Meal Break During Ordinary Hours. There shall be a cessation of work and working time for the purpose of a meal on each day of no less than 30 minutes which shall be taken no more than 5 hours after commencement of ordinary working hours on that day. Notwithstanding the above, by agreement between the company and the employees affected, the time of commencement of the meal break may be staggered, varied, no break taken, or its duration extended to meet the reasonable requirements of that day’s work. Where the meal break is not taken, the ordinary hours of work for that day shall cease 30 minutes before the usual ceasing time. Where the meal break is extended the time of cessation of work for that day shall be adjusted accordingly.
Meal Break During Ordinary Hours. An unpaid meal break of no less than 30 minutes will be taken each day no more than 5 hours after the start of ordinary working hours. However, the Company and the employees affected may agree to vary the time for the start of the meal break, not to take a break, or to extend the meal break, to meet the reasonable requirements of that day's work. Where the meal break is not taken, the ordinary hours of work for that day will end 30 minutes before the usual ceasing time. Where the meal break is extended the ceasing time will be adjusted accordingly. Employees will be entitled to a morning tea break of 10 minutes duration.