Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday. B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director. C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal. D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level. 1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements. 2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement. 3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary. E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In the event a teacher assigned duty is absent, the administrator will assign the substitute teacher to assume that duty. F. MBUs shall be paid or earn flex time for duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to use. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school day. G. No MBU will be required to get CDL licensure or be requested to drive a bus. H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes. 1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law. 2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book. 3. W LV WKH WHDFKHU¶V GHFLVLRQ DV WR ZKHQ DQG ZKHUH W 4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school. 5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday.
B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director.
C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications Instructional Assistants are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplementsemployed to enhance and enlarge educational opportunities for students for the purpose of maximizing each student’s ability to learn/perform.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by Federation recognizes that supervision of students during non-instructional periods of the individual(s) receiving students’ school day is a necessary function of school personnel to insure the supplement(s). Portions health and safety of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplementstudents.
3. Participation by teachers in extraNon-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall instructional Duties will be voluntaryassigned equitably. Administration will consider the needs of the academic program when assigning duties.
E. To 4. Instructional Assistants who do lunch supervision duty during the students/lunch period will be provided an alternative duty-free lunch period of equal time.
4.1 If the alternate lunch period interferes significantly with the instructional program, Instructional Assistants may be asked to volunteer to give up their duty- free lunch to do lunch duty and will be compensated at their hourly rate. At no time will an employee receive both a duty-free lunch and lunch duty compensation.
5. Nurse Assistants will not be asked or expected to volunteer to perform lunch supervision or other non-instructional duties except those which arise as a part of their major job responsibilities, or in cases of emergency.
6. Before and after school playground duty/bus duty/recess duty will be assigned on a rotating basis in an as equitable manner as possible in an attempt to provide proper adequate supervision of students.
6.1 It is recognized that Instructional Assistants scheduled for Elementary Site Bus Duty will not be supervised by the bus driver/bus company. All Instructional assistants who are assigned to this duty will be trained on bus procedures and will be provided with the necessary first aid training.
6.2 This scheduling of duty will be comprised of teams for each route, and the team will develop an equitable schedule for the duty and submit it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility to the administrator for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etcapproval. Where teachers do If the team cannot volunteer for these duties, agree on a schedule or if the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In administrator does not approve the event a teacher assigned duty is absentsubmitted schedule by the team, the administrator will assign meet with the substitute teacher to assume that dutyteam and decide the schedule.
F. MBUs shall 6.3 Should an emergency occur when an instructional assistant is on site Bus Duty, the District will provide transportation. An emergency is a situation that arises during the day requiring action by an employee which cannot wait until the workday is over.
6.4 Site principal/principal designee will provide personnel to fulfill the before and after school bus duties.
7. Food Service Employees will only be paid asked or earn flex time for required to work to support the fund-raising activities of other departments, of clubs/organizations or classes as so stated in their job descriptions. This will be done on an equitable basis if no volunteers are available.
7.1 Food Service employment agreements with the District will reflect that extra duty assignments may be required on a volunteer or rotation basis.
7.2 Food Service employees who are assigned extra duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the their regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall workday will be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to use. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas at their regular rate of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school daypay.
G. No MBU will be required to get CDL licensure or be requested to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday.
B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director.
C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications Instructional Assistants are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplementsemployed to enhance and enlarge educational opportunities for students for the purpose of maximizing each student’s ability to learn/perform.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by Federation recognizes that supervision of students during non-instructional periods of the individual(s) receiving students’ school day is a necessary function of school personnel to insure the supplement(s). Portions health and safety of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplementstudents.
3. Participation by teachers in extraNon-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall instructional Duties will be voluntaryassigned equitably. Administration will consider the needs of the academic program when assigning duties
4. Instructional Assistants who do lunch supervision duty during the students/lunch period will be provided an alternative duty-free lunch period of equal time.
E. To 4.1 If the alternate lunch period interferes significantly with the instructional program, Instructional Assistants may be asked to volunteer to give up their duty- free lunch to do lunch duty and will be compensated at their hourly rate. At no time will an employee receive both a duty-free lunch and lunch duty compensation.
5. Nurse Assistants will not be asked or expected to volunteer to perform lunch supervision or other non-instructional duties except those which arise as a part of their major job responsibilities, or in cases of emergency.
6. Before and after school playground duty/bus duty/recess duty will be assigned on a rotating basis in an as equitable manner as possible in an attempt to provide proper adequate supervision of students.
