Margin Deposit. 15.1 Before creating an Order, VGP may in its absolute discretion require a Deposit (typicallybetween 0.01% and 100%) of the Order’s value in respect of any anticipated or existingOpen Positions which the Client has or will have with VGP.
15.2 Payment of the Deposit is treated by VGP as a part-payment for the Financial Product. When VGP accepts a Deposit the Client immediately receives Reciprocal Obligations under the Trade Contract Terms. The Deposit has purchased that Reciprocal Obligation and is not “client money”.
15.3 Payment of the specified Deposit may be made by electronic transfer or same day bank transfer to an account nominated by VGP. The method of payment must be agreed before the Order is entered into.
Margin Deposit. 保證金
3.1 The margin level, as determined by the Company in the sole discretion of the Company, will be maintained by the Client in any and all accounts the Client may at any time carry with the Company. If the Company determines that additional margin and/or variation adjustment is required, the Client agrees to deposit with the Company such additional margin and/or variation adjustment upon demand, provided, however, notwithstanding any demand for additional margin and/or demand for variation adjustment, the Company may at any time proceed in accordance with Clause 2.1 and 2.2 above. The Company may change margin and/or variation adjustment requirements in the sole discretion of the Company and at any time. No previous margin shall establish any precedent and these requirements once established may apply to existing positions as well as to the new positions in the contracts affected by such change. 客戶在本公司開立帳戶時由本公司酌情指定之保證金額,必須保持不變。保證金額及/或保證金之差額如有改訂,客戶同意於收到通知時隨即補交,但即使有發出通知催收,本公司仍可隨時依照上列第 2.1 及 2.2 條行事。本公司可以隨時酌情改訂保證金額及/或保證金之差額,日前所訂保證金額不得引為前例爭論,一經改訂,客戶帳戶內所有未結算新舊買賣均照新額辦理。
3.2 Additional margins and/or variation adjustment may be required from the Client as the Client’s trade margins may be impaired due to adverse price fluctuations before closing out of the contracts. The amount of additional margins and/or variation adjustment shall be an amount that would restore the trade margins to full amount of the original margins required by the Company. The Client agrees to deposit these additional margins and/or variation adjustment in cash or cashier order with the Company according to the requirements set out in the trading rules and regulations or determined by the Company in its absolute discretion from time to time. 當客戶之保證金及/或保證金之差額,在合約未平倉前受到價格浮動影響,而導致虧蝕時,客戶須補交「追加保證金」及/或保證金之差額以填補所需保證金之全數;客戶同意根據在交易規則或本公司所絕對酌情決定之追加保證金條款限定時間內以現金或銀行本票存入「追加保證金」及/或保證金之差額予本公司。
3.3 Failure of the Client, for whatever reason, to deposit the full amount of trade/additional margins or variation adjustment before the prescribed time may result in the closing out of the Client’s position(s) in whole or in part by the Company at any market price(s) at the Company’s absolute discretion without prior notice to the Client. In such event, any loss, and/or deficiency resulting therefrom shall be fully borne by the Client who shall settle such accounts upon demand together with interest and commission thereon. 不論任何原因,客戶未能於指定時限內存入「保證金」或「追加保證金」及/或保證金之差額之全數時,本公司無須事先通知客戶,可全權以任何市價代客戶將全部或部分合約平倉。在此等情況下任何及所...
Margin Deposit. 6.8.1 Before trading (either long or short) a Contract, JDX may in its absolute discretion require a deposit of between 0 and 100% of the Contracts value in respect of any anticipated or existing Open Positions, which the Client has or will have with JDX to be paid by the Client to JDX; (“the Margin Deposit”).
6.8.2 Payment of the Margin Deposit by the Client to JDX must be made pursuant to paragraph 6.3 of this Agreement.
Margin Deposit. 2.11.1. Before executing any order, we may in our absolute discretion require a deposit of such amount as we may specify in respect of any actual, anticipated or contingent liability you may have to us in respect of anticipated or existing open positions which you have or will have with us (the
2.11.2. We reserve the right to change the margin requirements at any time and any change may become effective immediately. We may inform you of this by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, fax, post, text message, or by posting notice of the change on our website. It is your responsibility to know at all times the current margin requirement applicable to your account and your open positions.
Margin Deposit. 6.8.1 Before trading (either long or short) a Contract, XX XXXXXX may in its absolute discretion require a deposit of between 0 and 100% of the Contracts value in respect of any anticipated or existing Open Positions, which the Client has or will have with XX XXXXXX to be paid by the Client to XX XXXXXX; (“the Margin Deposit”).
6.8.2 Payment of the Margin Deposit by the Client to XX XXXXXX must be made pursuant to paragraph 6.3 of this Agreement.
Margin Deposit. To open a real account at ORBI TRADE, a deposit is required. The minimum deposit for each account type follows these rules:
a) $50 for Recreation account b) $1,000 for Professional account c) $2,500 for Sharia account d) $35,000 for the Signature account
Margin Deposit. Custom House may at its sole discretion require the Customer to pay an amount solely determined by Custom House (the “Margin Deposit”) if at any time the Xxxx to Market value (in Australian dollars) of the Customer’s total outstanding Forward Contracts moves beyond the limit set by Custom House for this purpose and the Customer is Out of the Money compared to the original Forward Contract values.
Margin Deposit. 6.8.1 Before trading (either long or short) a Contract, TREX may in its absolute discretion require a deposit of between 0 and 100% of the Contracts value in respect of any anticipated or existing Open Positions, which the Client has or will have with TREX to be paid by the Client to TREX; (“the Margin Deposit”).
6.8.2 Payment of the Margin Deposit by the Client to TREX must be made pursuant to paragraph 6.3 of this Agreement.
Margin Deposit. 7.9.1 When using Forward Contracts, WorldFirst may in its absolute discretion require a deposit (typically between 3% to 20%) of the total transaction (“the Margin Deposit”).
7.9.2 Payment of the Margin Deposit is treated by WorldFirst as a part-payment for the foreign exchange Forward Contract. When we accept your Instruction, you immediately receive Reciprocal Obligations under the Trade Contract Terms. Your payment is not “client money” (or "Client Funds" under clause 3.5, as applicable), but rather you have purchased that Reciprocal Obligation.
7.9.3 Payment of the specified deposit may be made by electronic transfer or same day bank transfer to an account nominated by WorldFirst. The method of payment must be agreed before the contract is entered into.
7.9.4 All Margin Deposits which are Client Funds (as defined in clause 3.5.7) received from New Zealand based investors, are held in accordance with the provisions of clause 3.5 until such funds cease to be Client Funds (including as provided under clauses 7.9.2, 9.2 and 14.1).
Margin Deposit. 15.1 Before creating an Order, ZHGmay in its absolute discretion require a Deposit (typicallybetween 0.01% and 100%) of the Order’s value in respect of any anticipated or existingOpen Positions which the Client has or will have with ZHG.
15.2 Payment of the Deposit is treated by ZHG as a part-payment for the Financial Product. When ZHG accepts a Deposit the Client immediately receives Reciprocal Obligations under the Trade Contract Terms. The Deposit has purchased that Reciprocal Obligation and is not “clientmoney”.
15.3 Payment of the specified Deposit may be made by electronic transfer or same day bank transfer to an account nominated by ZHG. The method of payment must be agreed before the Order is entered into.