Kickoff and Workshop Sample Clauses

Kickoff and Workshop. Prior to kicking off the project, SSP will internally meet to review the goals, roles, risk items and plans for the project. This shall ensure all SSP project personnel have a clear understanding of the plan ahead of work beginning. Next, the SSP Senior Consultant and PM will remotely host a project kickoff meeting with DME. This meeting will consist of a review of the project goals, roles, personnel and schedule. Time will be allowed for questions and answers. IT team members from DME and technical representatives from Clevest are required to attend and participate. Upon the Kickoff Meeting’s conclusion, SSP will lead a review of the touch points between the two products, where in the workflow they will be used, and what they will do. The four integration touch points are described below, as understood at the creation of this SOW: - GetOutageReasonCodes is called in an on-demand fashion by an administrator as needed. The goal of this is to pull all of the legal outage cause codes from the OMS so that Clevest can present those codes to field workers for selection and then ultimately the code(s) selected by the field worker for an individual outage are sent back to the OMS when restoration occurs. This method is generally called once during the initial setup and then again if the list of valid cause codes is ever updated in the OMS. DME has requested that the outage reason codes will not be the full set that is available in the Responder system, and will be configured for this integration touch point on the Responder side of the interface. - GetAllActiveOutageEvents is called on a configurable polling interval. This is generally set somewhere around every 1 to 15 minutes with the utility being able to balance system performance against how quickly new information moves from the OMS to Clevest. This call will effectively create new outages in Clevest and update existing outages in Clevest with the latest information from the OMS. - UpdateOutageStatus is called multiple times per outage as the assigned crew(s) work the outage. Most of these updates are related to crew status (Acknowledged, Onsite, etc). At this time, DME has requested to Clevest that the ETOR will not be passed in from the field for the outage, though this data may be passed in the future. - RestoreOutage is called once per outage at the time the field worker concludes their work and believes the faulting device has been repaired or replaced. Additionally, comments will be entered by the fiel...
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Kickoff and Workshop. Prior to kicking off the project, SSP will internally meet to review the goals, roles, risk items and plans for the project. This shall ensure all SSP project personnel have a clear understanding of the plan ahead of work beginning. Next, the SSP Senior Consultant and PM will remotely host a project kickoff meeting with DME. This meeting will consist of a review of the project goals, roles, personnel and schedule. Time will be allowed for questions and answers. IT team members from DME and technical representatives from Trilliant are required to attend and participate. Upon the Kickoff Meeting’s conclusion, SSP will conduct remote workshops with DME Rx administrators, Trilliant, and the CIS department to determine the exact approach for integrating the systems. The integrations will all be based on a services oriented architecture (SOA) approach utilizing web services. Xxxxxxxxx will be responsible for designing the AMI side of the integration and the CIS department will be responsible for designing the CIS side of the integration.

Related to Kickoff and Workshop

  • Workshop The workshop purpose is to provide a training venue for TSS professionals engaged in LVC support and operational and institutional training. Official attendees are active duty military personnel, DOD civilians, and other personnel whose attendance is directed and paid for by a DOD/Army contract. Workshops are held annually in a CONUS location to accommodate all TSS Headquarters, Command, Installation, and supporting agencies involved with development, delivery, and support of the TSS program. The workshops may be attended by as many as 1,500 official participants, and include breakouts for each of the main TSS program areas, technical training with automated applications, briefings, and symposiums. The contractor shall provide evaluation of available venues, and assist with the selection and execute agreements to engage the venue. The contractor shall assist with the planning for the workshop to include preparation of required paperwork for Army conference approval. The contractor shall coordinate and execute the workshop including marketing, registration, logistical support, workshop operation, and After Action Reviews (AARs). There are no personal services associated with this contract.

  • Work Week and Work Day (a) (Applicable to full-time employees only) The normal or standard work week shall be an average of thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours, with a normal or standard work day of seven and one-half (7½) hours except in those Hospitals where agreements already provide a standard or normal work week of less than thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours per week and seven and one-half (7½) hours per day. (Those Hospitals with the lesser required hours shall reflect in the salary rates a pro-rata lesser amount compared with salaries for other Hospitals based on the ratio that the standard or normal hours of work at the Hospital concerned are to thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours and shall appropriately reflect such hours in this Article). The length of time over which the hours of work per week are to be averaged shall be determined locally and shall be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix.

  • Workshops During the month of September or October of each year during the term of this Agreement, there shall be held at each University a workshop for Department Chairs at which will be discussed their roles and responsibilities as such. Representatives of the University, at its election, and representatives of the Association, at its election, shall be permitted to participate jointly in such workshop.

  • Work Day and Work Week (A) The normal hours of work for all full-time employees shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week, or seventy (70) hours per two consecutive weeks. All employees are entitled to thirty-two (32) consecutive hours free from work each week, unless overtime rates are paid, as per Article 29.02.

  • Procurement for Goods and Works 3. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, Goods and Works shall only be procured on the basis of the methods of procurement set forth below: International Competitive Bidding National Competitive Bidding Shopping The methods of procurement are subject to, among other things, the detailed arrangements and threshold values set forth in the Procurement Plan. The Borrower may only modify the methods of procurement or threshold values with the prior agreement of ADB, and modifications must be set out in updates to the Procurement Plan.

  • Curriculum Vitae (a) The Chief Librarian shall maintain a curriculum vita for each Librarian. It is the Librarian’s responsibility to ensure that the curriculum vita on file is kept current. Members shall prepare their curriculum vita with the advice and assistance of their Chief Librarian. Members may revise their curriculum vita at any time.

  • Programming Phase Schematic Design Phase: Design Development Phase:

  • Start-Up and Synchronization Consistent with the mutually acceptable procedures of the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer is responsible for the proper synchronization of the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System in accordance with NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner procedures and requirements.

  • Goods and Works All goods and works required for the Project and to be financed out of the proceeds of the Financing shall be procured in accordance with the requirements set forth or referred to in Section I of the Procurement Guidelines, and with the provisions of this Section.

  • Procurement of Goods and Works 3. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, Goods and Works shall only be procured on the basis of the methods of procurement set forth below:

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