Economic Integration, with the assistance of the Senior Economic Officials (SEOM), shall oversee, monitor and/or coordinate the implementation of this Framework Agreement. 2. The ASEAN Secretariat shall: (a) provide support to the Ministers and the SEOM for supervising, coordinating and reviewing the implementation of this Framework Agreement; and (b) monitor and regularly report to the SEOM on the progress in the implementation of this Framework Agreement. 3. Member States shall cooperate with the ASEAN Secretariat in the performance of its duties.
Institutional Arrangement. Government will present a proposal on the NMW Commission’s institutional arrangements (i.e. functions, role, representation, scope, powers, etc.) at the next COP meeting. There shall be three representatives from each constituency, that is, Organised Labour, Organised Business and Community. The COP must still determine the decision making processes of the NMW Commission.
Institutional Arrangement a) The Contractor will work under the direct supervision of the E4Impact Project Manager. b) The project manager will confirm adherence to specifications before materials are installed.
Institutional Arrangement. The consultant will work under direct supervision of the Technical Advisor on Energy and will work in close collaboration with other concerned UNDP staff.
Institutional Arrangement. The principal responsibility for managing this work resides with the UNDP Country Office (UNDP CO) in Praia and the Directorate General of Energy (DGE),
Institutional Arrangement. As the legal framework is still not complete, the assessment of the institutional arrangement indicated that a number of institutions responsible specifically for the implementation of the Directive are either not in place or just partially established (Table 4). So, there are no liaison offices established in any of the four candidate countries. The public authorities responsible exist, in the sense that they are institutions already responsible for employment and migration, and in the case of Albania and North Macedonia also specifically tasked with over- seeing posting. Liaison Office established No No No No Public authority/ies responsible for the implementation of the PWD (competent authorities) assigned Yes Partially Yes Partially State agency/ies responsible for monitoring, control and enforcement of the PWD assigned/established Yes No Partially No Grievance procedure and authorities for posting to and from the country assigned/established Partially Partially Partially Partially National website on posting set up No No No No State agencies responsible for ingoing and outgoing labour migration Yes Partially Partially Partially Grievance procedure and authorities for labour migration to and from the country assigned/established Yes Partially Partially Partially Employment mediators for labour disputes are available Partially Partially Partially Partially Other information dissemination structures/platforms on migration and employment Yes Partially Partially Partially When it comes to monitoring, control and enforcement of the Directive, however, only Albania has already as- signed a focal state agency with the task of implementing the Directive: The Directorate of Labour and Migration, Ministry of Finance and Economy. Others are responsible for the issuing of permits and registering posted work- ers to Albania (Directorate of Border Control and Migration, State Police, The Ministry of Interior Affairs) and from Albania (Consular Services, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs). In North Macedonia, the State Labour Inspectorate has a partial responsibility for posting, as it has to inspect posting companies once a year, but no state agency has been assigned these tasks in Montenegro or Serbia. As a result, grievance procedures are also partially in place, as posted workers can follow the same procedures as locally hired migrant workers in three of the countries, whereas in Montenegro they are still pending the passing of the law on posting. There is also no ...
Institutional Arrangement. The ARMO shall have an Administrative Council and a Secretariat and shall maintain the Lists of Mediators, including a List of Mediators Nominated by the Members (hereinafter referred to as “Members’ List of Mediators”) and a List of Mediators Nominated by the Chairperson of the Administrative Council (hereinafter referred to as “Chairperson’s List of Mediators”).
Institutional Arrangement. The Ministers responsible for ASEAN Economic Integration, with the assistance of the Senior Economic Officials (SEOM), shall oversee, monitor and/or coordinate the implementation of this Framework Agreement.
Institutional Arrangement. The international consultant will work under direct supervision of the Environmental Policy Specialist on Circular Economy concept (3Rs) in the context of solid waste generation and management and private sector engagement.
Institutional ArrangementOverall supervision is provided by an environmental policy specialist as well as a policy specialist (project manager) for the works related to the project as well as the head of communication for the works related to UNDP CO activities. The LTA holders work closely with and under the direct supervision of the service requesters in executing his/her assignment (technical focal points).