Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals Sample Clauses

Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals on days when a late arrival or early dismissal occurs, the employee is required to perform his/her full ADS schedule if located at home.
Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals. On days when a late arrival or early dismissal occurs, the employee is required to perform his or her full telework site schedule, if located at telework site. In the event of a local emergency situation such as a transit strike or a natural disaster which adversely affects an employee’s ability to commute to the workplace, the Department and the Local agree to meet as soon as practicable to discuss possible temporary telework arrangements for affected employee(s).
Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals. On days when a late arrival or early dismissal occurs, but the facility remains open, the employee is required to perform their full schedule.

Related to Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals

  • Early Dismissal DTU representatives and/or elective officers shall be permitted to leave the work location at 4:15 p.m., if assigned to administrative buildings, and at the time students are dismissed, if assigned to a school center, in order to attend DTU meetings. Those leaving to attend such meetings must advise the administrator in charge reasonably in advance of such meetings.

  • Nonpayment and Procedures for Disconnection 12.1 If a Party is furnished Interconnection Services under the terms of this Agreement in more than one (1) state, Section 12.2 below through Section 12.19 below, inclusive, shall be applied separately for each such state. 12.2 Failure to pay charges shall be grounds for disconnection of Interconnection Services furnished under this Agreement. If a Party fails to pay any charges billed to it under this Agreement, including but not limited to any Late Payment Charges or Unpaid Charges, and any portion of such Unpaid Charges remain unpaid after the Bill Due Date, the Billing Party will send a Discontinuance Notice to such Non-Paying Party. The Non-Paying Party must remit all Unpaid Charges to the Billing Party within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Discontinuance Notice. 12.3 AT&T-21STATE will also provide any written notification to any Commission as required by any State Order or Rule. 12.4 If the Non-Paying Party desires to dispute any portion of the Unpaid Charges, the Non-Paying Party must complete all of the following actions not later than fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the Billing Party’s notice of Unpaid Charges: 12.4.1 notify the Billing Party in writing which portion(s) of the Unpaid Charges it disputes, including the total Disputed Amounts and the specific details listed in Section 13.4 below of this Agreement, together with the reasons for its dispute; and 12.4.2 pay all undisputed Unpaid Charges to the Billing Party; and 12.4.3 pay all Disputed Amounts (other than Disputed Amounts arising from Intercarrier Compensation) into an interest bearing escrow account that complies with the requirements set forth in Section 11.10 above; and 12.4.4 furnish written evidence to the Billing Party that the Non-Paying Party has established an interest bearing escrow account that complies with all of the terms set forth in Section 11.10 above and deposited a sum equal to the Disputed Amounts into that account (other than Disputed Amounts arising from Intercarrier Compensation). Until evidence that the full amount of the Disputed Charges (other than Disputed Amounts arising from Intercarrier Compensation) has been deposited into an escrow account that complies with Section

  • Completion of Concrete Pours and Emergency Work (a) Except as provided in this sub-clause an Employee shall nor work or be required to work in the rain. (b) Employees shall not be required to start a concrete pour in Inclement Weather. (c) Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of Inclement Weather Employees may be required to complete such concrete pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at the rate of double time calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather shall be provided with adequate wet weather gear. (d) If an Employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain during a concrete pour the Employee shall, unless the Employee has a change of dry working clothes available, be allowed to go home without loss of pay. (e) The provisions of clauses 32.7(c) and 32.7(d) hereof shall also apply in the case of emergency work where the Employees concerned and their delegates agree that the work is of an emergency nature and can start and/or proceed.

  • GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued 6. The Board and the Administration will cooperate with any investigation of any grievance, and will furnish such information insofar as possible. Costs, if any, shall be paid by the requesting party. The cost of the copies shall comply with board policy. 7. Forms for filing a grievance and written decisions shall be given appropriate distribution to administrators, supervisors, and teachers. These forms will be readily available in each school office or from an Association representative. 8. The P.R.&R. Committee and such administrative personnel as designated by the Superintendent shall meet at least once annually to discuss and agree upon how grievances are to be handled. Such meetings shall be held prior to or during the first day of the school year. Such meetings shall be co-chaired by the chairman of the P.R.&R. Committee and a designee of the Superintendent and shall be conducted within the regular work day so far as possible. 9. A grievance must be initiated within fifteen (15) days following the act or condition or knowledge of the act which is the basis for said grievance. 10. The number of days indicated at each step shall be considered as maximum. If the aggrieved fails to file the grievance within the time limits specified in the succeeding sections of this procedure, it shall be presumed that said incident or grievance has been resolved. If the responding party fails to comply with any time limit in the succeeding sections of this procedure, the grievance may automatically be appealed to the next step in the grievance procedure. Both parties may, however, in writing, mutually agree to extend the time limits. 11. It shall be mutually agreed that the handling of any professional grievance may be conducted within the regular work day if such can be done without interruption of the students’ educational program. 12. In the event a grievance is carried to Step Four, the grievant and a member of the P.R.&R. Committee shall be granted released time with pay to attend hearings held by the arbiter if the hearing is held within a contract day.

