Salary Table Sample Clauses
Salary Table. As per the Collective Agreement.
Salary Table. 3.18(d) SEC Reports........................................ 4.5
Salary Table. 10 In order to comply with PERS regulations, the rate of pay will be the 11 appropriate percentage of the salary table multiplied by 1.06667 to reflect 12 the PERS standardized forty (40) hour work week. For example, a full 13 time (100%) Santa Xxxxx Unified employee works a 7½ hour day for a 14 total of 37½ hours per week. This full-time employee is a 93.75% 15 employee on the PERS adjusted salary table.
Salary Table. The salary tables for the purpose of compensating certified staff shall be set forth in Appendix A for 2014-2015 through 2016-2017, which shall be made a portion of this Agreement. Al so attached and marked Appendix B for information al purposes only is Appendix A from the 2011-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
A. In the 2014-2015 year each teacher will receive an additional, one-time, non-recurring, lump-sum stipend equal to one percent (1%) of the teacher’s 2014-2015 salary schedule com pensation. In the 2015-2016 y ear eac h teacher will receive an additio nal, one-time, non-recurring, lump-sum stipend equal to one-half percent (.5%) of the teacher’s 2015-2016 salary schedule compensation. (See attac hed schedules for years 1 and 2.) Lump sums are to be paid by November 20th of each year.
B. Teachers who begin their employment at (or after) the start of the 2014-2015 year will not receive the one per cent (1%) stipend. Teachers who start their employment at (or after) the start of the 2015-2016 year will not receive the one-half percent (.5%) stipend.
C. Teachers receiving e nd-of-career increases (6% or 5% increases) will not receive any other increases including the CPI increases or the 1% or .5% stipends. Their pay increases will be limited to the 5% or 6% increases.
Salary Table. 3.18(d) Stockholders..................................................
Salary Table. For whole number values of weighted years of service, the following table shows the resulting annual salaries at 9 month 1.0 FTE appointments: Step Instructor Senior Instructor Ass’t Professor/Ass’t Professor in Library Assoc. Professor/Assoc. Professor in Library Professor/Professor in Library Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
Salary Table. 1 Levels On lodgment with XXX - 4% July 08 up to 4% July 09 up to 4% The minimum remuneration payable to employees to whom this Agreement applies shall be in accordance with the salary rates appearing in this clause. The minimum salaries in this Agreement are expressed in annual amounts and include compensation for the non-payment of annual leave loading.
Salary Table. Effective August 2, 2021, the following classifications will be moved to the salary table as reflected below: Classification Increase to Move to Table 1.53% 55 1.94% SECTION 7 - PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT
Salary Table. Salary Table 1 at Clause 28.3 applies to employees working a thirty-eight (38) hour week classified in terms of the definition criteria set out in Schedule A to the Award. Salaries in Table 1 include the percentage wage increases set out in Clause 28.4.