LEADING FOR EQUALITY IN A CHANGING EUROPE. 2.1 Europe is changing In many parts of Europe the context in which school leaders must work is changing dramatically: change is both large scale and speedy. Financial insecurity is rising as global economic trends favour Asian and South American nations while much of Europe faces increasing austerity and uncertainty. Resulting youth unemployment is at disquieting levels, particularly in Eastern Europe, and around 50 per cent in Spain and Greece (Eurostat 2012). Migration is increasing rapidly. The proportion of children in school 'who are foreign-born or have foreign-born parents now exceeds 10% in Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, the Netherlands and Sweden, and is above 20% in Switzerland and Luxembourg' (Nusche, 2009, p. 5). These changes are overlaid on the perennial challenges schools face in meeting the needs of children from very diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. As Xxxxx (2004, p. 79) states 'the evidence is clear and alarming that various segments of our public school population experience negative and inequitable treatment on a daily basis'. Schools have grappled with achieving equality for along time, but as the issues Europe faces become more testing, so schools are faced with intensifying difficulties in offering an equitable education to all. System level choices, for example about different categories of school, the method of distributing funding and the terms and conditions of teachers' recruitment and employment, are all critical in shaping equality (Nusche, 2009). This chapter, however, does not focus on these system-level factors but on school-level issues; that is, how school leaders can embed equality within their school.
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  • Criteria for Evaluation Criteria for employee performance review shall be made available to the employee before the start of the evaluation period and shall remain unchanged during the evaluation period unless the employee is made aware of the changes.

  • Credit for Experience A. Newly employed teachers will receive the equivalent year's credit for each year of experience. The experience granted will be equal to the FTE experience for each year worked. This credit will be granted if, in the judgment of the Superintendent, the teaching experience has been appropriate to the position which has been offered. For example, teaching experience at the secondary level may not be appropriate if the applicant is being considered for an elementary position. Placement on the salary schedule beginning with the 2017-18 contract year will be accomplished in the following manner:

  • Planning for Future Years (a) Advance Notice. The Funder will give at least 60 Days’ Notice to the HSP of the date by which a Planning Submission, approved by the HSP’s governing body, must be submitted to the Funder.

  • Issues for Expedited Arbitration (a) All grievances except those relating to the following shall be resolved by expedited arbitration:

  • SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION PCA Article B.3 does not apply in School District No. 34 (Abbotsford).

  • Annual Evaluation The Partnership will be evaluated on an annual basis through the use of the Strategic Partnership Annual Evaluation Format as specified in Appendix C of OSHA Instruction CSP 00-00-000, OSHA Strategic Partnership Program for Worker Safety and Health. Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxx will be responsible for gathering required participant data to evaluate and track the overall results and success of the Partnership. This data will be shared with OSHA. OSHA will be responsible for writing and submitting the annual evaluation.

  • Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of:

  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Route of Haul PURCHASER shall furnish to STATE, at the time of making request for scaling approval, a map showing the scaling location and the precise route which shall be used to haul logs from the timber sale area to the scaling location. Such route shall be the most direct haul route between the two points, unless another route is approved by STATE. The route of haul may be changed only with advance notice to and approval by STATE. Upon loading at the timber sale area, a log load shall be directly hauled to an approved scaling location, if required to be scaled. Log loads shall not be stored for late delivery without written approval from STATE.

  • Equal Pay for Equal Work The principle of equal pay for equal work shall apply, regardless of sex.

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