Interest in Teaching Students. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates an understanding of and 8 commitment to each student, taking into account each individual’s unique background and characteristics.
Interest in Teaching Students. The employee demonstrates a commitment to each student, taking into account each student’s individual differences. Comments:
Interest in Teaching Students. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates an understanding of and commitment to each student, taking into account each individual’s unique background and characteristics. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates enthusiasm for and enjoyment in working with students. Possible indicators—The evaluation procedure assesses the extent to which the teacher:
Interest in Teaching Students. The library media specialist demonstrates enthusiasm for working with and a commitment to all students. Possible Indicators:
4.1 Provides for active student participation in learning activities.
4.2 Recognizes unique characteristics of students.
4.3 Sets and communicates high expectations for student learning.
4.4 Interacts with students in positive ways.
4.5 Models and reinforces respect for students of diverse backgrounds.
Interest in Teaching Students. The employee demonstrates an appreciation for each student's unique background and characteristics and enthusiasm for and enjoyment in working with students. Enjoys the process of working with students. Recognizes characteristics of each student. Uses knowledge of individual students to design learning experiences and facilitate learning.
Interest in Teaching Students. The employee demonstrates a commitment to each student, taking into account each student’s individual differences.
6.1 Enjoy the process of working with students;
6.2 Recognizes and takes into account individual student differences in order to meet the needs of all students;
6.3 Uses knowledge of individual student(s) to design learning experiences to facilitate learning.
Interest in Teaching Students. The teacher demonstrates enthusiasm for working with and a commitment to all students while taking into account each individual’s unique and diverse needs, background and characteristics.
Interest in Teaching Students. The library media specialist demonstrates enthusiasm for working with and a commitment to all students.
Interest in Teaching Students. The teacher shows respect for the personal worth and contribution of each student, enthusiastically encourage s students to seek learning, and listens and responds to student concerns.
Interest in Teaching Students. Recognizes each individuals’ unique background and needs. Develops rapport with students. Demonstrates enthusiasm and enjoyment when working with students.