Leave for Association Business The Hospital agrees to grant leaves of absence, without pay, to nurses selected by the Association to attend Association business including conferences, conventions and Provincial Committee meetings and to any nurse elected to the position of Local Co-ordinator. The cumulative total leave of absence, the amount of notice, the number of nurses that may be absent at any time from one area and the number of days (including those of the Local Co-ordinator) is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. During such leave of absence, a nurse's salary and applicable benefits or percentage in lieu of fringe benefits shall be maintained by the Hospital and the local Association agrees to reimburse the Hospital in the amount of the daily rate of the full-time nurse or in the amount of the full cost of such salary and percentage in lieu of fringe benefits of a part-time nurse except for Provincial Committee meetings which will be reimbursed by the Association. The Hospital will bill the local Association within a reasonable period of time. Part-time nurses will receive service and seniority credit for all leaves granted under this Article.
Association Business Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that such activities shall not interfere with normal school operations.
Restricted Employment for Certain State Personnel Contractor acknowledges that, pursuant to Section 572.069 of the Texas Government Code, a former state officer or employee of a state agency who during the period of state service or employment participated on behalf of a state agency in a procurement or contract negotiation involving Contractor may not accept employment from Contractor before the second anniversary of the date the Contract is signed or the procurement is terminated or withdrawn.
Religious Activities The Subrecipient agrees that funds provided under this Agreement will not be utilized for inherently religious activities prohibited by 24 CFR 570.200(j), such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization.
Association Grievance A grievance, as defined in Section 7.1, relating to occurrences actually involving at least three (3) nurses or arising under the Association Representative article, may be initiated by the Association at Step 2 of the above-mentioned procedure by the filing of a written grievance, signed by a representative of the Association, within 35 calendar days from the date of occurrence. Such grievance shall describe the problem and the contract provisions alleged to have been violated.
Reporting of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation Consistent with provisions of 33 V.S.A. §4913(a) and §6903, Party and any of its agents or employees who, in the performance of services connected with this agreement, (a) is a caregiver or has any other contact with clients and (b) has reasonable cause to believe that a child or vulnerable adult has been abused or neglected as defined in Chapter 49 or abused, neglected, or exploited as defined in Chapter 69 of Title 33 V.S.A. shall: as to children, make a report containing the information required by 33 V.S.A. §4914 to the Commissioner of the Department for Children and Families within 24 hours; or, as to a vulnerable adult, make a report containing the information required by 33 V.S.A. §6904 to the Division of Licensing and Protection at the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living within 48 hours. Party will ensure that its agents or employees receive training on the reporting of abuse or neglect to children and abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adults.
Association Business Leave A total of ten (10) days Association Business Leave shall be allowed by the district on condition that a competent qualified substitute employee is available and willing to serve. The designated representative of the Association and officers of the Association shall be allowed to take such leave for conducting Association Business or to attend state or local conferences. Substitutes hired by the District to cover such absences shall be paid for by the Association. At least five (5) normal business days advance notification of intent to take such leave shall be given to the Superintendent by the Association President.
Scope of Services The specific scope of work for each job shall be determined in advance and in writing between TIPS Member, Member’s design professionals and Vendor. It is permitted for the TIPS Member to provide a general scope description, but the awarded vendor should provide a written scope of work, and if applicable, according to the TIPS Member’s design Professional as part of the proposal. Once the scope of the job is agreed to, the TIPS Member will issue a PO and/or an Agreement or Contract with the Job Order Contract Proposal referenced or as an attachment along with bond and any other special provisions agreed by the TIPS Member. If special terms and conditions other than those covered within this solicitation and awarded Agreements are required, they will be attached to the PO and/or an Agreement or Contract and shall take precedence over those in this base TIPS Vendor Agreement.
Labour Management Meetings The committee meeting shall normally be held every second month however, either party may call a meeting of the Joint Labour Management Committee. The meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by mutual agreement but no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the initial request, unless mutually agreed.
Enterprise Clarify specific needs of client/other employees; provide information and advice; follow-up on client/employee needs; clarify the nature of a verbal message; identify options for resolution and act accordingly.