Existing Positions Sample Clauses
Existing Positions. The parties agree to commence a joint review of established multi-site positions, within one hundred eighty (180) days of signing the Collective Agreement. The purpose of such review is to identify, discuss and resolve any issues surrounding the designation and/or utilization of multi-site positions. At the request of either party, subsequent reviews shall be conducted on an annual basis. Where the Employer determines that such positions are required under the terms of this Article, paragraph d) shall apply. Any existing Letters of Understanding with respect to multi-site positions shall continue unless the parties agree otherwise.
Existing Positions. The Employer will not replace existing Union positions with unclassified or non-union employees.
Existing Positions. For an existing position, a reclassification request form will be completed by the incumbent showing the changes in responsibilities and duties and a rationale for the change in classification. If the reclassification is requested by the member, the reclassification request form will be completed by the member and submitted to the Director or equivalent within ninety (90) days of the form or information with respect to accessing the form being supplied to the member by Human Resources. If the reclassification request form is not submitted within this time period the request will be considered withdrawn.
Existing Positions. An existing position that is not eligible for inclusion in the unit shall be posted if the hours allocated to it are increased to the point that the position is eligible for inclusion in the unit.
Existing Positions. 1. On or before January 31st of each year, a list of all positions that existed in the bargaining unit as of December 31st will be posted in each department.
2. A vacated position that is going to be filled shall be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days and this initial posting may be bid on only by employees currently in the classification.
3. Subsequent postings due to movement within the classification (8.3 a2) will be posted for seven (7) calendar days and be open to all IBEW employees for bidding. Such postings shall be at locations customarily set aside for such announcements at Bus, Light Rail, Facilities and Procurement for IBEW bargaining unit members. Each job posting will include the hours, days off, and location of the vacancy.
4. If a test is required for filling a vacancy, it will not be administered to employees currently in the classification.
5. The District shall make proxy forms available upon request to employees leaving on vacation if a vacancy occurs during his or her absence. The employee shall indicate his or her interest in a different shift, days off, and/or reporting location(s) where the work is to be performed. It is the employee’s responsibility to submit a completed proxy form to his or her supervisor. The beginning and ending dates for the proxy to be valid must be clearly written on the form.
6. At the conclusion of the posting period, the award of the posted vacancy shall be made pursuant to Section 8.4 below.
Existing Positions. Where established multi-site positions exist, the parties shall meet to identify all such positions. Where the Employer determines that such positions are required under the terms of this Article, paragraph d) shall apply. Any existing Letters of Understanding with respect to multi-site positions shall continue unless the parties agree otherwise.
Existing Positions. In order for an existing position to be reconsidered, an employee and his/her administrative supervisor must mutually agree to make the request. In the event an employee and the administrative supervisor cannot agree on a request for reconsideration, the employee may appeal to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision is final.
Existing Positions. Current Bargaining Unit work shall only be done by bargaining unit employees.
Existing Positions. Employees who believe that their positions substantially resemble the autonomy, responsibility and technical skill of a higher position within the employee’s classification may submit a reclassification request to Chapter President. The request shall be on the attached “Reclassification Request Form” found in Appendix X.
i. Upon receipt of the Reclassification Request Form the Superintendent shall convene a Reclassification Committee that will meet within two weeks of receipt of the Reclassification Request Form unless mutually agreed otherwise. The team shall include: two (2) labor representatives, designated by the union, two (2) management representatives, designated by the superintendent, and the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent.
ii. The employee requesting reclassification shall be given the opportunity to present her/his request to the committee for consideration. The request for reclassification should be evaluated based on the aforementioned characteristics. (Autonomy, Responsibility, Technical Skill) with other positions within the classification as points of comparison.
iii. Following the presentation by the requestor, the committee shall meet in camera to discuss, and ultimately vote on the reclassification request. The superintendent shall only vote in the case of a tie (a 2-2 vote).
iv. The Superintendent will communicate the committee’s decision to the applicant and the President of the unit in writing within one (1) business day of the decision. S/he will communicate the final vote result as well as the vote distribution to the applicant.
v. Should the committee split on a 2-3 vote, the requestor may utilize the grievance procedure to appeal the decision.
vi. If the committee grants the applicant’s request for reclassification the applicant will receive back pay for the new classification back to the date of application. Classification seniority shall be determined by the date the employee’s responsibilities substantially changed to comport with the new classification, as determined by the reclassification committee.
vii. The Reclassification Process above shall sunset with the current agreement and shall be non- precedential in future contract negotiations.
Existing Positions. When the Association considers that a position, within the scope of this Agreement, has been improperly classified, the Association may apply to the Director of Human Resources for a mutual review of the disputed classification. Failing to secure satisfaction from such mutual review, the Association and/or the Director of Human Resources may then apply to the City Manager for a decision. In the event the decision of the City Manager is not satisfactory to the Association or the Director of Human Resources either party may then apply to have the dispute referred to a Joint Council pursuant to Section D4 of this Article