  • Religious Objections Any employee who is a member of a bonafide religion, body, or sect which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations shall not be required to join or financially support the organization. Such employee shall, in lieu of periodic dues or agency shop fees, pay sums equal to said amounts to a non-religious, non-labor charitable fund exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which has been selected by the employee from a list of such funds designated by the City and the Association in a separate agreement. Such payments shall be made by payroll deduction as a condition of continued exemption from the requirements of financial support to the Association and as a condition of continued employment.

  • Prior Procedure Required No grievance shall be considered by the arbitrator which has not been first duly processed in accordance with the grievance procedure and appeal provisions.

  • SAFETY CONDITIONS 8.1 The District shall make every effort to provide a place of employment which is safe. A unit member shall not be required to perform duties under conditions which endanger his/her health or safety. 8.2 The District shall make a good faith effort to reduce or alleviate those conditions which cause stress. The reduction of threats or intimidation by students or other members of the public shall be a continuous effort of both the District and unit members working together. 8.3 Unit members who feel they are being required to work under unsafe or unsanitary conditions, or to perform tasks that endanger their health or safety, shall submit written recommendations for changes to the principal or site administrator. The principal or site administrator shall respond and take corrective action as needed. 8.4 The District shall ensure that each unit member has access to a lockable desk, cupboard or other lockable space. 8.5 Unit members other than the school nurse, shall not be required to provide specialized physical health care. 8.6 Unit members are authorized to administer discipline to students in accordance with the Education Code and the rules and regulations of the District. A written description of the rights and duties of unit members with respect to student discipline shall be provided to unit members at the beginning of each school year. In addition, said written descriptions shall be available at each school site. The District shall not take action against a unit member who uses reasonable and lawful force in the performance of his/her duties. Unit members shall report any physical assault against the unit member to the principal or site administrator, who shall report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agency. 8.7 During conditions of excessive heat, the Superintendent or designee, whenever appropriate, will reduce the school day for students in schools with non-operable air conditioning, to the State required minimum day. Unit members may be directed to proceed to a district air conditioned location for the remainder of the service day. The Superintendent or designee shall have the discretion to reduce the school day to the State required minimum day whenever other weather conditions pose a danger to students and unit members. Unit members may be directed to proceed to another District location for the remainder of the service day. 8.8 For protection of unit members whose normal duties may require transportation of students in unit member's vehicles, the District shall provide secondary insurance against personal liability for damages for death, injury to a person, or damage or loss of property caused by the negligent act or omission of the unit member when acting within the scope of his/her employment. Additionally, the District will provide this same coverage to unit members who are required to travel from site-to- site or make home visitations in order to perform assigned duties. When a loss occurs, the unit member's primary insurance deductible will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $500.00. If administrator approval is unobtainable, the teacher's best judgment for the protection of student safety shall be included in the above. 8.9 Restrooms shall be available to unit members whenever they are required to render service. 8.10 Adequate lounge facilities shall be provided for unit members' use. Additionally, the District shall provide, when fiscally possible, at least one piece of furniture per site where a staff member may recline. The site safety committee shall determine the placement of these facilities and furniture. 8.11 Unit members shall have the right to refer to the office, a student who exhibits symptoms of illness which endanger the health of other students or the unit member. The student shall not return to the classroom until it is determined by the principal/site administrator that his/her health is not a clear and present danger to those with whom he/she shares space. The student shall be given a pass to return to class signed by the principal/site administrator confirming the decision. 8.12 The District shall reimburse or repair articles of clothing, glasses and hearing aids damaged while the unit member is acting in the proper discharge of disciplinary/ supervisorial duties. In addition, all other accessories damaged under the conditions listed above shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of $200.00.

  • Adverse Weather Conditions Except in emergency conditions, the Employer shall not require an employee to work outside under extreme weather conditions.

  • Attachments; Judgments Any portion of Borrower’s assets is attached or seized, or a levy is filed against any such assets, or a judgment or judgments is/are entered for the payment of money, individually or in the aggregate, of at least $250,000, or Borrower is enjoined or in any way prevented by court order from conducting any part of its business; or

  • Summary Dismissal The employer has the right to dismiss any employee without notice for serious misconduct and in such cases any entitlements under this award are to be paid up to the time of dismissal only.