LAW APPLICABLE AND COMPETENT COURT The Agreement is governed by [insert the national law of the NA]. The competent court determined in accordance with the applicable national law shall have sole jurisdiction to hear any dispute between the institution and the participant concerning the interpretation, application or validity of this Agreement, if such dispute cannot be settled amicably.
Final Approval Hearing “Final Approval Hearing” shall mean the hearing at which the Court will consider and finally decide whether to enter the Final Judgment.
Hearing Aids Any active employee who is insured under any one of the 9 District sponsored medical plans may request reimbursement for the costs of 10 hearing aids. The maximum amount of reimbursement shall not exceed one 11 thousand dollars ($1,000) within any three (3) year period. The cost of 12 hardware, fitting tests, and other tests related to the hearing aids purchased 13 shall be included for reimbursement purposes. 14
Hearing Services Hearing Exams and Tests Hearing Aids