Miscellaneous The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that continued participation in TIPS is subject to TIPS sole discretion and that any Vendor may be removed from the participation in the Program at any time with or without cause. Nothing in the Agreement or in any other communication between TIPS and the Vendor may be construed as a guarantee that TIPS or TIPS Members will submit any orders at any time. TIPS reserves the right to request additional proposals for items or services already on Agreement at any time.
Miscellaneous Expenses Board members may seek reimbursement for other expenses incurred while attending a meeting sponsored by organizations described herein by fully describing the expenses on the expense form, attaching receipts.
Miscellaneous Costs Where not included in the General Conditions, and with the prior approval of District, costs of document reproductions (photocopying and blueprinting expenses), long distance telephone call charges, postage, overnight and parcel delivery charges, telephone costs including cellular telephone charges, facsimile or other communication service at the Project site, job photos and progress schedules, and reasonable xxxxx cash expenses of the site office. Developer shall consult with District to determine whether District has any vendor relationships that could reduce the cost of these items and use such vendors whenever possible. Sales, use, gross receipts, local business and similar taxes imposed by a governmental authority that are related to the Work. Fees and assessments for permits, plan checks, licenses and inspections for which Developer is required by the Contract Documents to pay including, but not limited to, permanent utility connection charges, street use permit, street use rental, OSHA permit and sidewalk use permit and fees. Fees of laboratories for tests required by the Contract Documents. Deposits lost for causes other than Developer’s or its subcontractors’ negligence or failure to fulfill a specific responsibility to the District as set forth in the Contract Documents. Expenses incurred in accordance with Developer’s standard personnel policy for relocation and temporary living allowances of personnel required for the Work if approved in advance by District. Where requested by District, costs or expenses incurred by Developer in performing design services for the design-build systems. Other costs incurred in the performance of the Work if, and to the extent, approved in advance by District. Costs due to emergencies incurred in taking action to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss in case of an emergency affecting the safety of persons and/or property. Provided all other eligible costs have been deducted from the contingency and as part of the calculation of amounts due Developer for Final Payment, costs of repairing and correcting damaged or non- conforming Work executed by Developer, Subcontractors or suppliers, providing that such damage or non-conforming Work was not caused by negligence or failure to fulfill a specific responsibility of Developer and only to the extent that the cost of repair or correction is not recovered by Developer from insurance, sureties, Subcontractors or suppliers.