Notice to Employee - Specially Funded Programs Sample Clauses

Notice to Employee - Specially Funded Programs. Consistent with the provisions of Education code §88017, in cases where positions in specially funded programs expire at the end of a school year, classified employees subject to layoff for lack of funds shall receive written notice on or before April 29. If the termination date of the specially funded program is other than June 30, the notice shall be given at least 60 days before the effective date of the layoff.

Related to Notice to Employee - Specially Funded Programs

  • Self-Funded Leave Plan (a) The Self-Funded Leave Plan shall afford an Employee the opportunity to enter into an agreement with the Board to take a one year Self-Funded Leave. During the leave term the Employee shall agree to be paid at: (i) 5/6 leave plan 83% of salary (ii) 4/5 leave plan 80% of salary (iii) 3/4 leave plan 75% of salary

  • Special Parental Allowance for Totally Disabled Employees (a) An employee who: (i) fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 17.05(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the Government Employees Compensation Act prevents the employee from receiving Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits, and (ii) has satisfied all of the other eligibility criteria specified in paragraph 17.05(a), other than those specified in sections (A) and (B) of subparagraph 17.05(a)(iii), shall be paid, in respect of each week of benefits under the parental allowance not received for the reason described in subparagraph (i), the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the employee's rate of pay and the gross amount of his or her weekly disability benefit under the DI Plan, the LTD Plan or via the Government Employees Compensation Act. (b) An employee shall be paid an allowance under this clause and under clause 17.05 for a combined period of no more than the number of weeks during which the employee would have been eligible for parental, paternity or adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan, had the employee not been disqualified from Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits for the reasons described in subparagraph (a)(i).

  • OPTIONAL TWELVE-MONTH PAY PLAN 1. Where the Previous Collective Agreement does not contain a provision that allows an employee the option of receiving partial payment of annual salary in July and August, the following shall become and remain part of the Collective Agreement. 2. A continuing employee, or an employee hired to a temporary contract of employment no later than September 30 that extends to June 30, may elect to participate in an Optional Twelve-Month Pay Plan (the Plan) administered by the employer. 3. An employee electing to participate in the Plan in the subsequent year must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15. An employee hired after that date must inform the employer of their intention to participate in the Plan by September 30th. It is understood, that an employee appointed after June 15 in the previous school year and up to September 30 of the subsequent school year, who elects to participate in the Plan, will have deductions from net monthly pay, in the same amount as other employees enrolled in the Plan, pursuant to Article B.8.5. 4. An employee electing to withdraw from the Plan must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15 of the preceding year. 5. Employees electing to participate in the Plan shall receive their annual salary over 10 (ten) months; September to June. The employer shall deduct, from the net monthly pay, in each twice-monthly pay period, an amount agreed to by the local and the employer. This amount will be paid into the Plan by the employer. 6. Interest to March 31 is calculated on the Plan and added to the individual employee’s accumulation in the Plan. 7. An employee’s accumulation in the Plan including their interest accumulation to March 31st shall be paid in equal installments on July 15 and August 15. 8. Interest earned by the Plan in the months of April through August shall be retained by the employer. 9. The employer shall inform employees of the Plan at the time of hire. 10. Nothing in this Article shall be taken to mean that an employee has any obligation to perform work beyond the regular school year.

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Section 1. The Employer agrees to provide to the Union the statistical and program evaluation information provided to management concerning Employee Assistance Program(s). Section 2. No information gathered by an Employee Assistance Program may be used to discipline an employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to use accrued sick leave for participation in an Employee Assistance Program. Section 4. Each university will offer training to local Union Stewards on the Employee Assistance Program available in their university, on university time, where an Employee Assistance Program is available.

  • Radiation Therapy/Chemotherapy Services This plan covers chemotherapy and radiation services. This plan covers respiratory therapy services. When respiratory services are provided in your home, as part of a home care program, durable medical equipment, supplies, and oxygen are covered as a durable medical equipment service.

  • Outpatient Dental Anesthesia Services This plan covers anesthesia services received in connection with a dental service when provided in a hospital or freestanding ambulatory surgical center and: • the use of this is medically necessary; and • the setting in which the service is received is determined to be appropriate. This plan also covers facility fees associated with these services. This plan covers dental care for members until the last day of the month in which they turn nineteen (19). This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • listed as a covered dental care service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered dental care service under this plan. • dentally necessary, consistent with our dental policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • not listed in Exclusions section. • received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • consistent with applicable state or federal law. • services are provided by a network provider.

  • Dependent Care Assistance Program The County offers the option of enrolling in a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The program allows employees to set aside up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) of annual salary (before taxes) per calendar year to pay for eligible dependent care (child and elder care) expenses. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.

  • Pilot Project – One Employer Two Homes Employment Opportunities Where the local parties enter into these agreements, the agreement shall include the following principles:

  • Form B - Contractor’s Annual Employment Report Throughout the term of the Contract by May 15th of each year the Contractor agrees to report the following information to the State Agency awarding the Contract, or if the Contractor has provided Contract Employees pursuant to an OGS centralized Contract, such report must be made to the State Agency purchasing from such Contract. For each covered consultant Contract in effect at any time between the preceding April 1st through March 31st fiscal year or for the period of time such Contract was in effect during such prior State fiscal year Contractor reports the: 1. Total number of Employees employed to provide the consultant services, by employment category. 2. Total number of hours worked by such Employees.

  • Employee Assistance Program Neither the fact of an employee's participation in an employee assistance program, nor information generated by participation in the program, shall be used as a reason for discipline under this Article, except for information relating to an employee's failure to participate in an employee assistance program consistent with the terms to which the employee and the University have agreed.