Start Time. The pay for an employee who is called out for emergency duty will begin when the employee arrives at the time clock.
Start Time. Chargeable time will commence as soon as Our truck arrives at the (first) pick-up address that You have specified. Please note this is when the truck FIRST arrives at Your nominated address, not when a park has been found, not when You arrive or have been located or when paperwork is signed. All trucks are tracked by GPS and when the truck is located at Your address chargeable time will start. It is Your responsibility to have arranged adequate and legal parking for Our truck. Failure to make such arrangements may cause delays which You will be charged for. For gated communities, highrises and apartments, start time is considered when the truck arrives outside the gated community or building complex, not at Your unit number.
Start Time. The pay for an employee who is called out for overtime duty (whether scheduled overtime or for emergency call-in) will begin when the employee arrives at the Town garage.
Start Time. The pay for an employee who is called out for emergency duty will begin when the employee arrives at the DPW garage.
Start Time. The pay for an employee who is called out for overtime duty (whether regular overtime or for emergency duty) will begin when the employee arrives at the Highway Garage.
Start Time. At the sound of the siren, employees will be at their workstation or immediate place of work, ready to commence the shift. A (2) minute advance siren will be sounded in anticipation of actual starting time. Morning Tea Break A siren will be sounded at the commencement and completion of the break (total duration of 15 minutes).
Start Time. The wedding shall start at the contractually agreed-upon time. If the minister has another wedding scheduled following this wedding that is also a legally binding contract. Therefore, if this wedding does not start as scheduled and the delay is sufficient to create a negative impact on a subsequent wedding, the minister is free to leave as necessary in order not to jeopardize the subsequent wedding. In consequence, no fees as contracted herein shall be refunded. The minister can return to perform this ceremony at a later time on the same date after all other contractual agreements for that date have been completed, but an additional fee of $100.00 will be required prior to the start of the ceremony.
Start Time. Provided a vehicle is available, all drivers will leave on schedule and will have completed their circle check prior to leaving.
Start Time. As an incentive for employees to report to work for snow removal as soon as possible following call in, they shall be paid for sixty minutes prior to, and commencing at the time the employee arrives at work, providing the employee arrives within sixty minutes after call in (the clock is backed up 60 minutes at punch in time). Example: An employee is called in to work at 11:00 p.m. and arrives at 11:15 p.m.; the employee shall be paid from 10:15 p.m. at the applicable rate of pay. Should an employee who is called in at 11:00 p.m. not arrive until 12:01 a.m. or later, said employee shall not receive the prior 60 minutes call in pay.