RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. 4.01 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an abridgement or restriction of any employee’s constitutional rights or of any right expressly conferred in an Act of the Parliament of Canada.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Within three (3) working days after receipt of the test result report from the Medical Review Officer, the Employer shall inform in writing an employee who has undergone drug or alcohol testing of: A. A negative test result on an initial screening test or of a negative or positive test result on a confirmatory test; B. The right to request and receive from the Employer a copy of the test result report; C. The right to request within five (5) working days after notice of a positive test result a confirmatory retest of the original sample at the employee's expense at the original testing laboratory or another licensed testing laboratory; D. The right to submit information to the Employer’s Medical Review Officer within three (3) working days after notice of a positive test result to explain that result; indicate any over the counter or prescription medications that the employee is currently taking or has recently taken and any other information relevant to the reliability of, or explanation for, a positive test result; E. The right of an employee for whom a positive test result on a confirmatory test was the first such result for the employee on a drug or alcohol test requested by the Employer not to be discharged unless the employee has been determined by a Minnesota Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) or a physician trained in the diagnosis and treatment of chemical dependency to be chemically dependent and the Employer has first given the employee an opportunity to participate in, at the employee's own expense or pursuant to coverage under an employee benefit plan, either a drug or alcohol counseling or rehabilitation program, whichever is more appropriate, as determined by the Employer after consultation with a Minnesota LADC or a physician trained in the diagnosis and treatment of chemical dependency, and the employee has either refused to participate in the counseling or rehabilitation program or has failed to successfully complete the program, as evidenced by withdrawal from the program before its completion; F. The right to not be discharged, disciplined, discriminated against, or requested or required to undergo rehabilitation on the basis of a positive test result from an initial screening test that has not been verified by a confirmatory test; G. The right, if suspended without pay, to be reinstated with back pay if the outcome of the confirmatory test or requested confirmatory retest is negative; H. The right to not be discharged, discipli...
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Section 3.1 It is agreed that the employees in the unit defined herein shall have and shall be protected in the exercise of the right, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, to join and legally assist the Union. The freedom of such employees to assist the Union shall be recognized as extending to participation in the management of the Union, including presentation of the views of the Union, through established administrative channels, to the Board of Directors of the District or any other governmental body, group or individual. The District shall take whatever action is required or refrain from such action in order to assure employees that no interference, restraint, coercions, or discrimination is allowed within the District to encourage or discourage membership in any employee organization. Section 3.2 Each employee shall have the right to bring matters of personal concern to the attention of appropriate Union representatives and/or appropriate officials of the District through regular administrative channels. Section 3.3 Prior to or at the outset of a meeting held to discuss allegations that may result in discipline, the employee shall be informed of the purpose, possible outcome, and that the employee has the right to have a union representative present at the meeting. The non-availability of a union representative shall not prohibit the investigatory meeting from taking place. The union representative shall not obstruct or interfere with the interview. A building administrator may be present for purposes of problem solving and can share concerns if the situation or subject involves other school staff, parent(s) and/or student(s). However, any disciplinary action shall be determined by the employee’s supervisor (or manager). Building principals will not be copied on disciplinary documents or formal plans of improvement. Section 3.4 Each employee reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained in this Agreement, exclusive of compensation for services rendered, to appropriate officials of the Union. Section 3.5 Neither the District, nor the Union, shall discriminate against any employee subject to this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age or marital status or individuals with disabilities possessing the required qualifications for the position. Section 3.6 Whenever words denoting a specific gender are used in this Agreement, they are intended, and shall be construed, so as to...
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Section 3.1 Employees in the unit defined herein shall have the right and shall be protected in the exercise of that right to freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, join and assist the Council.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. The above clause shall not deprive the employee of the right to exercise the Grievance Procedure as outlined in this Agreement.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. 6.01 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting or eliminating any rights or obligations whatever, recognized or conferred upon any employee, under any federal or provincial statutes, present or future.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Before requesting an employee to undergo drug or alcohol testing, the employer shall provide the employee with a form on which to acknowledge that the employee has seen the drug and alcohol testing policy.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Any individual employed by the board of a regional education association has the same statutory rights as those accorded to an individual employed by a public school district for the same purpose.
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. Employees of the Police Division included within the scope of this Agreement shall be entitled to the following rights as they relate to non-criminal charges against an employee for violation of Police Division policies, rules and regulations. An employee being investigated for possible criminal charges shall be afforded the same constitutional rights as are required to be provided to any other citizens. A. Any time that the Police Chief, or his designee, conducts a disciplinary hearing with an employee, the employee shall be advised of his rights to have a Union representative/and or Union attorney present in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. In any disciplinary hearing, each party shall have the right to question the other party's witnesses. Complaints against an employee for a violation of division policy and procedure shall be reduced to writing and signed by the complainant. B. An employee who is to be questioned as a suspect in any investigation of any criminal charge against him shall be advised of his Constitutional Rights before any questioning starts. Any internal Police Division questioning of the employee named in the criminal complaint and any administrative charges against that employee may be delayed until after the trial stage of the criminal case at the discretion of the police chief and shall be delayed until after the trial stage of the criminal case provided: (1) the employee involved declines to participate in the administrative investigation and (2) the employee removes himself/herself from duty without pay. C. Before an employee may be charged with any violation of Division rules and regulations for a refusal to answer questions or participate in an investigation, he shall be advised that his refusal to answer questions or participate in such investigation may be made the basis for such a charge. D. Any interrogation, questioning or interview shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably while the person to be interrogated or interviewed is on duty and shall occur in the office of the Chief. Such sessions shall be for reasonable periods of time and time shall be allowed for rest period(s) and for other physical necessities. No more than two (2) individuals at a time will interrogate, question or interview the employee. E. The employee shall be informed of the nature of the investigation prior to any questioning. F. When a single anonymous complaint is made against an employee and there is no corroborative evi...
RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES. 6 The District and Union recognize the rights of employees to form, join, and participate in activities of 7 employee Unions and the equal alternative right of employees to refuse to form, joint, and participate in 8 such activities.