Professional Expense Reimbursement. Effective September 1, 2017 the employer will allocate $275,000 for the distribution of a Professional Expense Reimbursement which will be made available to Unit 2 employees on the following basis: $375 for each type 1 or equivalent position (prorated for type 2 or “partial” appointments) to a maximum of $1,125 per year. At the end of each contract year the unexpended portion of these funds shall be rolled over for following years with the following condition: any individual PER allocations which remain unspent after 3 years of initial allocation will be reabsorbed into the fund. The criteria and procedures regarding the administration of the Professional Expense Reimbursement will be subject to the approval of the Labour/Management Committee.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. The Employer will provide a Professional Expense Fund for the reimbursement of professional expenses.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. 28.7.1 The University shall make available to each CAS Member a Professional Expense Reimbursement of up to $125 for each academic term in which they teach a course.
28.7.2 Librarian Members shall have an annual Professional Expense Reimbursement of up to $500. For Librarians Members on appointments of less than twelve (12) months duration, the amount of the reimbursement shall be prorated on the number of months of the appointment.
28.7.3 This Professional Expense Reimbursement is authorized for the purchase of items related to the performance of the Member's teaching or librarian duties. These expenditures include, but are not limited to, the purchase of books, subscriptions, memberships in academic and professional associations related to a Member’s employment at the University, equipment and supplies, and travel expenses related to academic and professional development.
28.7.4 For CAS Members, eligible expenditures must occur within the period commencing with the signing of their letter of appointment to the terminal date of their latest appointment during the contract year, and requests for reimbursement shall be subject to 28.7.3.
28.7.5 CAS Members may make requests for reimbursement for amounts in excess of $50.00 at any time following the commencement of their appointment. Otherwise, for CAS Members, requests for reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be made no later than fifteen (15) days after the terminal date of their latest appointment during the contract year.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. 47. Eligible expenses are described in the Article Professional Expense Reimbursement and must be claimed in accordance with that Article.
47.1 Each Full-Time Member may claim reimbursement of eligible expenses up to a value determined by the allocation of flexible benefits credits as described in Clause 39 of this Article.
47.2 Each Part-Time Member may claim reimbursement of eligible expenses, based on the total number of courses for which the Member has primary teaching responsibility, up to a value of $250 for the first FCE and $75 for each additional half course to a maximum of $700 per Calendar Year.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. The Employer shall make available to the continuing full-time Employee a sum for the purchase of items related to the performance of his/her duties. An Employee may use this sum, provided he/she provides receipts, for the purchase of books, equipment, membership in professional associations and/or travel related expenses. For the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016 the sum shall be $1,800.00. For the period May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017 the sum shall be $1,800.00. For the period May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018 the sum shall be $1,800.00.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. 47. Eligible expenses are described in the Article Professional Expense Reimbursement and must be claimed in accordance with that Article.
47.1 Each Full-Time Member may claim reimbursement of eligible expenses up to a value determined by the allocation of flexible benefits credits as described in Clause 36 of this Article.
47.2 Each Part-Time Member may claim reimbursement of eligible expenses, based on the total number of courses for which the Member has primary teaching responsibility, up to a value of $250 for the first degree credit full course and $75 for each additional half course to a maximum of $700 per Calendar Year.
47.3 Effective July 1, 2023, each Part-Time Member may claim reimbursement of eligible expenses up to a value of $275 for each half course for which they have primary teaching responsibility.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. Eligibility continues during the post-retirement contract. The yearly maximum is dependent upon the post- retirement option chosen:
a) Re-appointment for two-years with a 50% workload: eligible for the full Professional Expense Reimbursement amount for each of two years;
b) Re-appointment for three years with a 1/3 workload: eligible for 66% of the annual full-time Professional Expense Reimbursement amount for each of three years.
Professional Expense Reimbursement i) Re-appointment for two-years with a 50% workload: eligible for the full Professional Expense Reimbursement amount for each of two years;
ii) Re-appointment for 3 years with a 33 and 1/3% workload: eligible for 66 and 2/3% of the annual full Professional Expense Reimbursement amount for each of 3 years.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. The Court shall pay the annual California State Bar Licensing Dues for Attorney members assigned to this unit not to exceed the actual amount of the mandatory (statutorily required) amount of annual fees. Attorneys must submit their annual renewal form thirty (30) days prior to the due date to the Court’s finance division for payment. The Court shall pay the annual fee for Certified Shorthand Reporter License. Court Reporters must submit their annual renewal form prior to thirty (30) days of the expiration date of the license to the court’s finance division for payment. The court reporter’s whose fees are paid by the Court are prohibited from performing court reporting duties outside court employment.
Professional Expense Reimbursement. 27.7.1 The University shall make available to each CAS Member a Professional Expense Reimbursement of up to $100 for each academic term in which they teach a course.
27.7.2 Librarian Members shall have an annual Professional Expense Reimbursement of up to $500. For Librarian Members on appointments of less than 12 months duration, the amount of the reimbursement shall be prorated on the number of months of the appointment.
27.7.3 This Professional Expense Reimbursement is authorized for the purchase of items related to the performance of the Member's teaching or librarian duties. These expenditures include, but are not limited to, the purchase of books, subscriptions, memberships in academic and professional associations related to a Member’s employment at the University, equipment and supplies, and travel expenses related to academic and professional development.
27.7.4 For CAS Members, eligible expenditures must occur within the period commencing with the signing of their letter of appointment to the terminal date of their latest appointment during the contract year, and requests for reimbursement shall be subject to 27.7.3.
27.7.5 CAS Members may make requests for reimbursement for amounts in excess of $50.00 at any time following the commencement of their appointment. Otherwise, for CAS Members, requests for reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be made no later than 15 days after the terminal date of their latest appointment during the contract year.
27.7.6 Librarian Members may make requests for reimbursement for amounts in excess of $50.00 at any time following the commencement of their appointment. For Librarian Members, requests for reimbursement shall be made no later than 15 days after the end of their appointment, or for Librarian Members with Part-time Continuing Appointments annually no later than July 15.
27.7.7 For Librarian Members with Part-time Continuing Appointments, monies unspent in a Member’s Professional Expense Reimbursement for a 12-month period, shall be added to the Member’s allowance for the next year. For Librarian Members, the amount of the carry-over shall not exceed the maximum reimbursement allowable under 27.7.2.
27.7.8 Any change in the University’s Professional Expense Reimbursement claim form shall only be made with the consent of the Association.