Limits on the Use of Your Card Sample Clauses
Limits on the Use of Your Card. You are not authorized to make purchases using your Card that in the aggregate exceed $10,000 per calendar day. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make using your Card. You may only withdraw up to $500 from ATMs in a single day. We may, in our sole discretion, further limit your use of the Card at ATMs, and, in addition to our limits, an ATM owner or operator may impose additional withdrawal limits. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling websites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling websites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card; (iii) promptly notify us of the loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of any PIN used to access account funds; and (iv) use the Card only as instructed. We may refuse to issue a Card, revoke or suspend your Card privileges or cancel your Card with or without cause or notice, other than as required by applicable law. You agree not to use or allow others to use an expired, revoked, canceled, suspended or otherwise invalid Card. We reserve the right to limit or block the use of your Card in foreign countries due to fraud or security concerns or to comply with applicable law.
Limits on the Use of Your Card. Temporary Card. Unless otherwise indicated, you may not use your Temporary Card: (i) for any purchase at a merchant that uses a manual imprint machine; (ii) at ATMs or for cash access; (iii) for card-not-present transactions (such as online transactions); or (iv) at merchants outside the 00 xxxxxx xx xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (collectively, the “U.S.”) (including websites based outside the U.S.). Following additional identity verification, we may, in our sole discretion, allow you to use your Temporary Card with some or all of the features of a Personalized Card (such as ATM and cash access), and we will notify you if we do.
Limits on the Use of Your Card. The Bank reserves the right to impose limits on the individual and aggregate number of transactions and the corresponding dollar amounts that may be transacted through your debit card. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling web sites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling web sites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card; (iii) promptly notify us of the loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of any PIN used to access account funds; and
Limits on the Use of Your Card. The Bank reserves the right to impose limits on the individual and aggregate number of transactions and the corresponding dollar amounts that may be transacted through your Debit Card. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling web sites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling web sites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card; (iii) promptly notify us of the loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of any PIN used to access account funds; (iv) assist us in the investigation of claims for unauthorized transactions and related prosecution by completing the appropriate statements and reports reasonably requested by us; and (v) use the Card only as instructed. You acknowledge and agree that by allowing anyone to use your card, or by failing to exercise ordinary care (such as storing your PIN with your card or selecting your birthday as your PIN), you will be responsible for all unauthorized transactions. We may refuse to issue a Card, revoke or suspend your Card privileges or cancel your Card with or without cause or notice, other than as required by applicable law. We reserve the right to limit or block the use of your Card in certain foreign countries at our discretion due to fraud or security concerns or to comply with applicable law.
Limits on the Use of Your Card. Temporary Card. Unless otherwise indicated, you may not use your Temporary Card: (i) for any purchase at a merchant that uses a manual imprint machine; or (ii) at merchants outside the 00 xxxxxx xx xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (collectively, the “U.S.”) (including websites based outside the U.S.). In addition, if you have a Temporary Card, you may not use the following features of your Account until you activate your Personalized Card: (i) bill pay; (ii) mobile check load; (iii) check writing; and (iv) and person-to-person transfer. Following additional identity verification, we may, in our sole discretion, allow you to use your Temporary Card with some or all of the features of a Personalized Card, and we will notify you if we do.
Limits on the Use of Your Card. YourObligationfor Negative Balances. Youmustkeepenoughmoneyonyour Cardto pay for each transaction. You are responsible for any amount that is charged in excess of your Card balance. If you have a negative balance on your Card, we may deduct the negative balance amount from any current or future funds on this or any other Card you register ormaintain.
Limits on the Use of Your Card. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make using your Card. You may not use your Temporary Card for teller cash withdrawals. We may, in our sole discretion, further limit your use of the Card at ATMs, and, in addition to our limits, an ATM owner or operator may impose additional withdrawal limits. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling web sites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling web sites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card;
Limits on the Use of Your Card. You are not authorized to make purchases using your Card that in the aggregate exceed $3,000 per calendar day. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make using your Card. You may only withdraw up to $500 from ATMs in a single day and $1,500 per teller transaction, unless otherwise indicated. You may not use your Temporary Card for ATM or teller cash withdrawals. We may, in our sole discretion, further limit your use of the Card at ATMs, and, in addition to our limits, an ATM owner or operator may impose additional withdrawal limits. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling web sites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling web sites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card; (iii) promptly notify us of the loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of any PIN used to access account funds; and
Limits on the Use of Your Card. You are not authorized to make purchases using your Card that in the aggregate exceed $3,000 per calendar day. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make using your Card. You may only withdraw up to $500 from ATMs in a single day and $1,500 per teller transaction, unless otherwise indicated. You may withdraw up to $300 in cash per transaction at an ATM. If you are withdrawing cash pursuant to the Cardless Funds Access Service, as described further in Section 12.x., different limits apply. You may not use your Temporary Card for teller cash withdrawals. We may, in our sole discretion, further limit your use of the Card at ATMs, and, in addition to our limits, an ATM owner or operator may impose additional withdrawal limits. We may refuse to process any transaction that we believe may violate the law or the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you will: (i) not use the Card at unlawful domestic or international gambling web sites, or at payment processors supporting unlawful gambling web sites, or to purchase illegal goods or services; (ii) promptly notify us of any loss or theft of the Card;
Limits on the Use of Your Card. You are not authorized to make purchases that in the aggregate exceed $2,500 per calendar day. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make on your Card and any funding or reload of your Card. You may only withdraw up to $400 from an ATM in a single day. We may, in our sole discretion, further limit your use of the Card at ATMs, and, in addition to our limits, an ATM owner or operator may impose additional