New Online Content and Functionality. By June 30, 2018, the district will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By October 1, 2018, the University will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By October 15, 2018, the Recipient will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By 6 months from date of signing the original agreement, the District will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By 6 months from date of signing the original agreement, the College will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. OCR acknowledges that the College has satisfactorily established a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after May 24, 2018, will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. OCR further acknowledges that the plan includes staff trainings to ensure full implementation of the plan, and that the College has begun conducting staff trainings. The College agrees to continue providing staff trainings as needed to ensure ongoing implementation of the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By 6 months from date of signing the original agreement or January 1, 2019, the Elmore County Public Schools will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By 6 months from the date the original agreement was signed, the BISD will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By April 30, 2018, The Davidson Academy of Nevada will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.
New Online Content and Functionality. By August 8, 2018, the DCCCD will establish a plan to ensure that all new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used after the date of this agreement will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The plan should include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation with the plan.