Lack of Insurance Sample Clauses

Lack of Insurance. This Study is designed to be a purely observational study, meaning that participating patients receive the same standard care of the hospital as any other patient that is not participating in the Study. There is no direct involvement with the patient because of the Study and no additional treatments, investigations or experiments are mandated by the Clinical Investigation Plan. Therefore, participation in the Study creates no additional risk or burden for the patient. Please note that if there is a product malfunction (when used in accordance to the product Instructions for use), the Medtronic warranty for the Device will apply. Medtronic hereby declares that Medtronic is insured against harm and damages caused to any third persons and shall maintain this insurance for a whole duration of this Study. Žádné pojištění. Tato Studie je navržen jako čistě observační studie, což znamená, že je pacientům, kteří jsou do něj zařazeni, věnována stejná standardní nemocniční péče jako jiným pacientům, kteří nejsou zařazeni do Studie. V rámci Studie nedochází k přímému kontaktu s pacientem a Plán klinických zkoušek nepředepisuje provádění žádných dodatečných léčebných postupů, vyšetření nebo experimentů. Proto účast ve Studii nevyvolává žádné dodatečné riziko nebo zátěž pro pacienty.. Upozorňujeme, že v případě chybného fungování nějakého výrobku (pokud je užíván v souladu se svým Návodem k použití) bude platit záruka společnosti Medtronic za takové zařízení. Medtronic tímto prohlašuje, že je pojištěn proti škodám způsobeným třetím osobám a zavazuje se udržovat toto pojištění po celou dobu trvání Studie.
Lack of Insurance. This Study is designed to be a purely observational study, meaning that participating patients receive the same standard care of the hospital as any other patient that is not participating in the Study. There is no direct 5.1 Ochrana údajů. Zdravotnické zařízení / Zkoušející zajistí, aby všechny osobní údaje, zejména údaje o zdravotním stavu pacientů, kteří jsou zařazeni do Studie, byly chráněny v souladu s právními předpisy zejména příslušnými předpisy o ochraně osobních údajů, aby byly získány všechny potřebné souhlasy s poskytnutím takových údajů a jejich předáváním společnosti Medtronic a jejím Spřízněným osobám a ostatním stranám účastnícím se této Studie a aby údaje o pacientech poskytnuté společnosti Medtronic neobsahovaly žádné identifikační charakteristiky. 5.2 Smluvní strany souhlasí, že budou postupovat v souladu s platnou národní legislativou, evropskými nařízeními a předpisy ohledně ochrany údajů (zejména nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 ze dne 27. dubna 2016 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů a o zrušení směrnice 95/46/ES (dále jen „GDPR“), vnitrostátními zákony, které GDPR adaptují („Právní předpisy na ochranu osobních údajů“), které se vztahují na Zdravotnické zařízení jako správce údajů, zejména osobních údajů Subjektů 5.3 Žádné pojištění. Tato Studie je navržena jako čistě observační studie, což znamená, že je pacientům, kteří jsou do ní zařazeni, věnována stejná standardní nemocniční péče jako jiným pacientům, kteří nejsou zařazeni do Studie.
Lack of Insurance. In the event that SUBLESSEE shall at any time fail, refuse or neglect to obtain and pay for any insurance required under this Section, SUBLESSOR may, at its sole option, obtain and/or pay for such insurance, and SUBLESSEE shall reimburse SUBLESSOR upon demand for the cost thereof, plus ten percent (10%) thereof (not to exceed $500) for administrative overhead.
Lack of Insurance. The Mutual shall not be responsible for any damage or loss to a Shareholder’s Unit, another Unit, or the Common Area for which the Shareholder is responsible and the Shareholder does not maintain sufficient insurance coverage for the cost of repair and restoration of such damage or loss. Any failure by the Tenant to carry and maintain appropriate renter’s insurance shall be regarded as a material breach of the Lease.
Lack of Insurance. If a Permit holder has failed to comply with the liability insurance requirements required by Colfax County, Colfax County may require the removal of the item, equipment or the Telecommunications Facility.
Lack of Insurance. If in any instance the Design-Builder has not performed its obligations respecting insurance coverage set forth in this Agreement or is unable to enforce and collect any such insurance for failure to assert claims in accordance with the terms of the insurance policies or to prosecute claims diligently, then for purposes of determining the Design-Builder’s liability and the limits thereon or determining reductions in compensation due from the Authority to the Design-Builder on account of available insurance, the Design-Builder shall be treated as though it elected to self- insure up to the full amount of insurance coverage which would have been available had the Design-Builder performed such obligations and such failure had not occurred. If the Design- Builder is deemed to self-insure a claim or loss under this Article 14.3, then the Design-Builder’s waiver of subrogation under Article 14.1(17)(b) shall apply as though it carried the required insurance.
Lack of Insurance. In the event that GROUND LESSEE shall at any time fail, refuse or neglect to obtain and pay for any insurance required under this Section, GROUND LESSOR may, at its sole option, obtain and/or pay for such insurance, and GROUND LESSEE shall reimburse GROUND LESSOR upon demand for the cost thereof, plus ten percent (10%) thereof (not to exceed $500) for administrative overhead.
Lack of Insurance. A lack of insurance is a significant barrier in accessing health services specifically for refugee communities. A national survey found that approximately 50% of refugees were uninsured (Yun et al., 2012). Moreover, insurance status was observed to be the primary concern for acquiring healthcare in lowHincome families followed by access and costs (Xxxxx et al., 2007).
Lack of Insurance. Insurance shall remain in force for the entire term of the Agreement. Cancellation of insurance shall be cause for the Agreement’s termination.