6.1 It is recognized that Instructional Assistants scheduled for Elementary Site Bus Duty will not be supervised by the bus driver/bus company. All Instructional assistants who are assigned to this duty will be trained on bus procedures and will be provided with the necessary first aid training.
6.2 This scheduling of duty will be comprised of teams for each route, and the team will develop an equitable schedule for the duty and submit it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility to the administrator for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etcapproval. Where teachers do If the team cannot volunteer for these duties, agree on a schedule or if the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In administrator does not approve the event a teacher assigned duty is absentsubmitted schedule by the team, the administrator will assign meet with the substitute teacher to assume that dutyteam and decide the schedule.
F. MBUs shall 6.3 Should an emergency occur when an instructional assistant is on site Bus Duty, the District will provide transportation. An emergency is a situation that arises during the day requiring action by an employee which cannot wait until the workday is over.
6.4 Site principal/principal designee will provide personnel to fulfill the before and after school bus duties.
7. Food Service Employees will only be paid asked or earn flex time for required to work to support the fund raising activities of other departments, of clubs/organizations or classes as so stated in their job descriptions. This will be done on an equitable basis if no volunteers are available.
7.1 Food Service employment agreements with the District will reflect that extra duty assignments may be required on a volunteer or rotation basis.
7.2 Food Service employees who are assigned extra duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the their regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall workday will be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to use. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas at their regular rate of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school daypay.
G. No MBU will be required to get CDL licensure or be requested to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required Non-instructional duties in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workdayboth elementary and secondary schools shall be distributed equitably among all teachers.
B. Members of Elementary teachers shall perform corridor supervision as deemed necessary by the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Directorbuilding principal.
C. The Board Teachers shall not be required to perform such functions as the collection of money for insurance and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principalpictures.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement.
3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary.
E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In the event a teacher assigned duty is absent, the administrator will assign the substitute teacher to assume that duty.
F. MBUs shall be paid or earn flex time for duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU Teachers shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to usethose clerical functions associated with planning and preparation, classroom management, student instruction, assessment and parent communication. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school day.
G. No MBU will Teachers shall not be required to get CDL licensure perform custodial functions or those clerical functions such as recording grades on permanent records or scoring standardized tests other than those required to be requested scored by a teacher under state law or regulations, copying student individualized education plans, generating student folders, attendance cards and disseminating generalized information materials to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV parents during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1last three days of school. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom Each teacher will be responsible for keeping an attendance register for each assigned class and reporting student absences, late arrivals and early departures consistent with District policy
E. Teachers shall be held responsible for the preparation of materials for classroom use.
F. Teachers at the elementary school level (K-5) shall not be required to plan PE perform cafeteria supervision. The Association shall furnish each elementary level building principal with a list of teachers volunteering to perform bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the district will assign elementary teachers to such bus supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of elementary teachers in a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other prior assignments. Secondary teachers shall perform one supervisory duty such as corridor supervision, study hall supervision, or advisory as deemed necessary by the building principal. Advisory is a support or study period to meet provide students access to secondary teachers for assistance. The Association shall furnish each building principal at its secondary level (6-12) with a list of teachers volunteering to perform such cafeteria or bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the mandates district will assign teachers to such supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of CS/CS/HB 967secondary teachers in a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other prior assignments Teachers assigned to detention, cafeteria supervision or bus supervision, will receive compensation for such supervision as set forth in Article XVIII, Section H (Non-Instructional Duties
G. Teachers shall not be assigned lavatory supervision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, teachers are expected to report as soon as practicable incidents which may result in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct including but not limited to smoking in the lavatory.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required Non-instructional duties in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workdayboth elementary and secondary schools shall be distributed equitably among all teachers.
B. Members of Elementary teachers shall perform corridor supervision as deemed necessary by the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Directorbuilding principal.
C. The Board Teachers shall not be required to perform such functions as the collection of money for insurance and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principalpictures.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement.
3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary.
E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In the event a teacher assigned duty is absent, the administrator will assign the substitute teacher to assume that duty.
