INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. The University recognises intellectual freedom which entails the right of an employee to: (i) contribute to the decision-making processes and structures of the University; including the right to express opinions about the operations of the University and higher education policy more generally; (ii) pursue critical and open inquiry, publish, research and, consistent with the University's academic processes, freely discuss, teach, assess and develop curricula; (iii) participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas and about the University or higher education issues more generally; (iv) participate in professional and representative bodies, including unions, and engage in community service; (v) express their personal views, consistent with the University's Code of Conduct, without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 35.1 The University is committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University and in accordance with the University’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. 35.2 Intellectual freedom includes: 35.2.1 The rights of all employees to express opinions about the operations of the University and higher education policy more generally; 35.2.2 The rights of employees to pursue critical and open inquiry and to discuss freely, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research; 35.2.3 The right to participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area; 35.2.4 The right of all employees to participate in professional and representative bodies including industrial associations and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment; and 35.2.5 The right to express unpopular or controversial views, although this does not mean the right to harass, vilify or intimidate. 35.3 In the exercise of Intellectual Freedom, employees will act in a professional and ethical manner and will not harass, vilify, intimidate or defame the institution or its employees. 35.4 In relation to governance, the University will encourage employees to participate actively in the operation of the institution and in the community. The University will ensure that all governing bodies operate in a transparent and accountable manner, encouraging freedom of expression and thought. This does not prevent a University committee from considering a matter ‘in camera’.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 46.1 The University is committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of Intellectual Freedom within the University and in accordance with the University’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. 46.2 Intellectual freedom includes: 46.2.1 The rights of all employees to be consulted in decision-making processes and structures within their institution, including the right to express opinions about the operations of that institution and higher education policy more generally; 46.2.2 The rights of employees to pursue critical and open inquiry and to discuss freely, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research; 46.2.3 The right to participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area; 46.2.4 The right of all employees to participate in professional and representative bodies, including industrial associations and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment; 46.2.5 The right to express unpopular or controversial views, although this does not mean the right to harass, vilify or intimidate. In the exercise of Intellectual Freedom, employees will act in a professional and ethical manner and will not harass, vilify, intimidate or defame the institution or its employees. 46.3 In relation to governance, the University will encourage employees to participate actively in the operation of the institution and in the community. The University will ensure that all governing bodies operate in a transparent and accountable manner, encouraging freedom of expression and thought. This does not prevent a University committee from considering a matter ‘in camera’.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 10.2.1 Without derogating from or limiting the employment obligations of staff, including the obligations to comply with reasonable and lawful directions and requests, the parties to the Agreement are committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom. 10.2.2 Intellectual freedom includes: (a) the rights of all staff to: (i) participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area or areas of professional expertise and about the institution within which they work or higher education issues more generally; (ii) make other comment outside their discipline or areas of professional expertise as long as they do so on their own behalf and do not claim to represent the University; (iii) express unpopular or controversial views, but this does not mean the right to harass, vilify or defame or intimidate; (b) the rights of academic staff to pursue critical and open inquiry and to freely discuss, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research; (c) the right of all staff to participate in professional and representative bodies, including unions, and engage in appropriate community service; (d) the rights of all staff to express opinions about the operations of the University and higher education policy more generally. 10.2.3 The University will encourage staff to actively participate in the operation of the University and in the communities it serves.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 23.1 The parties to the Agreement are committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University. 23.2 Staff members have the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, but does not include the right to harass, intimidate or vilify. 23.3 Staff members providing statements / public comment on behalf of the University may only do so in accordance with the appropriate authorisation / delegation and the University Code of Conduct. 23.4 Staff members have the right to pursue critical enquiry and to discuss freely, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research within the limits of their professional competence and standards, and consistent with their employment obligations and role. 23.5 The University will encourage staff to participate in governance of the institution. The University is committed to operating in a transparent manner.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 54.1 The University encourages and supports academic freedom of both enquiry and expression. While academic freedom is a right, it carries with it the duty to use the freedom in a manner consistent with a responsible and honest search for, and dissemination of, knowledge and truth. Within the ambit of academic freedom lies the traditional role of those within the academy to make informed comment on societal mores and practice, and to challenge held beliefs, policies and structures, within their discipline area. 54.2 All employees of the University have the responsibility to participate in the life of the University, in its governance and administration, through membership on committees, provided that this participation is consistent with the discharge of their primary responsibilities.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. (1) The University recognises that intellectual freedom is an essential part of University employment and is therefore committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University, including the right of an employee: a. to pursue critical and open inquiry and to freely discuss, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research b. to participate in public debates and to express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area and professional expertise or higher education issues generally c. to participate in professional and representative bodies and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment d. to express unpopular or controversial views but this does not mean the right to harass, vilify or intimidate. (2) In the exercise of Intellectual freedom employees will support the University’s Code of Conduct and will act in a professional and ethical manner. (3) An employee will not represent their individual opinions as being those of the University.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 209 The Parties are committed to the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University, including the rights of:
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 21. 1 The University is committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University and in accordance with the University’s Academic Freedom Statement and Code of Conduct. 21. 2 Intellectual freedom includes: (a) the rights of all Staff to express opinions about the operation of the University and higher education policy more generally; (b) the rights of Staff to pursue critical open enquiry and to discuss freely, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research within the limits of their professional competence and professional standards; (c) the right to participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their University position; (d) the right of all Staff to participate in professional and representative bodies and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment; and (e) the right to express unpopular or controversial views, although this does not mean the right to vilify, harass or intimidate.
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. 40.1 The parties to the Agreement are committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom. 40.2 Intellectual freedom includes: 40.2.1 the rights of all employees to: i) participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area or areas of professional expertise and about the institution within which they work or higher education issues more generally; ii) make other comment outside their discipline or areas of professional expertise as long as they do so on their own behalf and do not claim to represent the University; Iii) express unpopular or controversial views, but this does not mean the right to harass, vilify or intimidate; 40.2.2 the rights and responsibilities of academic employees to pursue critical and open inquiry and to freely discuss, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research; 40.2.3 the rights of all staff and students to express opinions about the operations of the University and higher education policy more generally. 40.3 The University will encourage staff to actively participate in the operation of the institution and in the communities the University serves.