NEA/MEA COMMISSION OR BOARD MEETINGS. As designated by the Association President, a teacher who is a member of any NEA/MEA Commission or Board shall be granted Nondeductible Leave upon advance notification to the Superintendent by the Association President. The total of such days granted to all teachers under this paragraph shall not exceed twelve


  • Open Meetings (a) All scheduled meetings of the Employer shall be open meetings, except in those cases where personnel, financial or other matters require that the meeting be considered confidential. (b) In those cases where a meeting is designated confidential, the Union shall be provided with a reason for such designation. (c) A designated member of the Union shall be provided a copy of the agenda and minutes of all open meetings. (d) Notwithstanding 18.04(b), any faculty member may request that an Union representative attend as an observer at meetings where the faculty member reasonably believes their working conditions under Article 12 will be affected. Management will be notified by the Union in advance of the meeting regarding their attendance at the meeting.

  • Association Meetings The Association shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings without cost after the regular students’ school day.

  • NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS At least seven clear days’ notice in writing counting from the date service is deemed to take place as provided in these Articles specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and the general nature of the business, shall be given in the manner hereinafter provided or in such other manner (if any) as may be prescribed by the Company by Ordinary Resolution to such Persons as are, under these Articles, entitled to receive such notices from the Company, but with the consent of all the Shareholders entitled to receive notice of some particular meeting and attend and vote thereat, that meeting may be convened by such shorter notice or without notice and in such manner as those Shareholders may think fit.

  • Board Meetings The Superintendent shall attend, and shall be permitted to attend, all meetings of the Board, both public and closed, with the exception of those closed meetings devoted to the consideration of any action or lack of action on the Superintendent's Contract, or the Superintendent's evaluation, or for purposes of resolving conflicts between individual Board members, or when the Board is acting in its capacity as a tribunal. In the event of illness or Board-approved absence, the Superintendent's designee shall attend such meetings.

  • Notice of Board Meetings Notice of Board meetings shall be given by the Chair or the Chair’s designee to each other Board Member by overnight courier service, email or other electronic transmission, or personal delivery. Notices shall be deemed to have been given: if given by courier service, when deposited with a courier service for overnight delivery with charges therefor prepaid or duly provided for; if given email or other electronic transmission, at the time of sending; and if given by personal delivery, at the time of delivery. Notices given by personal delivery may be in writing or oral. Written notices shall be sent to a Board Member at the postal address, email address or address for other electronic transmission, designated by him or her for that purpose or, if none has been so designated, at his or her last known residence or business address, email address or address for other electronic transmission. Except to the extent required by applicable law, no notice of any meeting of the Board need state the purposes of the meeting.

  • Negotiation Meetings The first bargaining session shall be held at a mutually agreed time and date within fourteen (14) days of the request. All proposals by the parties shall be written and submitted to the representative(s) of both teams at the first meeting. No additional items shall be submitted by either party following the first meeting, unless mutually agreed by the parties. Additional ground rules, if any, will be established at the first meeting. Bargaining sessions shall not be scheduled during the regular teacher workday. Time and dates as used in this Article may be changed by mutual agreement.

  • Professional Meetings Employees should be encouraged to and may, with the approval of the supervisor, attend professional meetings, conferences, and activities. Subject to the availability of funds, the employee's expenses in connection with such meetings, conferences, or activities shall be reimbursed in accordance with the applicable provisions of State law and university rules.

  • Recording Board Meetings Any person may record or broadcast an open Board meeting. Special requests to facilitate recording or broadcasting an open Board meeting, such as seating, writing surfaces, lighting, and access to electrical power, should be directed to the Superintendent at least 24 hours before the meeting. Recording meetings shall not distract or disturb Board members, other meeting participants, or members of the public. The Board President may designate a location for recording equipment, may restrict the movements of individuals who are using recording equipment, or may take such other steps as are deemed necessary to preserve decorum and facilitate the meeting. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2a, 120/2.02, 120/2.05, 120/2.06, and 120/7. 105 ILCS 5/10-6, 5/10-7, 5/10-12, and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:80 (Board Member Oath and Conduct), 2:150 (Committees), 2:200 (Types of School Board Meetings), 2:210 (Organizational Board of Education Meeting), 2:230 (Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board) Adopted: August 4, 2020 The following procedures govern the verbatim audio recordings and minutes of Board of Education meetings that are closed to the public. Before any Board meeting: Arranges to have an audio recording device with extra recording tapes and a back-up audio recording device in the Board meeting room during every Board meeting regardless of whether a closed meeting is scheduled. Superintendent or designee The Board may close a portion of a public meeting without prior notice; it cannot, however, have a closed meeting unless it can record the session. Before a closed meeting: Board President or presiding officer On the closed meeting date: (1) convenes an open meeting, (2) requests a motion to adjourn into closed meeting making sure the reason for the meeting is identified in the motion, (3) takes a roll call vote, (4) asks that the minutes record the vote of each member present and the reason for the closed meeting with a citation to the specific exception contained in the Open Meetings Act (OMA) authorizing the closed meeting (5 ILCS 120/2a), and (5) adjourns the open meeting. Before a closed Immediately before a closed meeting, tests and activates the audio meeting: recording device. Superintendent or

  • Contract Negotiation Meetings When operational requirements permit, the Employer will grant leave without pay to an employee for the purpose of attending contract negotiation meetings on behalf of the Alliance. Preparatory Contract Negotiation Meetings

  • Union Meetings The Employer recognizes the Union's interest in keeping its members informed and aware of its activities through regular union meetings. The Employer may approve the use of the agency facilities to hold union meetings. Union meetings, including general and/or committee(s) meetings, held on employer premises will not interfere with the operation of the Employer.