Business Expense Reimbursement During the Term of employment, the Executive shall be entitled to receive proper reimbursement for all reasonable, out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Executive (in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Company for its senior executive officers) in performing services hereunder, provided the Executive properly accounts therefore.
Compensation; Reimbursement At the closing of each Offering (each, a “Closing”), the Company shall compensate Xxxxxxxxxx as follows:
Expense Reimbursement The Executive shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for all appropriate business expenses incurred by him in connection with his duties under this Agreement in accordance with the policies of the Company as in effect from time to time.
Travel Expense Reimbursement Pricing for services provided under this Contract are exclusive of any travel expenses that may be incurred in the performance of those services. Travel expense reimbursement may include personal vehicle mileage or commercial coach transportation, hotel accommodations, parking and meals; provided, however, the amount of reimbursement by Customers shall not exceed the amounts authorized for state employees as adopted by each Customer; and provided, further, that all reimbursement rates shall not exceed the maximum rates established for state employees under the current State Travel Management Program (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/procurement/prog/stmp/). Travel time may not be included as part of the amounts payable by Customer for any services rendered under this Contract. The DIR administrative fee specified in Section 5 below is not applicable to travel expense reimbursement. Anticipated travel expenses must be pre-approved in writing by Customer.
Meal Reimbursement When an employee is specifically directed by the City to work two (2) hours or longer at the end of his/her normal work shift of at least eight (8) hours or work two (2) hours or longer at the end of his/her work shift of at least eight (8) hours when he/she is called in to work on his/her regular day off, or otherwise works under circumstances for which meal reimbursement is authorized per Ordinance 111768 and the employee actually purchases a reasonably priced meal away from his place of residence as a result of such additional hours of work, the employee shall be reimbursed for the "reasonable cost" of such meal in accordance with Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 4.20.
Death or Permanent Disability If Grantee shall die or become permanently disabled while employed by the Company or one of its affiliates, this Option shall expire one (1) year after the date of such death or permanent disability. During such period after death, Grantee's legal representative or representatives, or the person or persons entitled to do so under Grantee's last will and testament or under applicable interstate laws, shall have the right to exercise this Option as to only the number of shares to which Grantee was entitled to purchase on the date of his/her death.
Permanent Disability Permanent Disability" shall mean Employee's physical or mental incapacity to perform his or her usual duties with such condition likely to remain continuously and permanently as determined by Employer.
PROFESSIONAL COMPENSATION A. The salaries of employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in the appendixes which are attached hereto and incorporated in this Agreement. Each employee shall have the yearly option of receiving his/her salary in one of the following ways: 1. Each employee hired after July 1, 1987, shall receive his/her total salary divided into twenty-four (24) equal payments on the fifth (5th) and twentieth (20th) of each month. If the 20th of the month falls on a holiday or weekend, the payday will be on the first business day immediately following. 2. Employees employed in the District prior to July 1, 1987, may have their total salary divided as stated above or they may choose to have their pay divided into twenty-one (21) equal installments, beginning with the August 20th payroll each contract year. B. Total salary for less than full-time employees shall be paid as indicated in 1 or 2 above, beginning at the date of hire, but the salary shall be adjusted based on the yearly number of work days for employees as set by the school calendar, and then pro-rated on the portion of the year and/or day worked by the individual employee. C. It is understood and agreed that each employee shall elect payment for the subsequent year in accordance with the previous year's selection unless the Business Office is notified in writing of such employee's change in selection on or before August 15. D. Pay deductions will be made only for the following authorized items: 1. Mandatory/voluntary government deductions. 2. IRS Section 125 deductions. 3. Insurance carriers designated by this Agreement or approved by the Employer. 4. Deductions as authorized in other articles of this Agreement. E. The Employer may make direct payroll check deposits to banks, savings and loan associations, and other financial and with which the Employer has a written agreement dealing with payroll deposits. Such direct payroll deposits would be made only upon the written request/approval of the employee. F. The Employer shall reimburse employees for actual costs of college tuition and fees, upon completion of coursework. This reimbursement shall be limited to a total of 6 credit hours or 18 SBCEU’s or 180 SCECH’s or a combination thereof in a five-year period. (3 SBCEU’s = 1 credit hour or 30 SCECH’s = 1 credit hour) Each year of the five year period will be based on the school fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). The rate of reimbursement shall be limited to the actual amount of tuition and fees paid, but shall not exceed the amount charged by Grand Valley State University per graduate credit hour. The Employee will be required to provide proof of payment and proof of successful completion of the course. G. Employees asked to substitute during their planning period will be paid at a rate of $25.00 per planning period. The employee will receive a coupon for an early dismissal or late arrival, or other site based incentives along with the compensation. This coupon may be used at any time so long as it does not interfere with the employee’s normal duties, i.e. staff meetings, IEPC. More than one coupon may be used at the same time with the approval of the Administration. A coupon is attached to this agreement, (see Appendix F). Employees asked to teach additional students for a period shall be eligible for the substitute rate above.
Incapacity to pay The Commission may vary the severance pay prescription on the basis of an employer’s incapacity to pay. An application for variation may be made by an employer or a group of employers.
Recurring Disabilities (a) Employees who return to work after being absent because of illness or injury, and within five (5) consecutive scheduled days of work again become unable to work because of the same illness or injury are considered to still be within the original Short Term Plan period as defined in Section 1.2(a). (b) Employees who return to work after being absent because of illness or injury and within five (5) consecutive scheduled work days again become unable to work because of a new illness or injury unrelated to the illness or injury that caused the previous absence shall be entitled to a further seven (7) months of benefits under this plan. (c) Employees who return to work after being absent because of illness or injury, and after working five (5) or more consecutive scheduled days of work, again become unable to work because of the same illness or injury will be entitled to a further seven (7) month period of benefits under this plan, except as provided in (d) below, where the Short Term Plan period shall continue to be as defined in Section 1.2(a). (d) Where an employee is returning to work after a period of illness or injury and where a medical practitioner has approved such return on a trial basis for assessment and/or rehabilitation purposes, the Short Term Plan period shall continue to be as defined in Section 1.2(a). Such trial period must be approved during the period the employee is receiving short term benefits; however, the end of the trial period can go beyond the Short Term Plan benefit period. (e) Employees who return to work after a period of illness or injury and who do not work the same number of hours that were scheduled prior to the illness or injury shall receive prorated benefits under this plan, however, not beyond seven (7) calendar months from the initial date of absence as defined in Section 1.2(a), if absence is due to the same illness or injury.