Quantitative Analysis Quantitative analysts develop and apply financial models designed to enable equity portfolio managers and fundamental analysts to screen potential and current investments, assess relative risk and enhance performance relative to benchmarks and peers. To the extent that such services are to be provided with respect to any Account which is a registered investment company, Categories 3, 4 and 5 above shall be treated as “investment advisory services” for purposes of Section 5(b) of the Agreement.”
Independent Analysis Each Party hereby confirms that its decision to execute this Agreement has been based upon its independent assessment of documents and information available to it, as it has deemed appropriate.
Risk Analysis The Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis with respect to Securities Depositories operating in the countries listed in Appendix B. If the Custodian is unable to provide a Risk Analysis with respect to a particular Securities Depository, it will notify the Fund. If a new Securities Depository commences operation in one of the Appendix B countries, the Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis in a reasonably practicable time after such Securities Depository becomes operational. If a new country is added to Appendix B, the Custodian will provide the Fund with a Risk Analysis with respect to each Securities Depository in that country within a reasonably practicable time after the addition of the country to Appendix B.
Escrow Analysis If applicable, with respect to each Mortgage Loan, the Seller has within the last twelve months (unless such Mortgage was originated within such twelve month period) analyzed the required Escrow Payments for each Mortgage and adjusted the amount of such payments so that, assuming all required payments are timely made, any deficiency will be eliminated on or before the first anniversary of such analysis, or any overage will be refunded to the Mortgagor, in accordance with RESPA and any other applicable law;
MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION The goal of this task is to report the benefits resulting from this project. • Enter into agreement with M&V subcontractor per Task 1.9 • Coordinate site visits with the M&V subcontractor at the demonstration site • Develop M&V protocol for pre-installation measurement and calculations following Section II.B.2 of the grant solicitation manual3: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation manual) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that are be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified; and o If necessary, ensure installation of sub-metering equipment and data loggers for pre/post data analysis. • Prepare and provide a detailed Measurement and Verification Plan to include but not be limited to: o A description of the monitoring equipment and instrumentation which will be used; o A description of the key input parameters and output metrics which will be measured; o A description of the M&V protocol and analysis methods to be employed; and o A description of the independent, third-party measurement and verification services to be employed. • Perform three months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of pre- installation measurements and calculations, based on the M&V protocol for pre-install • Prepare and provide a Pre-Installation Measurement and Verification Findings Report which includes M&V protocol, pre-install measurements (and calculations), analysis, and results performed in this task. • Develop M&V protocol for post-installation measurements (and calculations) of: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation manual) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that will be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified Perform 12 months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of post- installation measurements based on M&V protocol for post-installation. • Provide a summary of post-installation M&V progress in Progress Report(s) (see subtask 1.5) which shall include but not be limited to: o A narrative on operational highlights from the reporting period, including any stoppages in operation and why; and o A summary of M&V findings from the reporting period. • Analyze post-installation electrical, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. • Prepare and provide a Post-Installation Measurement and Verification Findings Report that includes M&V protocol, pre and post install measurements and calculations, analysis, and results performed in this task. Results should at a minimum report on the reduction of electricity, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel usage and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions that directly result from this project.
Measurement Should the State terminate this contract as herein provided, no fees other than fees due and payable at the time of termination shall thereafter be paid to the Engineer. In determining the value of the work performed by the Engineer prior to termination, the State shall be the sole judge. Compensation for work at termination will be based on a percentage of the work completed at that time. Should the State terminate this contract under paragraph (4) or (5) above, the Engineer shall not incur costs during the thirty-day notice period in excess of the amount incurred during the preceding thirty days.
Measurement and Billing 5.6.1 For billing purposes, each Party shall pass Calling Party Number (“CPN”) information on each call carried over the Traffic Exchange Trunks at such time as the originating switch is equipped for SS7 and from all switches no later than December 31, 1998. At such time as either Party has the ability, as the Party receiving the traffic, to use such CPN information to classify on an automated basis traffic delivered by the other Party as either Local Traffic or Toll Traffic, such receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of Traffic for which CPN is passed, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs. 5.6.2 If, under the circumstances set forth in subsection 5.6.1, the originating Party does not pass CPN on up to ten percent (10%) of calls, the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, Intrastate/Interstate Transit Traffic rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of traffic, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs, for which CPN is passed. For the remaining up to ten percent (10%) of calls without CPN information, the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party for such traffic as Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, Intrastate/Interstate Transit Traffic rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of traffic, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs, in direct proportion to the minutes of use of calls passed with CPN information. 5.6.3 If the originating Party does not pass CPN on more than ten percent (10%) of calls, or if the receiving Party lacks the ability to use CPN information to classify on an automated basis traffic delivered by the other Party as either Local Traffic or Toll Traffic, and the originating Party chooses to combine Local and Toll Traffic on the same trunk group, it will supply an auditable Percent Local Use (“PLU”) report quarterly, based on the previous three months’ traffic, and applicable to the following three months. If the originating Party also chooses to combine Interstate and Intrastate Toll Traffic on the same trunk group, it will supply an auditable Percent Interstate Use (“PIU”) report quarterly, based on the previous three months’ terminating traffic, and applicable to the following three months. In lieu of the foregoing PLU and/or PIU reports, the Parties may agree to provide and accept reasonable surrogate measures for an agreed-upon interim period. 5.6.4 Measurement of billing minutes for purposes of determining terminating compensation shall be in conversation seconds.