Related to Lack of Insurance

  • Cost of Insurance The cost of all insurance required herein to be secured and maintained by Engineer shall be borne solely by Engineer, with certificates of insurance evidencing such minimum coverage in force to be filed with County. Such Certificates of Insurance are evidenced as Exhibit F herein entitled “Certificates of Insurance.”

  • Evidence of Insurance Receipt by the Administrative Agent of copies of insurance policies or certificates of insurance of the Loan Parties evidencing liability and casualty insurance meeting the requirements set forth in the Loan Documents, including, but not limited to, naming the Administrative Agent as additional insured (in the case of liability insurance) or loss payee (in the case of hazard insurance) on behalf of the Lenders.

  • Amount of Insurance Coverage shall be provided with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.

  • Form of insurance The form of the insurance shall be approved by the Director and the City Attorney; such approval (or lack thereof) shall never: (i) excuse non-compliance with the terms of this Section; or (ii) waive or estop the City from asserting its rights to terminate this Agreement. The policy issuer shall: (i) have a Certificate of Authority to transact insurance business in Texas; or (ii) be an eligible non-admitted insurer in the State of Texas and have a Best’s rating of at least B+, and a Best’s Financial Size Category of Class VI or better, according to the most current Best’s Key Rating Guide.

  • Period of Insurance Period of insurance means the period shown as such on the e-certificate and validation card, which time is taken as Greenwich Mean Time unless otherwise stated.

  • Termination of Insurance A. Your policy will lapse if you do not pay your premium when due. B. We may cancel your policy by mailing written notice to you at your most recent address in our records. We will send you this notice ten (10) days before we cancel your policy. C. You may cancel your policy at any time by notifying us in writing. D. We will refund unearned premiums on a prorated basis if either you or we cancel your policy.

  • Requirements of Insurance All such insurance shall (i) provide that no cancellation, material reduction in amount or material change in coverage thereof shall be effective until at least 10 days (or, to the extent reasonably available, 30 days) after receipt by the Collateral Agent of written notice thereof (the Borrower shall deliver a copy of the policy (and to the extent any such policy is cancelled or renewed, a renewal or replacement policy) or other evidence thereof to the Administrative Agent and the Collateral Agent, or insurance certificate with respect thereto) and (ii) name the Collateral Agent as loss payee (in the case of property insurance) or additional insured on behalf of the Secured Parties (in the case of liability insurance) (it being understood that, absent an Event of Default, any proceeds of any such property insurance shall be delivered by the insurer(s) to the Borrower or one of its Subsidiaries and applied in accordance with this Agreement), as applicable.

  • Effect of Insurance Acceptance of the insurance required by this Agreement shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from liability under this provision. This provision shall apply to all claims for damages related to CONTRACTOR’s performance hereunder, regardless of whether any insurance is applicable or not. The insurance policy limits set forth herein shall not act as a limitation upon the amount of indemnification or defense to be provided hereunder.

  • Policies of Insurance At City’s request, the Artist shall provide City with the actual policies providing the coverage required above.

  • Group Insurance The Employer will continue to participate with employees in the provision of group life and medical plans as exist at the coming into force of this Agreement unless amended by mutual consent. The Employer agrees to pay 65% of the total premium cost for all employees covered by the health and dental care plans attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement.