Local Match. The Managing Entity shall ensure that Network Service Providers annually complete and submit the Department-approved Template 9 – Local Match Calculation Form.
Local Match. The Municipality shall share in the Project Cost at the rate of 20 percent, for an estimated local match of $ that is not from other federally assisted programs. Additionally, the Municipality shall be responsible in full for: All costs exceeding the estimated Project Cost, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties through an executed modification to this Agreement; All costs incurred before the effective date of this Agreement; and All costs that MaineDOT determines to be ineligible for federal participation.
Local Match. The Local Government shall be responsible for the required 20 percent local match as described in Attachment A, Payment Provisions and Work Responsibilities. The costs incurred by the Local Government prior to the execution of this Agreement will count towards the 20 percent local match requirement provided such costs are for RTC- approved phases as shown in Attachment A. At the end of each Fiscal Year the Local Government’s cumulative expenditures of local match funds must be no less than 20 percent of the cumulative SH 121 Funds received by the Local Government up to that date under the Agreement, and must be for the uses approved for payments of SH 121 Funds up to that date as specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities
Local Match. The Municipality shall share in the Project Cost at the approximate rate of percent, for an estimated local match of $ , and shall be fully responsible for: All costs exceeding $ , unless MaineDOT approves otherwise by executing a modification to this Agreement; and All costs that MaineDOT determines to be ineligible for reimbursement; and All costs incurred before the execution of this Agreement.
Local Match. The City will be responsible for a seven million five hundred thousand dollar ($7,500,000.00) local match to secure BUILD Grant funding for the Project.
Local Match. Site Owner shall reimburse MACOG for the required non-federal local match, defined as at least 20% of the total project cost. MACOG shall make an effort to optimize the amount of federal funds available across all projects to reduce the burden on the Site Owner, as the cost of installation and electric service upgrades may be widely variable. MACOG estimates that the local match will range between $11,000 to $15,000 per site. MACOG does not guarantee that this estimate is accurate for any particular Host Site.
Local Match. The Parties acknowledge and agree that each shall be responsible for 10% of the cost of consultant invoices. The parties may use local costs incurred toward the project total. The eligible wages permitted are capped at $38,640 with each party’s allotment at half, totaling $19,320. Any personnel costs incurred must be verifiable through timesheets and invoices. Any local costs incurred may include employee wages and non-consultant Project expenses.
Local Match. The Local Match is legally available for the Project, has been applied by Grantee solely for the purposes of the Project and sufficient evidence of the Local Match has been provided to the NMFA.
Local Match. For those BHOs that provide local matching funds (King County BHO, Peninsula BHO and Spokane County BHO ONLY).
Local Match. The Community shall provide the local financial assistance for the Project as estimated in Exhibit C, Project Description and Award Budget and provided that this local match requirement may be subject to additional terms and conditions as set forth in the Development Agreement between the Community and the Recipient.