Telework Sample Clauses

Telework. Members are eligible for teleworking during the professional work days designated for grading and reporting at the end of the first, second and third grading periods, and on the day of the Maryland State Education Association Convention if that day is a duty day for teachers. a. The principal will determine which positions, if any may need to be on site for all or part of the day to support other professionals in the building or to fulfill their professional responsibilities. b. With the approval of the Principal, school-based educators who have demonstrated the ability to meet their professional responsibilities, including grade submission according to Board policy may telework on the professional work day at the end of each of the first three marking periods. c. First year teachers will be required to work on site for the first two marking periods on these days. d. Upon request a written rationale will be provided by the supervisor to any educator whose request to telework is denied. e. Items a-d above do not apply to the MSEA Convention Day.
Telework. The Contracting Officer may authorize contractor personnel who work on government sites to telework in a contract or task order. Contractor personnel must be available upon reasonable notice for in-person meetings at government sites, although some meetings of lesser complexity may be conducted via teleconference. Should the Contractor wish to utilize telework in anything other than an ad hoc manner on a very intermittent basis, the Contractor must submit a telework plan to the Contracting Officer and Program Office COR for approval. The Government has the authority to audit telework records.
Telework. A. The State and CASE recognize that telework has been proven to improve employee morale, reduce traffic congestion and improve productivity. B. Employee requests to telework shall not be denied except for operational needs. When teleworking requests are denied, the reason shall be put in writing, if requested by the employee. Employees who believe their request to telework was denied in violation of this subsection, may file a grievance that can be appealed to the fourth level of the grievance procedure.
Telework. University policy permits employees to telework when the employee’s supervisor (or other designated official) evaluates the telework request and approves it.
Telework. Telework is a mutually agreed upon work arrangement where an employee performs assigned duties and authorized activities during their agreed upon telework hours at an agreed upon telework site on a regular or occasional basis. Not all employees or positions are eligible to telework. Telework policies will be adopted or modified in accordance with the Work Rules article of this Agreement. An employee may request to telework by submitting a request in writing, which shall include electronically, in accordance with their agency’s telework policy. The requested telework may be approved, denied, or modified consistent with agency policy. A good faith effort shall be made to respond to telework requests within ten (10) workdays. If the employee is not satisfied with the initial determination in response to their telework request, and the agency policy does not expressly provide for an appeal process, then the employee can request reconsideration by the appointing authority or designee by submitting a request for reconsideration in writing, which shall include electronically, within ten (10) workdays of receiving the initial determination. The appointing authority or designee shall review the request for reconsideration and reach their own determination, within thirty (30) workdays, on whether the request can be approved as is, approved in a modified form, or cannot be approved. The appointing authority or designee shall notify the employee in writing, which shall include electronically, as soon as their determination is reached. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the appointing authority, designee, or the agency representative charged by policy with rendering the decision on appeal, then the employee may request final reconsideration by the State Human Resources Officer by submitting a request for final reconsideration in writing, which shall include electronically, within ten (10) workdays of receiving the request for reconsideration determination from the agency. The State Human Resources Officer or designee shall review the final request for reconsideration and reach their own determination, within thirty (30) workdays, on whether the request can be approved as is, approved in a modified form, or cannot be approved. The State Human Resources Officer or designee shall notify the employee in writing, which shall include electronically, as soon as their determination is reached. The decision of the State Human Resources Officer or designee sha...
Telework. A. When schools are closed to students (designated virtual student learning day) due to inclement weather, bargaining unit members not designated as [designated essential or essential] may have the option to work on site or to telework, as long as the essential functions of their position can be done effectively and approved by their supervisor. Bargaining unit members will be required to maintain timely communication with their supervisor by means of communication such as telephone messages, email, virtual meetings, etc. Essential unit members may be required to report to a worksite if schools are not physically open for students. A supervisor can deny telework if the employee cannot successfully perform the essential functions of his/her job. If telework is denied, the employee may utilize earned or accrued leave until cleared to return to work. B. When an employee is required to quarantine or isolate under the direction of the health department, government entity, or by GCPS due to an exposure, the employee may be granted permission to telework only if the essential functions of that employee’s job can successfully be performed virtually. If the essential functions are not being implemented successfully, the supervisor can deny telework. If telework is denied, the employee may utilize earned or accrued leave until cleared to return to work or return to work. If applicable, the employee shall provide medical documentation that states the reason for the quarantine or isolation, the expected duration, and a medical note releasing said employee to return to work. C. GCPS will provide the necessary PPE in accordance with GCHD/CDC/MDH/MSDE guidelines; therefore, the bargaining unit member should not have to reuse any PPE without proper cleaning and disinfecting.
Telework. A Labor/Management Committee on Telework comprised of one (1) representative from each of MSEA’s bargaining units appointed by MSEA-SEIU and an equal number of management members appointed by the Governor shall be established to review available data, information, and policies related to telework in Maine state government. The committee may make recommendations to the State for consideration in policy changes and/or make recommendations to the parties for bargaining the next successor agreement. Committee members may participate in the work of the committee during working hours without loss of pay or benefits. Any action taken by the Committee will be by mutual agreement and approval of the State Office of Employee Relations and MSEA-SIEU. The labor/management committee has no authority to add to, delete from, or modify this agreement.
Telework. Teleworking is a business practice that benefits the Employer, employees, the economy, and the environment. Telework is a tool for reducing commute trips, pollutants, energy consumption, and our carbon footprint. Telework may result in economic, organizational, and employee benefits such as increased productivity and morale, reduced use of sick leave, reduced parking needs and office space, and retention of a valuable workforce. Telework contributes to work life balance. To that end, the AGO has a telework policy, and employees will abide by that policy unless specific provisions conflict with this Article.
Telework. Applicant must work with MCDOT to promote telework among employees and residents of the development. Applicant must provide a well-lit space with high- speed internet access to encourage and enable residents to telework in the event they are unable to do so from their apartment.