F. MBUs shall be paid or earn flex time for duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU Teachers shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he those clerical functions associated with planning and preparation, classroom management, student instruction, assessment and parent communication. Teachers shall not be required to perform custodial functions or those clerical functions such as recording grades on permanent records or scoring standardized tests other than those required to be scored by a teacher under state law or regulations, copying student individualized education plans, generating student folders, attendance cards and disseminating generalized information materials to parents during the last three days of school. Each teacher will be unable responsible for keeping an attendance register for each assigned class and reporting student absences, late arrivals and early departures consistent with District policy
E. Teachers shall be held responsible for the preparation of materials for classroom use.
F. Teachers at the elementary school level (K-5) shall not be required to useperform cafeteria (breakfast/lunch) supervision, parent pickup and/or bus supervision as an unpaid duty. Non instructionalHowever, teachers may elect to take those duties and be compensated according to Article XVIII, Section E. The Association shall furnish each elementary level building principal with a list of teachers volunteering to perform cafeteria (breakfast/lunch) supervision, parent pickup and/or bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the district will assign elementary teachers to such cafeteria (breakfast/lunch), parent pickup and/or bus supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of elementary teachers in a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other prior assignments. Secondary teachers shall perform one supervisory duties duty such as referenced corridor supervision, study hall supervision, or advisory as deemed necessary by the building principal. Advisory is a support or study period to provide students access to secondary teachers for assistance. The Association shall furnish each building principal at its secondary level (6-12) with a list of teachers volunteering to perform such cafeteria (breakfast/lunch) or bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the district will assign teachers to such supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of secondary teachers in all a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other areas of the contract refer prior assignments. Teachers assigned to duties performed within the normal school daydetention, cafeteria (breakfast/lunch) supervision or bus supervision, will receive compensation for such supervision as set forth in Article XVIII, Section E (Non-Instructional Duties).
G. No MBU will Teachers shall not be required assigned lavatory supervision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, teachers are expected to get CDL licensure or be requested report as soon as practicable incidents which may result in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct including but not limited to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found smoking in the lawlavatory.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required Non-instructional duties in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workdayboth elementary and secondary schools shall be distributed equitably among all teachers.
B. Members of Elementary teachers shall perform corridor supervision as deemed necessary by the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Directorbuilding principal.
C. The Board Teachers shall not be required to perform such functions as the collection of money for insurance and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principalpictures.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement.
3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary.
E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In the event a teacher assigned duty is absent, the administrator will assign the substitute teacher to assume that duty.
F. MBUs shall be paid or earn flex time for duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU Teachers shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he those clerical functions associated with planning and preparation, classroom management, student instruction, assessment and parent communication. Teachers shall not be required to perform custodial functions or those clerical functions such as recording grades on permanent records or scoring standardized tests other than those required to be scored by a teacher under state law or regulations, copying student individualized education plans, generating student folders, attendance cards and disseminating generalized information materials to parents during the last three days of school. Each teacher will be unable responsible for keeping an attendance register for each assigned class and reporting student absences, late arrivals and early departures consistent with District policy
E. Teachers shall be held responsible for the preparation of materials for classroom use.
F. Teachers at the elementary school level (K-5) shall not be required to useperform cafeteria supervision. Non instructional/The Association shall furnish each elementary level building principal with a list of teachers volunteering to perform bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the district will assign elementary teachers to such bus supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of elementary teachers in a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other prior assignments. Secondary teachers shall perform one supervisory duties duty such as referenced corridor supervision, study hall supervision, or advisory as deemed necessary by the building principal. Advisory is a support or study period to provide students access to secondary teachers for assistance. The Association shall furnish each building principal at its secondary level (6-12) with a list of teachers volunteering to perform such cafeteria or bus supervision. Absent such volunteers, the district will assign teachers to such supervision. The Association will have the right and opportunity to present the building principal with a list of secondary teachers in all a descending order of seniority. The building principal will, absent volunteers, make assignments from such seniority list selecting in rotating order the next person on the list who is free from any other areas of the contract refer prior assignments Teachers assigned to duties performed within the normal school daydetention, cafeteria supervision or bus supervision, will receive compensation for such supervision as set forth in Article XVIII, Section H (Non-Instructional Duties).
G. No MBU will Teachers shall not be required assigned lavatory supervision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, teachers are expected to get CDL licensure or be requested report as soon as practicable incidents which may result in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct including but not limited to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found smoking in the lawlavatory.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday.
B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director.
C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement.
3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary.
E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In the event a teacher assigned duty is absent, the administrator will assign the substitute teacher to assume that duty.
F. MBUs shall be paid or earn flex time for duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W may be taken during the normal teacher work year, at the teachers’ discretion, at a time not requiring a substitute. No MBU shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to use. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school day.
