Conference Committee The Conference Committee shall meet at least quarterly. It shall consist of the three elected representatives of the nurses plus one clinical unit representative appointed by the nurse bargaining unit, and an Association staff member, and five representatives of the Employer to include the Chief Nursing Executive and/or designee and one member of the Employer’s contract negotiating team. The purpose of the Conference Committee is to act in an advisory capacity to xxxxxx problem solving through communications between the Employer and nurses in the bargaining unit and deal with matters of nursing practice and general concern to the parties. Major organizational or policy changes in the nursing department that have a direct bearing on nursing practice or working conditions shall be an appropriate subject for discussion by the Conference Committee. Attendance at Conference Committee will be considered work time and will be paid at the regular rate of pay. A general group “grievance” as defined in this Agreement coming before the Conference Committee which is not resolved by the parties may be submitted in accordance with Article 18 at Step Two of the Grievance Procedure.
Conference Telephone Meetings Directors or members of any committee of the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or such committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and such participation in a meeting shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.
PRE-JOB CONFERENCE a) The Employer shall notify the union that a project has been awarded to the Employer following the award. Prior to the start of each project, a pre-job conference shall be held to determine all site-specific issues as outlined in the Agreement. This conference may be conducted via telephone, through a scheduled meeting or by some other practical means as agreed to by the parties. b) A copy of the pre-job conference report shall be provided to the Employer, the Union and the Job Xxxxxxx (s). A copy shall also be posted on the bulletin board(s) at the jobsite.
Church Conference Vote At least two-thirds (2/3) of the professing members present at a church conference of the Local Church must vote to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church “for reasons of conscience regarding a change in the requirements and provisions of the Book of Discipline related to the practice of homosexuality or the ordination or marriage of self-avowed practicing homosexuals as resolved and adopted by the 2019 General Conference, or the actions or inactions of its annual conference related to these issues which follow.” Local Church shall provide documentation, to the satisfaction of Annual Conference, which evidences the result of the disaffiliation vote taken at the church conference. Such documentation must be certified by an authorized officer of Local Church and shall be included as an Exhibit A to this Disaffiliation Agreement.
PRE-BID CONFERENCE Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Monday, May 23, 2022, @ 2:00 PM, located at W220 Pre-con Conference Room, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx (Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx) Xxxxxxx, XX 00000. Attendance is not mandatory but is encouraged.
Professional Conferences Professional conferences are those conferences sponsored by educational organizations, institutions of higher learning, and government and industry concerning teaching, learning and educational research. When a full-time or part-time faculty member’s attendance at a professional conference conflicts with his/her regular assignment, the faculty member must submit a request for attendance to the appropriate Xxxx, Director, or Supervisor. If granted, the attendance at the conference will be considered leave with pay, and a follow-up report of the conference shall be submitted to the appropriate Supervisor.
Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.
Informal Conference An employee against whom the disciplinary action is being considered may be requested to attend an informal conference with the immediate supervisor, his/her designee and/or a Human Resources Administrator prior to official written notification or any recommended disciplinary action. At such conference, the employee shall be informed orally of the specific disciplinary action being considered as well as the reasons therefore and be given an opportunity to respond thereto. At such a conference, the employee may represent himself/herself and/or be represented by a union representative. Holding such an informal conference is discretionary with the District and the failure to do so shall not invalidate any disciplinary action taken pursuant to this regulation.
Parent-Teacher Conferences A. Unit member shall be available at mutually arranged times during the regular school day to confer with parents regarding learning difficulties, student progress and/or behavioral problems a student may be experiencing. Unit members are encouraged to arrange a meeting or conference with parents before or after the regular school day if both time and place are mutually agreeable. B. In the event that a bargaining unit member does not communicate with a parent on the established date for parent unit member conferences as per the calendar adopted by the Board, a reasonable attempt to contact that parent will be made. A reasonable attempt constitutes a phone call or email. If that contact is not returned, the bargaining unit member shall not be obligated to make further contact.
Technical Committee 1. The Technical Committee shall comprise: (a) nine experts representing different regions of the Agreement Area, in accordance with a balanced geographical distribution; (b) one representative from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), one from the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) and one from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC); and (c) one expert from each of the following fields: rural economics, game management, and environmental law. The procedure for the appointment of the experts, the term of their appointment and the procedure for designation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee shall be determined by the Meeting of the Parties. The Chairman may admit a maximum of four observers from specialized international inter- governmental and non-governmental organizations. 2. Unless the Meeting of the Parties decides otherwise, meetings of the Technical Committee shall be convened by the Agreement secretariat in conjunction with each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties and at least once between ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties. 3. The Technical Committee shall: (a) provide scientific and technical advice and information to the Meeting of the Parties and, through the Agreement secretariat, to Parties; (b) make recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties concerning the Action Plan, implementation of the Agreement and further research to be carried out; (c) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties a report on its activities, which shall be submitted to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and twenty days before the session of the Meeting of the Parties, and copies shall be circulated forthwith by the Agreement secretariat to the Parties; and (d) carry out any other tasks referred to it by the Meeting of the Parties. 4. Where in the opinion of the Technical Committee there has arisen an emergency which requires the adoption of immediate measures to avoid deterioration of the conservation status of one or more migratory waterbird species, the Technical Committee may request the Agreement secretariat to convene urgently a meeting of the Parties concerned. These Parties shall meet as soon as possible thereafter to establish rapidly a mechanism to give protection to the species identified as being subject to particularly adverse threat. Where a recommendation has been adopted at such a meeting, the Parties concerned shall inform each other and the Agreement secretariat of measures they have taken to implement it, or of the reasons why the recommendation could not be implemented. 5. The Technical Committee may establish such working groups as may be necessary to deal with specific tasks.