Meeting Procedure. The following procedures apply to the Governing Board, the Executive Committee, and the TAC:
Meeting Procedure. Unless the Board and Association have mutually agreed to an earlier bargaining commencement date, the first meeting of each negotiating year shall be held no later than March 1. Succeeding meetings will be held as required and on mutually agreeable dates, at least each month, until agreement has been reached.
Meeting Procedure. The Monitoring Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings and develop a reasonable procedure if needed.
Meeting Procedure. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Xxxxxxxxx Xxx, 0000 requirements and relevant regulations.
Meeting Procedure. 9.3.1. The JWG shall meet at least 2 times each year.
9.3.2. The first meeting of the JWG in each calendar year shall be no later than the end of February and the second meeting should be held no later than the end of August.
9.3.3. The JWG shall also meet at any other time by a request of any two members of the Group.
9.3.4. At the first meeting of each year, the JWG shall agree on its operating procedures for the year, with reference to clause 9.1. Such procedures shall include, but are not limited to: the keeping and circulation of minutes, the setting of agendas, and modes of communication.
Meeting Procedure. 1. The SPREP Meeting shall elect from among its Members a Chairperson and such other officers as it decides, who shall remain in office until the next SPREP Meeting. In principle, the role of the Chairperson shall rotate as decided by the SPREP Meeting.
2. The SPREP Meeting shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.
(a) The Parties shall ensure the full involvement of all Members in the work of the SPREP Meeting. The work of the SPREP Meeting shall be conducted on the basis of consensus of all Members, taking into account the practices and procedures of the South Pacific region.
(b) In the event that a decision is required in the SPREP Meeting, that decision shall be taken by a consensus of the Parties. The consensus of the Parties shall ensure that the views of all Members of the SPREP Meeting have been properly considered and taken into account in reaching that consensus.
4. The attendance by observers in SPREP Meetings shall be provided for in the Rules of Procedure.
5. The SPREP Meeting shall be convened by the Director.
6. The working languages of SPREP shall include English and French.
Meeting Procedure. The meetings will notionally be half a day in duration. A meeting may be extended by agreement with the Unions and Utilities Management. The meetings will normally be held at Keswick however the venue will be determined by Utilities Management. The topics considered, and the main elements of any of those topics considered will be recorded and provided to the participants.
Meeting Procedure. Meetings of the Nominating Committee shall be held immediately preceding the annual meeting of Members and shall follow the same procedures as meetings of the Members. Approved pursuant to the Agreement this day of , 2016. A by-law relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of GTA REGION INVESTMENT ATTRACTION (the "Corporation"). BE IT ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation as follows:
Meeting Procedure. Any meeting of the Technical Committee may be held with one or more members participating by means of such telephone, electronic or other communication facilities as may be permitted from time to time. For greater certainty, resolutions of the Technical Committee may be evidenced by an instrument in writing signed on behalf of all of the members. Any Party may call a special meeting of the Technical Committee upon thirty (30) days notice to the Operator and the other Parties. In case of emergency, twenty-four (24) hours notice of a meeting shall suffice. Each notice of a meeting shall include an itemized agenda prepared by the Operator in the case of a regular meeting, or by the Party calling the meeting in the case of a special meeting, but any matters may be considered with the consent of all members. The Operator shall prepare minutes of all meetings and shall distribute copies of such minutes within thirty (30) days after the meeting. The minutes, when signed on behalf of all members, shall be the official record of the decisions made by the Technical Committee and shall be binding on the Operator and the Parties.
Meeting Procedure. Meetings of the Nominating Committee shall be held immediately preceding the annual meeting of Members and shall follow the same procedures as meetings of the Members. ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 5 1.1 Definitions 5 1.2 Interpretation 8 ARTICLE 2 GENERAL 8 2.1 Registered Office 8 2.2 Financial Year 8