G. No MBU will be required to get CDL licensure or be requested to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D discretion of the MBU and with the principal’s approval, the MBU may provide instruction other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
3. W LV WKH WHDFKHU¶V GHFLVLRQ DV WR ZKHQ DQG ZKHUH WIt is the teacher’s decision as to when and where the PE activities occur during the student day.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday.
B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director.
C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications Instructional Assistants are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplementsemployed to enhance and enlarge educational opportunities for students for the purpose of maximizing each student’s ability to learn/perform.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by Federation recognizes that supervision of students during non-instructional periods of the individual(s) receiving students’ school day is a necessary function of school personnel to insure the supplement(s). Portions health and safety of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplementstudents.
3. Participation by teachers in extraNon-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall instructional Duties will be voluntaryassigned equitably. Administration will consider the needs of the academic program when assigning duties
4. Instructional Assistants who do lunch supervision duty during the students/lunch period will be provided an alternative duty-free lunch period of equal time.
E. To 4.1 If the alternate lunch period interferes significantly with the instructional program, Instructional Assistants may be asked to volunteer to give up their duty- free lunch to do lunch duty and will be compensated at their hourly rate. At no time will an employee receive both a duty-free lunch and lunch duty compensation.
5. Nurse Assistants will not be asked or expected to volunteer to perform lunch supervision or other non-instructional duties except those which arise as a part of their major job responsibilities, or in cases of emergency.
6. Before and after school playground duty/bus duty/recess duty will be assigned on a rotating basis in an as equitable manner as possible in an attempt to provide proper adequate supervision of students.
6.1 It is recognized that Instructional Assistants scheduled for Elementary Site Bus Duty will not be supervised by the bus driver/bus company. All Instructional assistants who are assigned to this duty will be trained on bus procedures and will be provided with the necessary first aid training.
6.2 This scheduling of duty will be comprised of teams for each route, and the team will develop an equitable schedule for the duty and submit it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility to the administrator for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etcapproval. Where teachers do If the team cannot volunteer for these duties, agree on a schedule or if the principal shall assign them. There shall be insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. In administrator does not approve the event a teacher assigned duty is absentsubmitted schedule by the team, the administrator will assign meet with the substitute teacher to assume that dutyteam and decide the schedule.
F. MBUs shall 6.3 Should an emergency occur when an instructional assistant is on site Bus Duty, the District will provide transportation. An emergency is a situation that arises during the day requiring action by an employee which cannot wait until the workday is over.
6.4 Site principal/principal designee will provide personnel to fulfill the before and after school bus duties.
7. Food Service Employees will only be paid asked or earn flex time for required to work to support the fund raising activities of other departments, of clubs/organizations or classes as so stated in their job descriptions. This will be done on an equitable basis if no volunteers are available.
7.1 Food Service employment agreements with the District will reflect that extra duty assignments may be required on a volunteer or rotation basis.
7.2 Food Service employees who are assigned extra duties that are non-instructional and/or supervisory in nature for times that extend before or after the their regular work day. Examples of such duties are ground duty, hall duty, cafeteria duty, bus/car duty, etc. Payment/flex time for such non-instructional and/or supervisory duties shall be made if the MBU volunteers to perform such duties during his/her duty free lunch period. All employees who are paid shall workday will be compensated in accordance with the salary schedules as attached in Appendix B.4. Any accumulated flex time PD\ EH WDNHQ GXULQJ WKH QRUPDO WHDFKHU ZRUN \HDU DW W No MBU shall be required to perform duties for flex time that she/he will be unable to use. Non instructional/supervisory duties as referenced in all other areas at their regular rate of the contract refer to duties performed within the normal school daypay.
G. No MBU will be required to get CDL licensure or be requested to drive a bus.
H. Elementary teachers will provide supervision and maintain discipline during PE activities developed by the District, recorded on video tape, and broadcast via the school-wide ITV during the regular student day for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.
1. At the individual discretiRQ RI WKH 0%8 DQG ZLWK WKH SULQFLSDO¶V D other than the videos for physical education. Such instruction must conform with the definition of physical education as found in the law.
2. Documentation of all PE activities is to be recorded in the teacher plan book.
4. Implementation of this law will not result in reduction of recess time at any elementary school.
5. No MBU who is a classroom teacher will be required to plan PE in order to meet the mandates of CS/CS/HB 967.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement