MHSA CULTURAL COMPETENCY. CONTRACTOR shall make available to COUNTY evidence of trainings, staff attendance, and course content upon request of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall use professional skills, behaviors, attitudes and policies in their system that ensures the system, or those being seen in the system, work effectively in a cross cultural environment. In addition to the Cultural Competency requirement stated in Exhibit A, section 3, the CONTRACTOR shall complete the following additional requirements: a. All staff funded under this agreement shall complete thirty two (32) hours of cultural competency training; and b. CONTRACTOR agrees to designate one or more representatives to participate in monthly Cultural Competency Committee meetings at COUNTY Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).
MHSA CULTURAL COMPETENCY. HSA/AAA shall make available to BHRS evidence of trainings, staff attendance, and course content upon request of BHRS. HSA/AAA shall use professional skills, behaviors, attitudes and policies in their system that ensures the system, or those being seen in the system, work effectively in a cross cultural environment. In addition to the Cultural Competency requirement stated in Exhibit A, section 3, the HSA/AAA shall complete the following additional requirements: a. All staff funded under this agreement shall complete thirty two (32) hours of cultural competency training; and b. HSA/AAA agrees to designate one or more representatives to participate in monthly Cultural Competency Committee meetings at BHRS Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).
MHSA CULTURAL COMPETENCY. DPH shall make available to BHRS evidence of trainings, staff attendance, and course content upon request of BHRS. DPH shall use professional skills, behaviors, attitudes and policies in their system that ensures the system, or those being seen in the system, work effectively in a cross cultural environment. In addition to the Cultural Competency requirement stated in Exhibit A, section 3, the DPH shall complete the following additional requirements: a. All staff funded under this agreement shall complete thirty two (32) hours of cultural competency training; and b. DPH agrees to designate one or more representatives to participate in monthly Cultural Competency Committee meetings at BHRS Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).
MHSA CULTURAL COMPETENCY. HSA shall make available to BHRS evidence of trainings, staff attendance, and course content upon request of BHRS. HSA shall use professional skills, behaviors, attitudes and policies in their system that ensures the system, or those being seen in the system, work effectively in a cross cultural environment. In addition to the Cultural Competency requirement stated in Exhibit A, section 3, the HSA shall complete the following additional requirements: a. All staff funded under this agreement shall complete thirty two (32) hours of cultural competency training; and b. HSA agrees to designate one or more representatives to participate in monthly Cultural Competency Committee meetings at BHRS Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).
MHSA CULTURAL COMPETENCY. CONTRACTOR shall make available to COUNTY evidence of trainings, staff attendance, and course content upon request of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall use professional skills, behaviors, attitudes and policies in their system that ensures the system, or those being seen in the system, work effectively in a cross cultural environment. In addition to the Cultural Competency requirement stated in Exhibit A, section 3, the CONTRACTOR shall complete the following additional requirements:


  • Cultural Competency 1. All program staff shall receive at least one (1) in-service training per year on some aspect of providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services. At least once per year and upon request, Contractor shall provide County with a schedule of in-service training(s) and a list of participants at each such training. 2. Contractor shall use good faith efforts to translate health-related materials in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. At least once per year and upon request, Contractor shall provide to County copies of Contractor’s health-related materials in English and as translated. 3. Contractor shall use good faith efforts to hire clinical staff members who can communicate with clients in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. At least once per year and upon request, Contractor shall submit to County the cultural composition and linguistic fluencies of Contractor’s staff.

  • Cultural Competence 1. Grantee will make reasonable efforts to provide services that meet each client’s individual needs and takes into consideration the intellectual functioning, literacy, level of education and comprehension ability of each client in order to ensure that all information is presented in a way that meets each client’s individual needs. 2. Grantee will provide services in the client's primary language either directly by Grantee or by a DFPS approved translator. 3. Grantee will have a cultural competence mission statement, core values or other similar guidance that provides how the Grantee will effectively provide these services to clients of various cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds and religions in a manner that recognizes and affirms the client’s worth, protects and preserves the client’s dignity and ensures equity of service delivery.

  • Competency Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and roles. There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. There is limited complexity of choice of actions required. On occasion, more complex tasks may be performed.

  • CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Requirement generally does not add units to a student's program. Rather, it is intended to be fulfilled by choosing courses from the approved list that also satisfy requirements in other areas of the student’s program; the exception is that Cultural Diversity courses may not satisfy Culture and Language Requirements for B.S. students. For example, COMM 6 – Intercultural Communication, can fulfill (3) units of the Behavioral Science requirement and (3) units of the Cultural Diversity requirement. This double counting of a class may only be done with the Cultural Diversity requirement. Courses in Cultural Diversity may be taken at the lower- division or upper-division level.

  • Cultural ceremonial leave may be taken as whole or part days off. Each day, or part thereof, shall be deducted from: a) the Employee's annual leave entitlements (where applicable); b) the Employee’s accrued long service leave entitlements, but in full days only; or c) accrued days off or time in lieu.

  • Competencies The following competencies apply to this position. The employee will be assessed against these as part of their annual performance and development review.

  • Cultural cooperation 1. The aims of cultural cooperation will be: (a) to build on existing agreements or arrangements already in place for cultural cooperation; and (b) to promote information and cultural exchanges between the Parties. 2. The Parties will encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the following activities, including, but not limited to: (a) dialogue on cultural policies and promotion of local culture; (b) exchange of cultural events and promote awareness of artistic works; (c) exchange of experience in conservation and restoration of national heritage; (d) exchange of experience on management for the arts; (e) protecting archaeological monuments and cultural heritage; (f) having a consultation mechanism between the Parties' culture authorities; and (g) cooperation in the audio-visual field, mainly coproduction and training programs in this sector and means of communication, including training, development and distribution activities.

  • Stewardship The efficient and effective management of the public funds that have been entrusted to the FHWA.

  • Sick Leave Verification Process a. The new school district shall provide the employee with the necessary verification form at the time the employee receives confirmation of employment in the school district. b. An employee must initiate the sick leave verification process and forward the necessary verification forms to the previous school district(s) within ninety (90) days of commencing employment with the new school district. c. The previous school district(s) shall make every reasonable effort to retrieve and verify the sick leave credits which the employee seeks to port.

  • Disease Management If you have a chronic condition such as asthma, coronary heart disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, we’re here to help. Our tools and information can help you manage your condition and improve your health. You may also be eligible to receive help through our care coordination program. This voluntary program is available at no additional cost you. To learn more about disease management, please call (000) 000-0000 or 0-000-000-0000. Our entire contract with you consists of this agreement and our contract with your employer. Your ID card will identify you as a member when you receive the healthcare services covered under this agreement. By presenting your ID card to receive covered healthcare services, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and obligations of this agreement. Your eligibility for benefits is determined under the provisions of this agreement. Your right to appeal and take action is described in Appeals in Section 5. This agreement describes the benefits, exclusions, conditions and limitations provided under your plan. It shall be construed under and shall be governed by the applicable laws and regulations of the State of Rhode Island and federal law as amended from time to time. It replaces any agreement previously issued to you. If this agreement changes, an amendment or new agreement will be provided.