Labor Management Labor/management meetings will be held at the request of either party as needed/monthly.
Labor-Management Cooperation When an Appointing Authority initiates a planning process or management study which is anticipated to result in layoff, the Appointing Authority will meet and confer with the Local Union during the decision planning phase and again during the implementation planning phase. The Appointing Authority and the Local Union shall enter into negotiations regarding a Memoranda of Understanding upon request of either party to modify this Agreement regarding the implementation plans which shall include, but are not limited to, the following: • Length of layoff notice; • Job and retraining opportunities; • Alternative placement methods; • Early retirement options pursuant to M.S. 43A.24, Subd. 2(i); • Bumping/vacancy options for part-time employees to preserve their insurance eligibility or contribution; and • Other methods of mitigating layoff or their effect on employees.
Labor Management Relations The Employer and the Union recognize that the character and quality of the Union/Management relationship in each Agency has an impact upon productivity and quality services. Accordingly, the parties agree to support joint Labor/Management training in skills and concepts which may contribute to increased Union/Management understanding and cooperative relationships.
Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.
Working Xxxxxxx An employee who is in charge of a crew not more than five men including himself, engaged in line clearance work. (In the application of Article X, the Company need not consider the application for promotion to this classification from any employee having less than one year of experience in the Climber classification.)
Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Labor Management Meetings Section 11.1. In the interest of sound labor/management relations, the parties agree to meet at agreeable dates and times for the purpose of discussing those issues outlined herein. Normally, meetings held pursuant to this Article will occur no more frequently than once every three (3) months, unless matters of an urgent nature require immediate attention. No more than three (3) employee representatives in pay status will attend such meetings. The Employer and OAPSE may have representatives as each deems necessary to address the issues. Section 11.2. The party requesting the meeting shall furnish an agenda and the names of the employees who will be attending, with the request for the meeting. Subjects that may be discussed at these meetings shall include but not be limited to the items listed below: A. Discuss the administration of this Agreement. B. Notify OAPSE of changes made by the Employer which may affect bargaining unit members. C. Discuss grievances which have not been processed beyond the final step of the Grievance Procedure when such discussions are mutually agreed to by the parties. D. Disseminate general information of interest to the parties. E. Give OAPSE representatives the opportunity to share the views of its members and/or make suggestions on subjects of interest to their members. F. Discuss ways to improve efficiency and work performance. Section 11.3. Written responses promised by either party shall be submitted to the other party within ten (10) work days after such meeting. Section 11.4. Labor/Management meetings are not intended to be negotiation sessions to alter or amend the basic agreement. Section 11.5. In the event of a change of duties of a position within the bargaining unit, or in the event that a new position is created within the Library, the Employer shall determine whether the new or changed position will be included in or excluded from the bargaining unit and shall so advise the Union in writing within thirty (30) calendar days. If the Union disputes the Employer's determination of bargaining unit status, the parties shall meet in an attempt to resolve their disagreement within seven (7) calendar days from the Union notification to the Employer. If the parties agree on the determination, it shall be implemented as agreed by the Employer and the Union and a joint petition for amendment of the bargaining unit shall be filed with the State Employment Relations Board (SERB). If the parties do not agree, the parties shall jointly petition SERB pursuant to Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code and the SERB Rules and Regulations for a determination of bargaining unit status.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 9:01 No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. The Employer shall not meet with any employee or group of employees undertaking to represent the Union without the proper authorization of the Union. In representing an employee or group of employees, a representative of the Union shall be the spokesperson. In order that this may be carried out, the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its Officers and representatives. Likewise the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its Designated Authorities and Chairs where the Chair is not the Designated Authority. Neither the Union nor the Employer shall be required to recognize such representatives until written notification has been received. 9:02 The Union and the Employer acknowledge the mutual benefit of joint consultation and agree, therefore, that there shall be a joint labour/management committee consisting of three (3) representatives from and selected by each party. There shall be one (1) regularly scheduled Labour/Management Committee meeting in each four (4) month term or semester (January to April, May to August, September to December). In addition, meetings shall be arranged at the request of either party through the Labour Relations Department, by submitting in writing the topics to be discussed. Such meetings shall take place, at a mutually-agreeable time, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the request for the meeting. Meetings shall not be used to discuss matters which are the subject of a grievance nor to discuss any matters which are, at the time, the subject of collective bargaining. The committee shall function in an advisory capacity only, making recommendations to the Union and/or the Employer with respect to its discussions and conclusions, and shall not have the power to add to or modify the terms of this agreement. A representative of each party shall be designated Co-Chairperson, and the two persons so designated shall alternate in presiding over meetings.
DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ a) The Institution and the Investigator acknowledge and agree that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all Study Data, Study results, information, improvements, developments, discoveries, inventions, work, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights (existing and future) relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”) conceived by the Institution or the Investigator or Study Personnel, solely or jointly with others as a result of work done under this Agreement, to the widest extent possible under applicable law. The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made or reduced to practice by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel related to the Study. At the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. b) All parties to this Agreement and Sponsor shall retain all right, title and interest in any Intellectual Property that was owned by such party or Sponsor prior to or apart from the commencement of this Agreement. No a) Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející uznávají a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem Studijním údajům, výsledkům Studie, informacím, vylepšením, na vývoj, k objevům, vynálezům, dílům, know-how a dalším právům (ať už patentovatelným či nikoli), vytvořeným, vyvinutým, a/nebo uvedeným do praxe v důsledku nebo v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a/nebo používáním Studijního léku nebo Důvěrných informací společně s právy duševního vlastnictví (stávajícími i budoucími) s nimi souvisejícími (dále jen „Duševní vlastnictví“), které vytvořilo Zdravotnické zařízení, Hlavní zkoušející nebo Studijní personál, samostatně nebo společně s ostatními jako výsledek práce prováděné na základě této Smlouvy, a to v největším možném rozsahu povoleném příslušnými zákonnými předpisy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvořeném nebo uvedeném do praxe Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Studijním personálem v souvislosti se Studií. Na žádost Zadavatele zajistí Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející převod veškerých práv a zájmů týkajících se Duševního vlastnictví na Zadavatele bez další odměny a poskytnou přiměřenou součinnost k získání patentu včetně zajištění podpisu dokumentů k převodu objevu nebo jiných dokumentů. b) Všechny strany této Smlouvy a Zadavatel si i nadále ponechají veškerá práva, nároky a podíly na jakémkoli Duševním vlastnictví, které daná strana nebo Zadavatel vlastnili před začátkem platnosti této Smlouvy nebo na které license grant or assignment, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is intended by, or shall be inferred from, this Agreement except to the extent necessary for each party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise give effect to this Agreement.
Safety Training Pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute Section 292.675, Contractors and subcontractors who sign a contract to work on public works projects must provide a 10-hour OSHA construction safety program, or similar program approved by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, to be completed by their on-site employees within sixty (60) days of beginning work on the construction project. Contractors and subcontractors in violation of this provision will forfeit to the public body $2,500 plus $100 a day for each employee who is employed without training. Public bodies and contractors may withhold/assess these penalties from the payment due to those contractors and subcontractors if found to be in non-compliance.