NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Residents and guests swim at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. Swimming alone is not recommended. o The Association is not responsible for the loss of or damage to personal property at the pool area. o A homeowner can allow the usage of their pool keycard to the following: o A family member that is 14 years or older. o A family member that is 16 years or older. The 16-year-old may bring up to two guests/siblings. o A family member that is 18 years or older. The 18-year-old may bring up to three guests/siblings. o The homeowner/household may have up to 6 guests total. o Children of a homeowner can be taken to the pool by a caregiver (e.g., Sitter or Nanny) and will be considered a representative of the homeowner/household and treated accordingly. o Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult homeowner. Children are the sole responsibility of their parents or guardian, who must be present with children in the pool area. o Children 14 years old and above may enter (requires homeowner’s keycard) the pool without adult supervision with their parent’s permission. Parents take sole responsibility to decide if their child at 14 years and older is a good swimmer and mature enough to handle not being supervised. o Parents must directly supervise their children and all non-swimmers in the wading (kiddie) pool. This pool is for children under the age of 6 only and not for upper elementary and teenagers. o Children not potty trained must wear special swim diapers specifically designed for swimming pools. Please take all dirty diapers home. o Flotation devices are permitted as long as they do not interfere with other swimmers. o No running, diving, horseplay, foul language, throwing of heavy objects or any object other than those which are specifically designed for safe use in the pool, rough behavior, inappropriate behavior, or any behavior that would be objectionable in a family atmosphere is allowed in the pool area. o No large water guns (larger than 10 inches in length) are allowed in the pool or on the pool deck. o No water balloons are allowed in the pool area. o No smoking of any kind is allowed, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, or vaporizers. o No pets, skateboards, or bikes are allowed in the pool area. o No glass containers are allowed in the fenced pool area. No food or beverages are allowed in the pool or within 6 feet of the pool. o No alcoholic beverages may be consumed by anyone under the age ...
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Thank you for respecting these safety rules!
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. ACCESS: Access to the pool area is for members of Xxxxx Heights HOA and their guests only. GUEST: A homeowner must accompany any guests. Four guests per address are permitted free of charge. Additional guests are $3.00 each. Host assumes responsibility for their guests’ actions while on Xxxxx Heights amenity property.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. The primary function of the Pool Monitors is to check amenity tags at the entrance and monitor pool activities to make sure the rules are being followed so the pool environment is pleasant for all. Members are asked to observe all rules so the Pool Monitors may be free to perform his or her job.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. In case of emergency, call 911. Please note that there is no telephone at the clubhouse and cell phone reception is limited.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. The Participant recognizes that no lifeguard or safety monitoring is provided by the Hosts.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Residents and guests may use the swimming pool area with the understanding that there is no lifeguard on duty at any time.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Accordingly, persons using the beach or pool do so at their own risk and the owners assume no responsibility for accident or injury. No one should swim alone. Renters will hold the Owners harmless from any and all bodily injury and/or property damage incurred on the property arising out of Renters' negligent acts or omissions. See disclaimerbelow.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. All residents accepting these guidelines acknowledge there is NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY at our pool.
NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Please be aware that there is no lifeguard on duty in the pool area. Members use the pool at their own risk. o No running, diving, or rough play is allowed in or around the pool area. Children under 14 must be accompanied at all times in the pool area by an adult.