Insurance Committee An Insurance Committee comprised of three (3) representatives selected by the Superintendent and three (3) representatives selected by Okeechobee County Education Association #1604 shall be established to review and make recommendations regarding the health insurance program. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly and may meet more frequently as needed. Notwithstanding the above, any anticipated changes to the hospitalization and health insurance program which would result in a program less than equivalent to the existing program shall be subject to negotiations.
Health Insurance Committee The UFF-USF-GAU President will appoint one (1) employee to serve on the University's Student Health Insurance Committee.
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (a) A Nurse who is injured while at work and as a result of such injury is certified by a medical doctor as unfit to complete the working day, shall receive pay at the regular rate for time lost on the day that such injury is sustained and no deduction will be made from sick leave credits with respect to that particular working day.
Unemployment Insurance Rebate The short-term sick leave plan shall be registered with the Unemployment Insurance Commission (UIC). The employee's share of the Employer's unemployment insurance premium reduction will be retained by the Hospital towards offsetting the cost of the benefit improvements contained in this Agreement.
Guidance Counselors One (1) period of counseling for each eighty (80) students.* **
Employment Insurance Rebate The short-term sick leave plan shall be registered with the Employment Insurance Commission (EIC). The nurses' share of the employer's Employment Insurance premium reduction will be retained by the Hospital towards offsetting the cost of the benefit improvements contained in this agreement.