MISCELLANEOUS LABOR. 16.1. ESCO may provide normal layout, clean up, and other "pick-up" work required to complete the Project with its own forces, without the necessity of subcontracting.
16.2. If ESCO desires to perform any other Construction Work through third-party subcontractors or other entities, that Construction Work shall be bid according to the provisions of Section 16 of this Design and Construction Contract.
MISCELLANEOUS LABOR. 13.1. The CONTRACTOR may provide normal layout, clean up, and other “pick-up” work required to complete the Project with its own forces, without the necessity of subcontracting.
13.2. If the CONTRACTOR desires to perform any other Construction Work through third- party subcontractors or other entities, that Construction Work shall be bid according to the provisions of Section 12 of this Agreement.
MISCELLANEOUS LABOR. 10.4.1 The CM/GC may provide normal layout, clean up, and other "pick-up" work required to complete the project with its own forces, without the necessity of subcontracting.
10.4.2 If the CM/GC desires to perform any other work, that work shall be bid according to the provisions of Article 10.5.2.
MISCELLANEOUS LABOR. 12.1 The CONTRACTOR may provide normal layout, clean up, and other "pick-up" work required to complete the Project with its own forces, without the necessity of subcontracting.
MISCELLANEOUS LABOR. Miscellaneous labor may be used if deemed necessary to cover anticipated tasks or situations only with prior arrangements and agreements with Contractor and City Inspector.