Early dismissal definition

Early dismissal. For a student to be dismissed early, parents must report to the designated office/area. Students with excessive early dismissals, will be referred to the administration/Attendance Review Committee. Students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal time without previous written notice. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!
Early dismissal means the release of a pupil from school prior to the end of the pupil’s school day for an excused purpose; "early dismissal" includes the release of a pupil for a period of time that occurs during the pupil’s school day. An early dismissal is not an absence for the purpose of applying Regulation No. 5200.
Early dismissal means the release of a student from school prior to the end of the student’s school day for an excused purpose; "early dismissal" includes the release of a student for a period of time that occurs during the student’s school day. An early dismissal is not an absence for the purpose of applying Regulation No. 5200.

Examples of Early dismissal in a sentence

  • Early dismissal for medical or dental appointments shall be granted when the parents/guardians make a request.

  • Early dismissal shall be implemented under conditions when it is imperative to return students to their homes as quickly as possible (e.g. an impending blizzard).

  • Early dismissal may also be a viable option for other emergency situations as decided by the Superintendent.

  • Early dismissal will be announced on the same radio and television stations as listed above.

  • Early dismissal during the school day will be made only when emergency conditions are evident.

More Definitions of Early dismissal

Early dismissal means a student who leaves before the regular dismissal time.
Early dismissal. For a student to be dismissed early, parents must report to the designated office/area. Students who wish to be dismissed early (on a regular school day) are required to provide documentation. Documentation submitted more than 72 hours after an early dismissal will not be accepted, and the early dismissal will be deemed unexcused. Students with excessive unexcused early dismissals, will be referred to the administration/Attendance Review Committee. Students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal time without previous written notice. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! ◻ Unauthorized Items Policy: Please note that students are not allowed to bring any toys, electronic devices, pets, or animals to school. Cell phones may not be turned on inside of the School building at any time. Cell phones may not be visible at any time during the School day, may not be displayed during School, and must be left in the Students bag. The School will confiscate any unauthorized items a student may bring to school. Confiscated items will only be returned to parents at which time a parent/student conference may be required. The school may keep any such unauthorized items until the end of the school year. Continued violations of this policy may result in further penalties, and may subject the student to disciplinary action and/or referral to the School’s administration/discipline review committee. While the School will take every measure to protect such items, the School shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any unauthorized items which have been confiscated. Any items not claimed by the last day of school shall be disposed of without further liability to the School.
Early dismissal means the release of a student from school prior to the end of the school day for an excused purpose, and includes the release of student for a period of time during the school day.
Early dismissal means a departure from school prior to the official closing of the school day.
Early dismissal means returning students to their homes or other appropriate locations before the end of the school day.
Early dismissal. A student who needs to leave before the end of the day must be signed out by a parent or guardian through the main office. Truancy - Truancy is defined as absence from school or class without the knowledge and consent of the parent/guardian or absence from school or class once arriving on campus without the knowledge or consent of the school staff. Students may lose credit for any academic work assigned during a truancy. Students are also subject to discipline up to and including long-term suspension for truancy. Tardiness - Students will be considered tardy when he/she is not in his/her designated area at the start of the class according to the posted classroom policy. If a student arriving tardy does not have a signed pass to class, the tardy will be considered unexcused. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain a pass prior to leaving the previous staff member. Students are subject to discipline and possible loss of academic work for excessive tardiness each semester.
Early dismissal means the release of a student from school prior to the end of the