Self-Funded Leave Plan. (a) The Self-Funded Leave Plan shall afford an Employee the opportunity to enter into an agreement with the Board to take a one year Self-Funded Leave. During the leave term the Employee shall agree to be paid at:
(i) 5/6 leave plan 83% of salary (ii) 4/5 leave plan 80% of salary (iii) 3/4 leave plan 75% of salary
Self-Funded Leave Plan. Regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible to access the self- funded leave plan established by the University, subject to the following terms and conditions:
(a) The plan is available to employees wishing to spread four (4) years' salary over a five (5) year period, in accordance with Part LXVIII of the Income Tax Regulations, Section 6801, to enable them to take a one (1) year leave of absence following the four (4) years of salary deferral.
(b) The purpose of the plan is to fund a leave of absence. It is not intended to help fund a retirement or other permanent separation from the University. Upon completing the leave of absence, the Employee must return to the University for a period equal to or greater than the duration of the leave.
(c) The employee must make written application to the Department Head/designate at least six (6) months prior to the intended commencement date of the program (i.e. the salary deferral portion), stating the intended purpose of the leave.
(d) Written applications will be reviewed by the Department Head/designate. Leaves requested for the purpose of pursuing further formal nursing education will be given priority. Applications for leaves requested for other purposes will be given the next level of priority on the basis of seniority.
(e) Initial approval must be given by the Department Head and final approval given by the appropriate Xxxx or Vice-Principal. Denial at either stage shall not be considered a violation of the agreement. However, approval will not be unreasonably denied.
(f) During the four (4) years of salary deferral, 20% of the employee's gross annual earnings will be deducted and held for the employee and will not be accessible to her or him until the year of the leave or upon withdrawal from the plan.
(g) During the leave, the individual may not be employed by the University in any capacity, even if that employment is casual and unrelated to his/her normal duties.
(h) The manner in which the deferred salary is held shall be at the discretion of the Employer.
(i) All deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, shall be paid to the employee at the commencement of the leave or in accordance with such other payment schedule as may be agreed upon between the Employer and the employee.
(j) All benefits shall be kept whole during the four (4) years of salary deferral. During the year of the leave, seniority will accumulate. Service for the purpose of vacation and salary progression and other...
Self-Funded Leave Plan. 17.01 The Employer agrees to make available a self-funded leave plan operated and administered by the Employer in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and Regulations made under the Act. This plan will enable employees to take a one (1) year leave of absence without pay, with full accrual of seniority, the right to continue participation in benefits, and provide for the deferral of pay over a set number of years leading up to the leave year.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. The Parties shall implement a self-funded leave plan to enable employees to plan and fund a one year leave of absence by regularly investing a portion of salary over a period of years.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. The Self-Funded Leave Plan is available to all employees who hold a regular continuing appointment and have completed their probationary period.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. F.5.1 The Self-Funded Leave Plan shall be as set out in Appendix E.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. The Board shall administer a Self-Funded Leave Plan in accord with a separate agreement.
Self-Funded Leave Plan a. Subject to the rules of compliance with regulations under the Income Tax Act, the College and the Union shall maintain a Self-Funded Leave Plan.
b. The College and the Union in cooperation with the Faculty Association shall maintain a committee of equal numbers of representatives to administer the Self-Funded Leave Plan.
c. Changes to the Self-Funded Leave Plan will occur only with the consent of all parties.
d. Copies of the Self-Funded Leave Plan shall be available from the College or the Union upon request.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. 26.01 The Self Funded Leave Plan has been developed to afford Employees the opportunity of taking up to one year leave of absence and, through deferral of salary, to finance the leave subject to the regulations under the Income Tax Act.
26.02 To be eligible to participate in the plan, an Employee must have three years service with the Board.
a) An Employee must make a written application to the Director of Education on or before March 31 requesting approval to participate in the plan.
b) On or before April 30, the Director of Education or designate shall reply in writing stating whether or not the application has been approved and providing an explanation if the application is denied.
c) The right to reject or approve individual requests to participate in the plan will rest solely with the Board.
26.04 a) In each year of the Plan preceding the year of the leave, an Employee shall be paid 80% of annual salary. The remaining 20% of annual salary shall be deferred and deposited to a joint trust fund at the Employer s banking institution with an account heading Bluewater District School Board In Trust for (name of Employee) . The amount deposited to this account will be retained for the Employee to finance the year of the leave. Interest will be retained and paid out at the end of the calendar year. Consideration will be given to a request for a leave to be financed by deduction of a larger amount of salary over a shorter period of time. For example, deduct for three years to finance a leave in the fourth year or deduct for two years to finance a leave in the third year. The length of the Plan shall not exceed six years, including the year of the leave. The scheduled year of leave will only be taken in the last year of the Plan.
Self-Funded Leave Plan. 4.3.1 The Self-Funded Leave Plan shall be as set out in Appendix I.