Test The outer surface of the lamp lenses shall be subjected once or more than once to the action of the sand jet produced as described above. The jet shall be sprayed almost perpendicular to the surface to be tested. The deterioration shall be checked by means of one or more samples of glass placed as a reference near the lenses to be tested. The mixture shall be sprayed until the variation in the diffusion of light on the sample or samples measured by the method described in Appendix 2, is such that: Δ d = (T5 - T4) / T2 ≤ 0.0250 ± 0.0025 Several reference samples may be used to check that the whole surface to be tested has deteriorated homogeneously.
Investment Analysis and Implementation In carrying out its obligations under Section 1 hereof, the Advisor shall: (a) supervise all aspects of the operations of the Funds; (b) obtain and evaluate pertinent information about significant developments and economic, statistical and financial data, domestic, foreign or otherwise, whether affecting the economy generally or the Funds, and whether concerning the individual issuers whose securities are included in the assets of the Funds or the activities in which such issuers engage, or with respect to securities which the Advisor considers desirable for inclusion in the Funds' assets; (c) determine which issuers and securities shall be represented in the Funds' investment portfolios and regularly report thereon to the Board of Trustees; (d) formulate and implement continuing programs for the purchases and sales of the securities of such issuers and regularly report thereon to the Board of Trustees; and (e) take, on behalf of the Trust and the Funds, all actions which appear to the Trust and the Funds necessary to carry into effect such purchase and sale programs and supervisory functions as aforesaid, including but not limited to the placing of orders for the purchase and sale of securities for the Funds.
Sampling and Analysis The Seller has sole responsibility for quality control of the coal and shall forward its “as loaded” quality to the Buyer as soon as possible. The sampling and analysis of the coal delivered hereunder shall be performed by Buyer and the results thereof shall be accepted and used for the quality and characteristics of the coal delivered under this Agreement. All analyses shall be made in Buyer’s laboratory at Buyer’s expense in accordance with ASTM standards where applicable, or using standards mutually acceptable to both parties. Samples for analyses shall be taken by any ASTM standards or standards mutually acceptable to both parties, and may be composited and shall be taken with a frequency and regularity sufficient to provide reasonably accurate representative samples of the deliveries made hereunder. Seller represents that it is familiar with Buyer’s sampling and analysis practices, and finds them to be acceptable. Buyer shall notify Seller in writing of any significant changes in Buyer’s sampling and analysis practices. Any such changes in Buyer’s sampling and analysis practices shall, except for ASTM or mutually agreeable changes in practices, provide for no less accuracy than the sampling and analysis practices existing at the time of the execution of this Agreement, unless the Parties otherwise mutually agree. (1) part shall be used for analysis by Buyer; one (l) part shall be used by Buyer as a check sample, if Buyer in its sole judgment determines it is necessary; one (1) part shall be retained by Buyer (LG&E) until the twenty-fifth (25th) of the month following the month of unloading (the “LG&E Disposal Date”) or Buyer (KU) until thirty (30) days after the sample is taken (the “KU Disposal Date”), the LG&E Disposal Date and the KU Disposal Date are collectively the “Disposal Date”), and shall be delivered to Seller for analysis if Seller so requests before the Disposal Date; and one part (“Referee Sample”) shall be retained by Buyer until the Disposal Date. Seller shall be given copies of all analyses made by Buyer by the tenth (10th) business day of the month following the month of unloading. Seller, on reasonable notice to Buyer shall have the right to have a representative present to observe the sampling and analyses performed by Buyer. Unless Seller requests a Referee Sample analysis before the Disposal Date, Buyer’s analysis shall be used to determine the quality of the coal delivered hereunder. The Monthly Weighted Averages shall be determined by utilizing the individual shipment analyses. If any dispute arises before the Disposal Date, the Referee Sample retained by Buyer shall be submitted for analysis to an independent commercial testing laboratory (“Independent Lab”) mutually chosen by Buyer and Seller. For each coal quality specification in question, a dispute shall be deemed not to exist and Buyer’s analysis shall prevail and the analysis of the Independent Lab shall be disregarded if the analysis of the Independent Lab differs from the analysis of Buyer by an amount equal to or less than: (i) 0.50% moisture (ii) 0.50% ash on a dry basis (iii) 100 Btu/lb. on a dry basis (iv) 0.10% sulfur on a dry basis. For each coal quality specification in question, if the analysis of the Independent Lab differs from the analysis of Buyer by an amount more than the amounts listed above, then the analysis of the Independent Lab shall prevail and Buyer’s analysis shall be disregarded. The cost of the analysis made by the Independent Lab shall be borne by Seller to the extent that Buyer’s analysis prevails and by Buyer to the extent that the analysis of the Independent Lab prevails.