JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases extended under this Agreement and each use of your account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove him/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the account does not release you from any liability already incurred.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases extended under this Agreement and each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove him/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from any liability already incurred. CONVENIENCE CHECKS: We may, at our discretion, issue checks to you. By signing such checks, you authorize us to pay the item for the amount indicated and post such amount as a cash advance to your Account. We do not have to pay any item which would cause the outstanding balance in your Account to exceed your credit limit. We may reject and return unpaid any Convenience Check you write for any reason. Checks used to access your account may not be accepted if made to cash, you, or if presented in a format other than the checks we issue. Convenience checks may not be used to pay off existing debt at GECU.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. In the event this Agreement is executed by someone in addition to you, it is further agreed that the terms “you” and “your” as used herein shall refer to you collectively and that each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to the Credit Union for all charges made to the account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases extended under this Agreement and each use of your account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint applicant may remove himself/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying the Credit Union in writing. However, removal from the account does not release any joint applicant from liability already incurred.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. Each person who applied for the Card shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases, cash advances or balance transfers under this Agreement and each use of your Card or Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove himself or herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from any liability already incurred.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases, cash advances or balance transfers under this Agreement and each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove him/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from any liability already incurred. CONVENIENCE CHECKS: We may issue checks at our discretion that may be used for any lawful purpose other than making a payment for credit to your Account. By signing such checks, you authorize us to pay the item for the amount indicated and post such amount as a cash advance to your Account. We do not have to pay any item that would cause the outstanding balance in your Account to exceed your credit limit. Charges that apply in connection with the use of conve- nience checks are as follows: Copy of Paid Check $5; Stop Payment on Check $15; Non-Sufficient Funds Check (NSF) as follows: the first NSF convenience check occurrence, a fee equal to the lesser of the amount of the check or $25 will be assessed; if another NSF convenience check occurs during the next six billing cycles, a fee equal to the lesser of the amount of the check or $35 will be assessed. Fees will be assessed at the time they are incurred. In addition to periodic interest charges, use of convenience checks is subject to an additional fee which is disclosed under the “Cash Advance/- Convenience Check Fee” section of this Agreement. There is no grace period for convenience checks. BALANCE TRANSFERS: Subject to your available credit, you will be able to transfer the balances of non-Amarillo National Bank credit card accounts to your Account. If you request a balance transfer to be made, you should not rely on a balance transfer to be made by any particular date. Although most balance transfers will be made sooner, it could take up to four weeks before payment to your other account is made. Accordingly, you should continue to make all required payments on your other accounts until you confirm that the balance transfer has been made. Balance transfers may not exceed your available credit. Balance transfers will be processed from...
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If the Account is issued to you and others as a joint Account, each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all, and each of you shall be jointly and severally liable for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If this Agreement is executed by more than one person, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making purchases extended under this Agreement and each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any joint cardholder may remove him/herself from responsibility for future purchases at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from any liability already incurred. CONVENIENCE CHECKS: We may, at our discretion, issue checks to you which may be used for any purpose other than making a payment for credit to your Account. By signing such checks, you authorize us to pay the item for the amount indicated and post such amount as a cash advance to your Account. We do not have to pay any item which would cause the outstanding balance in your Account to exceed your credit limit.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If more than one person signs the application, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the CONVENIENCE CHECKS: We may issue checks at our discretion that may be used for any purpose other than making a payment for credit to your Account. By signing such checks, you authorize us to pay the item for the amount indicated and post such amount as a cash advance to your Account. We do not have to pay any item that would cause the outstanding balance in your Account to exceed your credit limit.
JOINT APPLICANT LIABILITY. If more than one person is listed on the Account, each of you shall be jointly and individually liable to us for all charges made to the Account, including applicable fees. In addition, you agree that each of you designates the other as agent for the purpose of making Advances under this Agreement and each use of your Account shall be an extension of credit to all. Notice to one of you shall constitute notice to all. Any borrower may close the Account at any time by notifying us in writing. However, removal from the Account does not release you from liability already occurred.